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E.N. Kulkov - Stalin and the Soviet-Finnish War, 1939-1940

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This is the verbatim record of a secret and hitherto unpublished meeting, held in the Kremlin in April 1940, devoted to a post mortem of the Finnish campaign.

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Series Editor: David M. Glantz
Series Editor: David M. Glantz
ISSN: 1462-0944
This series focuses on Soviet military experiences in specific campaigns or operations.
David M. Glantz, From the Don to the Dnepr, Soviet Offensive Operations, December 1942 to August 1943 (ISBN 0 7146 3401 8 cloth, 0 7146 4064 6 paper)
David Glantz, The Initial Period of War on the Eastern Front: 22 JuneAugust 1941 (ISBN 0 7146 3375 5 cloth, 0 7146 4298 3 paper)
Carl van Dyke, The Soviet Invasion of Finland, 193940 (ISBN 0 7146 4653 5 cloth, 0 7146 4314 9 paper)
Leonid Grenkevich, The Soviet Partisan Movement 19411944, edited and with a Foreword by David M. Glantz (ISBN 07146 4874 4 cloth, 07146 4428 5 paper)
Tony Le Tissier, Race for the Reichstag: The 1945 Battle for Berlin (ISBN 0 7146 4949 5 cloth, 0 7146 4489 7 paper)
Series Editor: David M. Glantz
ISSN: 1462-0960
This series examines what Soviet military theorists and commanders learned from the study of their own military operations.
Harold S. Orenstein, translator and editor, Soviet Documents on the Use of War Experience, Volume I, The Initial Period of War 1941, with an Introduction by David M. Glantz, (ISBN 0 7146 3392 5 cloth)
Harold S. Orenstein, translator and editor, Soviet Documents on the Use of War Experience, Volume II, The Winter Campaign 19411942, with an Introduction by David M. Glantz. ISBN 0 7146 3393 3 cloth)
Joseph G. Welsh, translator, Red Armor Combat Orders: Combat Regulations for Tank and Mechanized Forces 1944, edited and with an Introduction by Richard N. Armstrong. (ISBN 0 7146 3401 8 cloth)
Harold S. Orenstein, translator and editor, Soviet Documents on the Use of War Experience, Volume III, Military Operations 1941 and 1942, with an Introduction by David M. Glantz. (ISBN 0 7146 3402 6 cloth)
William A. Burhans, translator, The Nature of the Operations of Modern Armies by V.K.. Triandafillov, edited by Jacob W Kipp, with an Introduction by James J. Schneider. (ISBN 0 7146 4501 X cloth, 0 7146 4118 9 paper)
Harold S. Orenstein, translator, The Evolution of Soviet Operational Art, 19271991: The Documentary Basis, Volume I, Operational Art, 19271964, with an Introduction by David M. Glantz. (ISBN 0 7146 4547 8 cloth, 0 7146 4228 2 paper)
Harold S. Orenstein, translator, The Evolution of Soviet Operational Art, 19271991: The Documentary Basis, Volume II, Operational Art, 19541991, with an Introduction by David M. Glantz. (ISBN 0 7146 4548 6 cloth, 0 7146 4229 0 paper)
Richard N. Armstrong and Joseph G. Welsh, Winter Warfare: Red Army Orders and Experiences. (ISBN 0 7146 4699 7 cloth, 0 7146 4237 1 paper)
Lester W. Grau, The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan. (ISBN 0 7146 4174 4 cloth, 0 7146 4413 7 paper)
David M. Glantz and Harold S. Orenstein, The Battle for Kursk 1943: The Soviet General Staff Study (ISBN 0 7146 4933 3 cloth, 0 7146 4493 5 paper)
E.N. Kulkov and O.A. Rzheshevsky
A.O. Chubaryan
H. Shukman
Tatyana Sokokina
Stalin and the Soviet-Finnish War 1939-1940 - image 1
First published in 2002 by
This edition published 2013 by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
Copyright 2002 A.O. Chubaryan
British Library in Cataloguing in Publication Data
Stalin and the Soviet-Finnish War, 19391940. - (Cass
series on the Soviet (Russian) study of war)
1. Russo-Finnish War, 19391940 - Sources
I. Kulkov, E. N. II. Rzheshevskii, Oleg Aleksandrovich
III. Shukman, Harold, 1931
ISBN 978-0-7146-5203-0 (hbk)
ISSN 1462-0960
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Stalin and the Soviet-Finnish War, 19391940/foreword by A.O. Chubaryan; edited in Russian by E.N. Kulkov and O.A. Rzheshevsky; edited in English and introduction by H. Shukman.
p. cm. - (Cass series on the Soviet (Russian) study of war)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7146-5203-2 (hbk)
1. Russo-Finnish War, 19391940-Sources. I. Kulkov, E. N. (Evgenii
Nikolaevich) II. Rzheshevskii, Oleg Aleksandrovich. III. Shukman, Harold.
IV. Series.
DL1096.S73 2001

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher of this book.
Typeset in 10.5/12 Ehrhardt MT by Cambridge Photosetting Services
by D. Glantz
by A.O. Chubaryan
by H. Shukman
Meeting of the Command Personnel at the Central Committee at the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) for Collecting Experience in the War Operations against Finland, 1417 April, Verbatim Record

[Khrenov; Kirponos; Oborin; Parsegov; Pshennikov; Rosly; Semenov; Sinitsyn; Stalin; Voroshilov]

[Alabushev; Bychevsky; Chernyak; Klich; Kozlov; Kryukov; Kulik; Lelyushenko; Meretskov; Mukhin; Nedvigin; Novoselsky; Stalin; Voroshilov]

[Batov; Chuikov; Frolov; Gorelenko; Kravchenko; Kulik; Mekhlis; Muravyov; Stalin; Vasiliev]

[Kopets; Kulik; Kurdyumov; Mekhlis; Meretskov; Mladentsev; Molotov; Ptukhin; Shevchenko; Shtern; Stalin]

[Khrulev; Kulik; Mekhlis; Meretskov; Rychagov; Shaposhnikov; Shchadenko; Shtern; Stalin; Vashugin; Zhdanov]

[Ermakov; Kovalev; Kulik; Kurdyumov; Mekhlis; Meretskov; Proskurov; Shaposhnikov; Stalin; Vashugin]

[Grendal; Kulik; Kuznetsov; Mamsurov; Mekhlis; Meretskov; Molotov; Pavlov; Proskurov; Shchandenko; Shtern; Smorodinov; Stalin; Vasiliev; Voronov; Zaporozhets]
Between pages 102103
The original Russian edition was supported financially by the Russian Humanitarian Research Foundation (Project No. 97-01-16239), and the Embassy of the Republic of Finland in the Russian Federation.
No period in the history of the Soviet Union and its Red Army has remained more obscure than its short, violent, and embarrassing war with Finland in 193940. Instigated by Stalin in the wake of his negotiation of the infamous MolotovRibbentrop Non-Aggression Pact with Hitlers Nazi Germany in August 1939, the Red Army invasion of, and ensuing war with, Finland fits into a far broader pattern of belligerent Soviet behaviour during the initial period of the Second World War. This broader pattern included Soviet participation with Germany in the dismemberment of Poland in September 1939; its military occupation of the Baltic States in October 1939; and its invasion and annexation of Romanian Bessarabia in June 1940.
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