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Russell McDougall - The Roth Family, Anthropology, and Colonial Administration

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No family better represents the overlapping roles of administrator and scientist in the British empire than the Roths. Descended from a Hungarian emigrant to Australia, two generations of Roths served the empire on four continents and, at the same time, produced ethnographic, archaeological, and linguistic studies that form the basis for much modern research. This volume assesses the often-conflicting roles and contributions of the Roths as government servants and anthropologists. Most of the volume deals with Walter E. Roth, who developed foundational studies of both the Australian Aboriginesconsidered to be among the first systematic ethnographies anywhereand South American tribes while serving as Chief Protector of Aborigines in Queensland and later medical officer, magistrate, museum curator and indigenous relations officer in British Guyana. Henry Ling Roths contributions to the anthropology of Tasmania, Benin, Sarawak, and New Zealand are also enumerated, as are the publications and administrative activities of the succeeding generation of Roths. This volume serves the reader as a family biography, a slice of the English colonial history, and an important introduction to the history of anthropology.

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The Roth Family Anthropology and Colonial Administration Publications of - photo 1
The Roth Family, Anthropology, and Colonial Administration
Publications of the Institute of Archaeology University College London - photo 2
Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London
Director of the Institute: Stephen Shennan Founding Series Editor: Peter J. Ucko
The Institute of Archaeology of University College London is one of the oldest, largest and most prestigious archaeology research facilities in the world. Its extensive publications programme includes the best theory, research, pedagogy and reference materials in archaeology and cognate disciplines, through publishing exemplary work of scholars worldwide. Through its publications, the Institute brings together key areas of theoretical and substantive knowledge, improves archaeological practice and brings archaeological findings to the general public, researchers and practitioners. It also publishes staff research projects, site and survey reports, and conference proceedings. The publications programme, formerly developed in-house or in conjunction with UCL Press, is now produced in partnership with Left Coast Press, Inc. The Institute can be accessed online at http://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology.
  • ENCOUNTERS WITH ANCIENT EGYPT Subseries, Peter J. Ucko, (ed.)
  • Jean-Marcel Humbert and Clifford Price (eds.), Imhotep Today
  • David Jeffreys (ed.), Views of Ancient Egypt since Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Sally MacDonald and Michael Rice (eds.), Consuming Ancient Egypt
  • Roger Matthews and Cornelia Roemer (eds.), Ancient Perspectives on Egypt
  • David OConnor and Andrew Reid (eds.), Ancient Egypt in Africa
  • John Tait (ed.), Never had the like occurred
  • David OConnor and Stephen Quirke (eds.), Mysterious Lands
  • Peter Ucko and Timothy Champion (eds.), The Wisdom of Egypt
  • Beverley Butler, Return to Alexandria
  • Ferdinand de Jong and Michael Rowlands (eds.), Reclaiming Heritage
  • Dean Sully (ed.), Decolonizing Conservation
Andrew Gardner (ed.), Agency Uncovered: Okasha El-Daly, Egyptology, The Missing Millennium
Ruth Mace, Clare J. Holden, and Stephen Shennan (eds.), Evolution of Cultural Diversity
Arkadiusz Marciniak, Placing Animals in the Neolithic
Robert Layton, Stephen Shennan, and Peter Stone (eds.), A Future for Archaeology Joost Fontein, The Silence of Great Zimbabwe
Gabriele Puschnigg, Ceramics of the Merv Oasis
James Graham-Campbell and Gareth Williams (eds.), Silver Economy in the Viking Age Barbara Bender, Sue Hamilton, and Chris Tilley, Stone World
Andrew Gardner, An Archaeology of Identity
Sue Hamilton, Ruth Whitehouse, and Katherine I. Wright (eds.), Archaeology and Women
Gustavo Politis, Nukak Sue Colledge and James Conolly (eds.), The Origins and Spread of Domestic Plants in Southwest Asia and Europe
Timothy Clack and Marcus Brittain (eds.), Archaeology and the Media Janet Picton, Stephen Quirke, and Paul C. Roberts (eds.), Living Images
Tony Waldron, Paleoepidemiology Eleni Asouti and Dorian Q. Fuller, Trees and Woodlands of South India
Russell McDougall and Iain Davidson (eds.), The Roth Family, Anthropology, and Colonial Administration
Elizabeth Pye (ed.), The Power of Touch John Tait, Why the Egyptians Wrote Books
The Roth Family, Anthropology, and Colonial Administration
Edited by Russell McDougall and Iain Davidson First published 2008 by Left - photo 3
Edited by
Russell McDougall and Iain Davidson
First published 2008 by Left Coast Press Inc Published 2016 by Routledge 2 - photo 4
First published 2008
by Left Coast Press, Inc.
Published 2016
by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
Copyright 2008 Taylor & Francis
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.
Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The Roth family, anthropology, and colonial administration/edited by
Russell McDougall, Iain Davidson.
p. cm. (Publications of the institute of archaeology,
University College London)
ISBN 978-1-59874-228-2 (hardback: alk. paper)
1. Roth, H. Ling (Henry Ling), 1854-1925. 2. Roth, Walter E. (Walter
Edmund), 1861?-1933. 3. Roth family. 4. AnthropologistsGreat
Britain-Biography. 5. EthnologyAustralia. 6. EthnologyIndonesia.
7. EthnologySouth America. 8. AustraliaSocial life and customs.
9. IndonesiaSocial life and customs. 10. South AmericaSocial life
and customs. I. McDougall, Russell. II. Davidson, Iain, 1948
GN20.R58 2008
[B] 2008002749
ISBN 978-1-59874-228-2 hardcover
Judit Brody Barrie Reynolds Robert Hampson Russell McDougall - photo 5
Judit Brody
Barrie Reynolds
Robert Hampson
Russell McDougall
Alice Gorman
John Mulvaney
Iain Davidson
Gavan Breen
Regina Ganter
Richard Robins
Kate Khan
Ann McGrath
Geoffrey Gray
Helen Pringle
Neil L Whitehead
Janette Bulkan and Arif Bulkan
Michael Bennett
Julian Croft
Figures Table The editors would like to thank first and - photo 6
The editors would like to thank first and foremost Rosemary Williamson without - photo 7
The editors would like to thank first and foremost Rosemary Williamson, without whose expert text preparation, careful research and project management assistance, this book would not have been possible. We are also grateful to the following: David Elkins for photographic expertise; Mike Roach for cartographic expertise; Ken Kippen; Joanne McMillan; Gillian Willis; Michael and Audrey Bennett; Timothy Bennett. We thank the Faculty of Arts, University of New England, for its financial support of this project; and Sharon Gallen, UNE Conference Company, for her friendly and professional handling of the Roth Family, Anthropology and Colonial Administration Conference in Coffs Harbour (Australia), 2004.
Russell McDougall and Iain Davidson This book is a product of one of those - photo 8
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