The Politically Incorrect Guides to...
American History
Thomas Woods
The Bible
Robert J. Hutchinson
The British Empire
H. W. Crocker III
Robert P. Murphy
John Zmirak
The Civil War
H. W. Crocker III
The Constitution
Kevin R. C. Gutzman
Darwinism and Intelligent Design
Jonathan Wells
English and American Literature
Elizabeth Kantor
The Founding Fathers
Brion McClanahan
Global Warming
Christopher C. Horner
The Great Depression and the New Deal
Robert Murphy
Frank Miniter
Islam (And the Crusades)
Robert Spencer
William Kilpatrick
The Middle East
Martin Sieff
The Presidents, Part 1
Larry Schweikart
The Presidents, Part 2
Steven F. Hayward
Real American Heroes
Brion McClanahan
Tom Bethell
The Sixties
Jonathan Leaf
Kevin D. Williamson
The South (And Why It Will Rise Again)
Clint Johnson
The Vietnam War
Phillip Jennings
Western Civilization
Anthony Esolen
Women, Sex, and Feminism
Carrie L. Lukas
Copyright 2017 by Larry Schweikart and David Dougherty
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Cataloging-in-Publication data on file with the Library of Congress
First e-book edition 2017: ISBN 978-1-62157-650-1
Originally published in paperback, 2017
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To the Sons and Daughters of Americas Revolution
Table of Contents
R evolutions come and go. One could not even begin to calculate the number of revolts and revolutions in world history, or even in the modern era. So whats another revolution?
In any case, was Americas War of Independence a revolution at all?
To listen to the leftist writers (the term scholars doesnt seem applicable) whose interpretations dominate the teaching of American history, the Revolution was contrived by the wealthy. Howard Zinn asked, Did ordinary white farmers have the same interest in the revolution as John Hancock... or the slaveholders or the bondholders? Not really. Another Marxist writer, John Peterson, has praised the American Revolution, but only because the Americans carried through the bourgeois democratic revolution on a scale never before seen in history. A website called Knowledgenuts claims, Americas Revolution Was Fought by the Poor, Not the Citizens.
The Marxists cant seem to make up their minds: was the Revolution fought by the poor or by the wealthy landowners for their own interests? But lets not let logic stand in the way of a good Marxist rant. Not only are the leftist writers wrong, they cant even tell a consistent story!
Other scholarsthe ones who dont hate Americahave referred to the Declaration of Independence as The Great Declaration. We submit that its time to change the name of the American Revolution to The Great Revolution, for it, unlike any other, changed all of history for the good. Americas revolution was the first in history to assert that ordinary people could tell their leaders what to do, and not the reverse.
A Book Youre Not Supposed to Read
The Anatomy of a Revolution by Crane Brinton (New York: Vintage, 1965) is a solid comparison and contrast of the American, French, English, and Russian revolutions.
Our revolution immediately became the model for many other revolutionsbeginning with the flawed French Revolution. Yet Americas stuck and Frances did not. The American Revolution resulted in the foundation of a stable and prosperous republic. Elsewhere, revolutions were followed by countless other revolutions, coups, and wars. The only major issue the American Revolution left unresolvedthe full application of the phrase all men are created equal to slaves in Americawas resolved in the Civil War. As bloody as that was, the U.S. government never stopped functioning, and the U.S. Constitution never ceased operating. Indeed, the ultimate result of that Civil War was to apply the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the Declarations bold statement that all men are created equal to all.
Americas revolution was different from the outset. America supplied the world with the blueprint for a citizen revolution, but non-Americans were lacking the necessary traditions and foundations for such a revolution to succeed.
France needed five triesinterspersed with a restoration of the monarchy and two dictatorshipsto get a functioning republic without fatal flaws. Germany had its republic fail grotesquely and completely. Many other republics in Latin America and Africa did not even get off the ground. So-called democracies and republics in Africa are as distant from the rule of the peoplethe basis of a republic, or