Series Editors
Nicola Di Cosmo, Mark Edward Lewis, and Walter Scheidel
The Dynamics of Ancient Empires
State Power from Assyria to Byzantium
Edited by Ian Morris and Walter Scheidel
Rome and China
Comparative Perspectives on Ancient World Empires
Edited by Walter Scheidel
Trouble in the West
The Persian Empire and Egypt, 525332 BCE
Stephen Ruzicka
Sui-Tang China and Its Turko-Mongol Neighbors
Culture, Power, and Connections, 580800
Jonathan Karam Skaff
State Correspondence in the Ancient World
From New Kingdom Egypt to the Roman Empire
Edited by Karen Radner
State Power in Ancient China and Rome
Edited by Walter Scheidel
The Confucian-Legalist State
A New Theory of Chinese History
Dingxin Zhao
Cosmopolitanism and Empire
Universal Rulers, Local Elites, and Cultural Integration in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean
Edited by Myles Lavan, Richard E. Payne, and John Weisweiler
Power and Public Finance at Rome, 26449 BCE
James Tan
The Jiankang Empire in Chinese and World History
Andrew Chittick
Reign of Arrows
The Rise of the Parthian Empire in the Hellenistic Middle East
Nikolaus Leo Overtoom
Empires and Communities in the Post-Roman and Islamic World, c. 4001000 CE
Edited by Walter Pohl
Roman and Local Citizenship in the Long Second Century CE
Edited by Myles Lavan and Clifford Ando
![Roman and Local Citizenship in the Long Second Century CE - image 2](/uploads/posts/book/291037/img/logo.jpg)
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Lavan, Myles, 1977-editor. | Ando, Clifford, 1969-editor.
Title: Roman and local citizenship in the long second century CE / edited
by Myles Lavan and Clifford Ando.
Description: New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2021. | Series: Oxford
studies in early empire series | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021027753 (print) | LCCN 2021027754 (ebook) |
ISBN 9780197573884 (hardback) | ISBN 9780197573907 (epub) |
Subjects: LCSH: CitizenshipRome. | Roman provincesAdministration. |
Constitutio Antoniniana. | RomeHistoryAntonines, 96-192.
Classification: LCC JC85.C5 R66 2021 (print) | LCC JC85.C5 (ebook) | DDC
LC record available at
LC ebook record available at
DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780197573884.001.0001
Clifford Ando and Myles Lavan
Ari Z. Bryen
Lisa Pilar Eberle
Myles Lavan
Rose MacLean
Aitor Blanco-Prez
Anna Dolganov
Georgy Kantor
Cdric Brlaz
Clifford Ando
This volume brings together a number of scholars who had independently been wrestling with various problems relating to the significance and function of Roman citizenship in the imperial period. Funding from a BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grant made it possible to organize a pair of workshops in 2017 and 2018 to compare notes and identify some areas where we could make progress together. This collective re-evaluation of the significance of Roman citizenship in the long century is the fruit of those discussions. We are very grateful to the British Academy and the Leverhulme Trust for their support, as well as to the Division of Humanities of the University of Chicago. We would also like to thank several other colleagues who joined us for one or both of the two workshops: Kim Czajkowski, Paul Du Plessis, Gabrielle Frija, Jill Harries, Saskia Roselaar, and especially Kostas Buraselis, who was unable to submit a paper to the final volume but whose fundamental work on Roman citizenship in the imperial period has been an important influence on all our work. Finally, we express our gratitude to Stefan Vranka at OUP; Sam Kumar at Newgen KnowledgeWorks, who oversaw the production process; and especially Wendy Keebler, who performed the copyediting with exceptional sensitivity, accuracy, and care.
Clifford Ando is David B. and Clara E. Stern Distinguished Service Professor; Professor of Classics, History, and in the College, University of Chicago.
Aitor Blanco-Prez is Assistant Professor of Classics at the University of Navarra.
Cdric Brlaz is Chair Professor of Ancient History at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland).
Ari Z. Bryen is Associate Professor in the Departments of History and Classical and Mediterranean Studies at Vanderbilt University and Associate Professor (by courtesy) in the Vanderbilt Law School.
Anna Dolganov is Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Vienna.
Lisa Pilar Eberle is Assistant Professor in the Department of History at the University of Tbingen.
Georgy Kantor is Official Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History at St Johns College, Oxford.
Myles Lavan is Reader in the School of Classics at the University of St Andrews.
Rose MacLean is Associate Professor in the Department of Classics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Classical texts are cited using standard and easily interpreted abbreviations. See the Oxford Classical Dictionary, 4th ed. The following abbreviations are used for corpora of inscriptions and papyri and other works of reference.
AE | LAnne pigraphique. |
A&R | Aphrodisias and Rome, ed. J. Reynolds. London, 1982. |
AvHierapolis | Inschriften, ed. W. Judeich. In Altertmer von Hierapolis, ed. C. Humann et al., 67202. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1898. |
BE | Bulletin pigraphique. |
BGU | Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Kniglichen (later Staatlichen) Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden. |
CAG | Carte archologique de la Gaule. |
CCAG | Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum, 12 vols. Brussels, 18981953. |