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Copyright 2017 Simon & Schuster
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ISBN 978-1-5072-0234-0
ISBN 978-1-5072-0235-7 (ebook)
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This book is intended to provide general information and guidance with regard to the treatment of acute injury or illness when professional medical attention is not readily available. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions in this book are intended to supplement, not replace, the advice of trained medical professionals. Medical attention should be immediately and urgently sought for any acute injury or illness of a serious or lasting nature. For any injury or illness of a chronic nature, please consult your physician before adopting any of the suggestions in this book. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of the information in this book.
Dave : I would like to dedicate this book to my grandson Jax Conley. Being autistic and nonverbal, he may never have the opportunity to understand the words written in this book; however, it is my hope that this book will prepare others for the task of self-reliance and also aid in their ability to work within a group aiding and/or searching for others. Many autistic children by nature do not understand the dangers of life, like wandering off alone, or realizing, If I walk into the lake I will drown. But like these children, we are all unaware of many dangers until we have been educated on how to avoid them or to deal with them if the need arises. Consider this a gift that hopefully will educate those who can comprehend these words from Jax and me to the future generations of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen.
Jason : I dedicate this book to my wife, Robyn, and my children, Ethan, Sydnee, Lindsay, and Daniel, all of whom have allowed me to pursue that which God has laid on my heart to accomplish, regardless of how difficult or harebrained the tasks may have seemed at the time. I hope that as you each hold this book over the years to come that it serves as reminder of the promises of God and His goodness to our family and that by His grace, we have already overcome the world. Never lose heart, and follow your dreams; work hard and all you set your hand to shall be blessed. I love you all.
Dave : I acknowledge with this fourth volume in the Bushcraft series all those who have taught before me. There are countless people through recent times who have inspired me and taught me invaluable lessons in both life and wilderness living. In no particular order these great men include Mors Kochanski, Steven Watts, David Wescott, Horace Kephart, Hyatt Verrill, Daniel Beard, Bernard Mason, George Washington Sears, and Ellsworth Jaeger. Men who have taught us not only through the written word but also by example that there is no true replacement for actual dirt time, experimental archaeology, and just plain grit to learn a valuable skill. I thank all of you for the contributions before mine and it is my honor to add to the volumes of outdoor guides that lead people to become more self-reliant.
Jason : I would like to acknowledge the emergency services community of which I am honored to be a small part. As a volunteer firefighter, first responder, and search team member I have been witness to hard work, sacrifice, and a sense of honor not often realized by those outside of this community. I would like to acknowledge specifically those who have had a direct hand in my training, without which this book would not have come to pass. William Rearden, chief of Kentucky River Fire & Rescue, has led by example over his twenty-plus years in the fire service. He has been the glue that has held the department together through adversity over the years, and without his leadership the people of Henry County, Kentucky, would have lost much-needed fire protection and rescue services. Mike Buresh, retired captain of Bluegrass Search & Rescue, whose guidance in search theory, tactics, and leadership has served me well in life beyond the scope of search and rescue. And finally, Michael Payton and Connie Miller, without whose sacrifices my career in Emergency Medical Services would not have begun. Michael Payton, chief paramedic of West Lincoln EMS in Hustonville, Kentucky, passed away in the line of duty in 1998 and it was in his honor that a memorial scholarship was set up by his mother, Connie. I was selected as a recipient of the Michael Payton Memorial Emergency Services Scholarship Fund in 2011 and this gift, given in honor of a fallen brother in EMS, leader in his community, and son of a grieving mother, allowed me to begin my training toward becoming an EMT-B and later an EMS instructor, WEMT, and wilderness emergency care instructor trainer. I am grateful for leaders such as these and others around the world who serve without recognition; may God continually bless your service to your communities, departments, and families.