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Joanna Wylde - Jerred's Price

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Jerred is a Saurellian spy, posing as a freighter captain/smuggler, and one who doesnt know the true meaning of love. Giselle is a barmaid hiding out on an Imperial space station, on the run for her life and leery of any man, especially one like Jerred. But from the moment they meet, passions get hot and desires run wild. When Giselle witnesses a murder, the mysterious freighter captain is her only hope for escape. Theres just one problem. He isnt willing to take her on for free. Before shes done Giselle will know what it means to pay Jerreds price. Readers Note: This book takes place within the Saurellian Federation series, but can be read on its own.

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Jerred's Price

Saurellian Federation - 3

Joanna Wylde

Chapter One

Transit Station Three

Just inside Imperial Space

Year 6296, Saurellian Calendar

Hows Giselle this evening? Vetch asked expansively as he walked into the bar.

Giselle winked at him, used to his flirting. The station was part of the freighter captains usual run, and he came in at least once every other week. She gave him a big grin and leaned forward across the bar, flashing her cleavage at him.

Im fine, Vetch, she said. Getting better all the time. What can I do for you?

My friend and I needed a comfortable place to talk, and naturally we thought of Manyas, Vetch said, gamely attempting to maintain eye contact with her. Every few seconds she caught his glance darting downwards. Men always looked at her chest first She was used to it by now.

Theyre still there, hon, she whispered conspiratorially. Dont worry, I check on

em first thing every morning, just for you.

Vetch blushed, and she gave a deep, rich laugh. Then he started laughing, too, and to her surprise he leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Youre one in a million, Giselle, he said. But I have business to take care of this evening. Can you set up me and my friend with a pitcher? Talking business is thirsty work.

Is there anything thats not thirsty work for you, Vetch? a man asked. Giselle looked up, startled.

Her breath caught.

Vetch had always seemed tall to her, but this man towered over the friendly freighter captain. His face was hard, angular, and a nasty scar twisted one side of it, pulling his features into a permanent snarl. Startled, she looked down quickly, but she couldnt seem to take her eyes off him. He wore tall, black boots that seemed to be made of leather, of all things. Leather was expensive Her eyes moved slowly upward following a roughened pair of black breeches that clung to every lean muscle of his legs.

A loose, black shirt draped his upper body, and he carried a leather jacket cradled in one arm.

His gaze met hers coolly as her eyes reached his face. That scar caught her attention again, and she found herself looking at it with morbid fascination. What kind of wound would do damage like that, and why hadnt he gotten it fixed? He cleared his throat meaningfully. Embarrassed, she flashed a smile at him. She had been rude. He didnt smile back. In fact, he didnt respond to her at all. Instead he looked away, checking out the room as if he was expecting trouble. Her intuition pricked, and she made a mental note to keep an eye on him. If there was trouble this evening, shed bet her last credit it would come from him.

Find a seat, and Ill be right with you, she said to him, trying not to let him see how uncomfortable he made her. Shed be damned if shed show him weakness.

Thanks, Giselle, he said softly. He rolled her name across his tongue slowly, as if savoring its taste and sound.

He nodded to Vetch, indicating a table against the wall. As they walked over together, she watched out the corner of her eye as he took a seat against the wall.

Definitely dangerous. She might want to warn Manya

She brought them their pitcher and some glasses, and tried flashing another smile at him. But even Vetchs expression was sober now, and it was clear her presence wasnt wanted. Then a group of Debsian traders came in talking loudly, and her attention was taken up filling their drink orders. Still, she pointed the man out to Manya when he came out from the back office to tend bar. She didnt like Black Leathers attitude one little bit.

The bar filled steadily over the next two hours, and while she checked regularly on the two men, they didnt want anything more from her. She had to admit, the way Vetchs friend ignored her piqued her interest. She was used to men noticing her, used to them paying attention when she flirted and smiled at them. She was getting nothing from him, although at times she felt as if might be watching her.

After she stopped by the table to check on them a third time, something flickered in his eyes as she brushed past himshe knew she was on to something. He noticed her, but he didnt want to show it. She smiled to herself, wondering why she was bothering to play this little game with him. Boredom? Maybe. A little flirting would make the shift go faster. After all, if he were going to cause trouble, he would have by now. She reached one hand to her already low neckline and pulled it down just a bit. Manya gave her a pointed look, which she ignored. Cleavage sold drinkshe knew that. She was just doing her job.

On her next pass through the tables she ignored Black Leather, focusing on the Debsians instead. She leaned over as she served the traders, flashing them a wide expansion of soft, sloping breast littered with ginger-colored freckles. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Black Leathers stare. She pretended not to see, and then leaned forward even further.

Anything else I can get you boys? she asked in a low voice, winking at the loudest of the traders. He was a bluff, friendly looking man who didnt seem used to getting attention from women. His friends hooted, and one slapped him on the back.

Encouraged, the man leaned forward and held out two fingers with a credit chit between them.

This is all yours, darlin, he said. I dont suppose you want to come back to my hostel with me?

Nope, she said with a wink, Im not really that kind of girl. But I appreciate the offer.

The men groaned, and then, to her surprise, their leader reached out and tucked the credit chit between her breasts. She drew in a breath, about to let him have it, when she caught a movement out of the corner of her eye. She had Black Leathers full attention now. Feeling pleased with herself, she laughed and stood up.

Thanks, sweetie, she said, picking up her tray and balancing it against one full hip. I appreciate the tip.

Another round! one of the traders said in a loud voice, face flushed from drink.

Well keep you busy tonight! They all broke into a round of cheers, thumping the table for emphasis. Feeling pleased with herself, she sashayed away from the Debsians toward the two men against the wall. Vetch waved her away from them, but she came over, pretending to misunderstand his gesture.

Can I get you boys anything? she asked. Black Leather shook his head, darkness filling his face. Vetch looked a little nervous, and Black Leather leaned back in his chair, lifting one arm casually and laying it on the seat back behind him. Her eyes ran down his body languidly. Then they stopped. He had a blaster holstered against his side. The jacket had hidden it from her sight when shed first come in.


Manya had a security screen on the door. Why hadnt it picked up his weapon? She felt the smile fade from her face, growing uncomfortable under his steady, cold gaze.

We ask our customers to check their weapons before coming in here, she said uncertainly, looking toward the bar for backup. Manya was deep in conversation with Kisti, the other barmaid. Neither looked in her direction. Its against station regulations to have a blaster in an establishment that serves alcohol. Its a serious offense.

I prefer to keep my blaster with me, he replied in a cool voice. She glanced at Vetch, saw him swallow, and then nodded her head, feeling sick. Black Leather was trouble. She had sensed that from the start, why hadnt she trusted her instincts? Damn men.

All right, then, she said, trying to smile. Ill leave you to your drinks.

This time there was no hint of a swing in her step as she walked away. She ignored the wave they gave her at another table, walked right past the bar and down the hallway to the ladies fresher. It was a one-seater, and she locked the door behind her with carefully controlled movements. She turned to the basin and flicked her hand in front of the spout. Warm water poured out, and she shook her head in disgust.

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