Authority and society in Nantes during the French wars of religion, 155998
This series aims to publish
challenging and innovative research in all areas
of early modern continental history.
The editors are committed to encouraging work
that engages with current historiographical
debates, adopts an interdisciplinary
approach, or makes an original contribution
to our understanding of the period.
Joseph Bergin, William G. Naphy, Penny Roberts
and Paolo Rossi
Already published in the series
The rise of Richelieu Joseph Bergin
Sodomy in early modern Europe
ed. Tom Betteridge
The Malleus Maleficarum and the construction of witchcraft
Hans Peter Broedel
Latin books and the Eastern Orthodox clerical elite in Kiev,
Liudmila V. Charipova
Fathers, pastors and kings:
visions of episcopacy in seventeenth-century France
Alison Forrestal
Fear in early modern society
eds William Naphy and Penny Roberts
Religion and superstition in Reformation Europe
eds Helen Parish and William G. Naphy
Religious choice in the Dutch Republic: the reformation of
Arnoldus Buchelus (15651641)
Judith Pollman
Witchcraft narratives in Germany: Rothenburg, 15611652
Alison Rowlands
The great favourite:
the Duke of Lerma and the court and government of
Philip III of Spain, 15981621
Patrick Williams
Authority and society in Nantes during the French wars of religion, 155998
Copyright Elizabeth C. Tingle 2006
The right of Elizabeth C. Tingle to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Published by Manchester University Press
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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
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For Mog, Katie and William
List of figures and tables
This book grew out of a chance encounter with a taxation register in the Archives Municipales of Nantes during the early weeks of 1997. The city had a lasting impression on me. Unusually for the west of France, the snow lay thick on the ground, the Loire had half-frozen over and ice floes were making their way downstream, to the Bay of Biscay. It was more like the St Lawrence at Quebec than temperate Brittany. The cold weather did not last, but the question remained of why the taxation register had been drawn up, by whom and for what purpose. This enquiry led me into the wars of religion.
Research for the book would not have been possible without the kind and professional help of the archivists and librarians of Nantes. I owe a special debt of gratitude to the staff of the Archives Municipales of Nantes and of the Archives Dpartementales of Loire-Atlantique, where the majority of research for the book took place. Thanks must also be given to the librarians of the Mdiathque of Nantes and to the curators of the Muse Dobre for allowing access to the museums rare books collection.
Colleagues in the History Division of University College, Northampton, deserve many thanks. The division supported several periods of sabbatical leave, and the School of Social Sciences generously provided research expenses for travel to France. The librarians of University College, Northampton, have provided much support in finding British-based sources. Away from Northampton, the colloquies of the European Reformation Research Group have been invaluable as a source of inspiration and advice. Thanks are also due to the readers and editors of Manchester University Press for their help with this work.
Special thanks must be given to two groups of people, with whom Brittany will always be associated in my mind. Wendy Davies and Grenville Astill first introduced me to Brittany when I was an undergraduate, during fieldwork on the East Brittany Survey. It was during one of the many associated field trips to the Redon region that I met my husband, Mog. He has patiently supported my work and travelled often to southern Brittany, in latter years along with our children Katie and William. Their support has been vital to the completion of this book.
Elizabeth Tingle, Creaton
List of abbreviations
A.B. | Annales de Bretagne et de pays de lOuest |
A.D.L.A. | Archives Dpartementales de la Loire-Atlantique |
A.E.S.C. | Annales, conomie, Socit, Civilisations |
A.M.N. | Archives Municipales de Nantes |
B.A.A.B. | Bulletin archologique de lAssociation Bretonne |
B.N.F.F. | Bibliothque Nationale de France. Fonds franais |
B.S.H.P.F. | Bulletin de la Socit de lHistoire du Protestantisme Franais |
B.S.A.H.N.L.I. | Bulletin de la Socit Archologique et Historique de Nantes et la Loire-Infrieure |
B.S.A.I.V. | Bulletin de la Socit Archologique dIlle-et-Vilaine |
F.H. | French History |
F.H.S. | French Historical Studies |
J.M.H. | Journal of Modern History |
Morice | H. Morice, Mmoires pour servir des preuves lhistoire ecclsiastique et civile de Bretagne, 3 vols (174246). |
Morice & Taillandier | H. Morice and C. Taillandier, Histoire ecclsiastique et civile de Bretagne, 3 vols (1756; reprinted 1974) |
R.H. | Revue historique |
S.C.J. | Sixteenth-Century Journal |
Travers | LAbb Travers, Histoire civile, politique et rligieuse de la ville de Nantes, 3 vols (written c.1750; Nantes, 1837). |