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Giselle Elizabeth Kennedy - Punishing The Princess 16 XXX Historical Erotica Books

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Giselle Elizabeth Kennedy Punishing The Princess 16 XXX Historical Erotica Books
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These innocent princesses are about to be claimed long and HARD by these rugged alpha males...
Hope you brought a towel because things are about to get wet!

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Punishing The Princess

(16 XXX Stories)

Story 1

A dark night, the weather was so cold, the rain was falling, the storm was strong; winter 1789 in Greece, a woman was pregnant, she was giving a birth to a beautiful little girl, a normal family, happy with their little girl, in the new year's eve, she gave a birth to her little girl on the night of the new year, it was a few moments before the new day, a fine line before the sun rise, a little girl had born, beautiful, red head little baby. The Father called her Elsa; its meaning either oath of God or God is satisfaction, the mother liked the name and smiled at her baby girl; Elsa.

After 18 years, 1808, Elsa's 18th birthday; a beautiful girl running in the woods, in her hand a basket full of red roses, her favorite, her tall red hair flew, she was running to her little town; in her way, and old woman stopped her;

"Hello, my girl."

"Who are you?"

"I'm just an old woman," she looked at the basket in Elsa's hand, "Beautiful roses."

"Thank you, ma'am, but I should not talk to strangers, I have to go."

The woman held Elsa's hand, she closed her eyes, Elsa tried to free her hand, but the woman was so strong, the woman kept her eyes closed, nodded with things, Elsa didn't hear or understand it, then the woman opened her eyes;

"You're the one."

"What?! Please, lady, let me go."

"My girl today is your 18th birthday and today is the day you'll find out your true self."

Elsa tried to get the woman's hand off her, the woman left her, Elsa looked at her hand, it was hurting her, the woman was so strong, she tried to massage it a little bit and when Elsa looked at her again, she didn't find her.

Elsa ran to her home, she opened the door and went to her mother, hugged her, the mother looked at her;

"My baby, are you okay?"

"Yes, Mother, I'm okay, I just missed you."

"Oh, really, tell me what did you get?"

"Nothing, just fruits and my favorite red roses."

"Beautiful." She kissed her on her cheeks; she felt that Elsa was shivering, "Are you really okay, Elsa?"

Elsa looked down; "Mom, when I was on my way to here, I met a lady, she held my hand and said wired things."

"Said what?"

"She said that today I'll find my true self."

The mother opened her eyes wide, gave her back to Elsa;

"Mother, are you okay?"

The mother pulled herself together; "Yes, Elsa, don't give attention to what that woman said, let her, she must be crazy, poor and needed help, don't talk to her if you see her again, okay, my baby girl?"

"Okay, Mother." She smiled at her mother, hugged her and went to her put the roses in water.

Elsa couldn't get what the old woman said to her, she kept thinking about it, also her mother acted weird, she wasn't herself, they were cleaning the house, then put the food, the father came, Elsa loves her father so much, she ran to him, hugged him;

"Father, how was your day?"

"Elsa, my dear, it was so good and how was yours?"

"Good, father."

He kissed her forehead, they sat and ate the lunch, Elsa's mother baked a cake, chocolate cake for Elsa, for her birthday, she decided to wait and took her husband;

"I want to talk with you."

"Everything is okay?"

Elsa left them and went outside the house.

"An old woman met our daughter; she said to her that she'll find her true self-today."

He looked at his wife;


"Nothing she left quickly, that's all that she said."

"Hmm, she can't know, she should not know about that, about us, about our identity."

"I know, but she'll be 18, and you know what will happen, how can we prevent it or stop it?"

"We finally found peace, far from any danger, if people knew who we are, they'll kill us, they'll kill Elsa, she's different."

"I know and that's where the problem is, she's the one, the powerful one, the one who born every 100 years."

"Maybe we should do something, maybe we should back to do it."

"No, we can't!"

"Okay, another option is to make her sleep and take her out of this town."

"Hmm, maybe that's what we have to do, I'll put something in her cake to make her sleep then we'll take her away."

Elsa was out with her friends, playing, talking and laughing, suddenly Elsa felt a headache and shivered, she ran to the wood, her friends tried to call her, but she ran fast, she fell down on her knees, her hands on the grass, she pulled some of it in her hands, her nails filled with dust, she began to sweat, she fell on her back and screamed, cried aloud, a pain in her body she couldn't resist, her hands on her head, her eyes opened so wide.

She hit the land, she felt the earthquake, she thought that this because of her headache, then she began to back to her normal, she hit again, again another earthquake, she was afraid, she breathed, when she got out her breath she felt it cold like so cold, she got so much afraid, somehow her mind told her to get up and go to her favorite red roses, she touched one of them, it was still young, didn't open and when she took it in her hands, the rose opened like grew up so fast, Elsa ran so fast to the town, when she got to it, she began to listen the thoughts, the people thoughts.

She ran to her home, got inside, her parents were in the kitchen, she went to her room, in her way, overheard her parents were talking:

"We will make her fall asleep, she'll be okay, darling, and well take her away."

She thought what was going on? What happened to her? Who is she? Was the old woman right? The questions ran in her mind and made her feel bad, her family must know something and hide it from her, she got in her room, she was tired, she felt bad, couldn't think right or know what was going on with her!

Elsa walked around the room, she couldn't stop thinking about what happened, what her parents said, what do they know? who is she? what happens to her? so many questions in Elsa's head and she can't find an answer.

Elsa heard foot steps;

"Elsa, my baby, are you okay?"

Elsa looked at her mother, she didn't say anything.

"Elsa, what happened?"

"What are you both hiding from me?"

Her parents looked at each other then looked at her, her mother came closer, she made her sit on the bed;

"Elsa, what happened? Is everything okay?"

Elsa stood up; she was angry and mad;

"Nothing is okay, what's wrong with me? What are you hiding, mother?"

"Elsa, sit! You have to come down to be able to talk."

Her father moved toward her, he put his hands on her shoulders, made her sit down;

"My dear, my lovely daughter, what we are going to say, you have to listen to it and understand it carefully. Okay!"

She took a deep breath, looked at her father and nodded.

"Your mother and me, we are from Romania, from big families, our families were friends, and both are witch families..."

She opened her eyes, she looked at her father, her face filled with many questions;

"Your mother from a family were all of them have the power of water, ice, and cold, but my family has the power of fire, hot and warm, witches always depend on four elements, fire, water, earth, and air. And every family or every element can't marry from the other, but I loved your mother, we loved each other, so we ran away and married, but before that a future reader, who can read the future told us that if we got married, we will have a child, that will be the one, that born every 100 years, the one who will have the power of the four elements, she didn't tell us if it'll be a girl or a boy, but she told us that the child will be strong, so powerful..."

He stopped for a second;

"But to tell you the truth we didn't believe her, so we ran away until we came her to Greece, and got married, had you, everything was okay until one day, you were 2 years old, so young and a baby, your mother put in your bed a red rose, your favorite, you held it, it wasn't grow, the rose was not open, it was a small rose, somehow your touch changed it and made it grew and opened it, then when you became 5 years old, we were sleep, the fire we sat finished, we were feeling cold, you were playing by your doll, I woke up from the feeling of being cold, to get some woods to sit the fire, but when I woke I found you sat the fire, then I knew the woman was right."

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