Ashley Fitzgerald
Chakra for Sex
Harnessing the Sexual Energy
2015 by Michael Winicott.
2015 by UNITEXTO
All rights reserved
Published by UNITEXTO
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Tab le of Contents
In our world where there are so many differing views on sex and the sexual act, we can easily get confused which usually results in more complicated sex lives.
To enjoy healthy sexual energy is a very human trait. Our second chakra is the sacral. It is the energy center that controls our sexual powers and influences. When our sacral chakra is balanced and purified, we will discover more meaningful and satisfying sexual and creative lives.
Our sexual vibrations are powerful AND an important part of our physical and spiritual make up. This is exactly what this book is all about: a better understanding of how our sacral chakra can improve, heal and open our sexual channels.
This book will show you what a healthy and open sacral chakra can do. Although this is not an exhaustive guide to everything there is to know about chakras, you will get an amusing and interesting insight into how a happy chakra will benefit you.
Because chakra energy is incredibly spiritual, the condition of a healthy chakra will help with so many physical and spiritual aspects and you will soon learn the importance of balance.
Balance affects everything. It can influence the physical and psychological, spiritual and natural, male and female and even dark and light and especially good health or bad health.
You will soon learn about the energy centers up and down the body and how they act in
individual ways and affect many different things. One thing you will first notice is that although they range from top of the head all the way down to the underside of the torso they all must operate upon the vertical line of the spine which highlights the importance of balance.
Chapter 1. Wisdom of the Chakras
The seven chakras have been identified and revered as powerful physical connections to other mystical influences for thousands of years, so its no surprise to see how often they have been misunderstood and misrepresented over the years.
There have been many erroneous versions that barely touch on the long and incredible journey the science of the chakras have made over the years. We are talking ancient and incredible wisdom here, which is completely linked to the physical human body and the world it is connected to.
As a quick crash course through the known history of chakra we know there were written teachings regarding chakras as far back as 1500-500 BC. The written proof was handed down through the Vedas which was an ancient tradition of writing in Northern India. It is rumored the chakra knowledge may have come from the much vaunted Aryan people that has been dubbed a super human race for many years.
The origin of the word chakra has been universally accepted as meaning wheel. It probably represents the wheel of the chariots the gods used to pass across the sky each day which many believe is a metaphor for the passage of the sun. Chakras became even more known through the widespread popularity of yoga practices.
The word yoga means yoke or union and is based on rising above nature in order to arrive at pure consciousness. This would include attaining free fluctuations of the mind and emotions. Kundalini yoga used the chakra system in conjunction with the Tantric traditions and therefore called on tantric sex positions to best explain the union of two people or opposites.
The chakras are often explained as constantly rotating and vibrating just as the wheels of energy they have come to represent. They are so much more than sexual energies good for only tantric sex. Once understood you can learn about all the influences they can have such as helping to cure chronic illnesses and even influences our thoughts and behavior.
Chakras are there to promote a healthy balance and make sure the energy flows can travel through the body unhindered. Each chakra is an expression of the physical body via passage through the endocrine glands. This regulates both the physical and emotional processes throughout the body.
The chakras can be charged and recharged over and over to keep contact with the cosmic field around us. Imbalances can block these energy fields interrupting the flow throughout the body.
The main source of energy flows up and down through the spine from the top of the crown to the tip of the base. The seven major chakras should be aligned in a straight vertical line to achieve the best vertical power line and free flowing path for energy.
Chapter 2. The Seven Chakras
The seven chakras are usually associated with certain colors to visually represent their various aspects. This is because the ancient associations coming through traditional representations associate the chakras with multiple physiological functions. This can be classical elements, aspects of consciousness or other distinguishing characteristics.
Each chakra is housed in one particular energy center on the plain of the vertical spine. They are found in the most important areas affecting our vital systems and organs.
Here is a brief description of each.
Chakra 7 Sahasrara or The Crown
The Crown has violet as its color. It is found at the very top of the head as if pointing up to the heavens above. It is revered as the place of connection to the Supreme Being so it is linked with understanding and acceptance and ultimately bliss. It also goes by the name of the Chakra of Divine Purpose and our personal destiny.
Any blockage here will manifest itself in the shape of psychological problems. Physically the Crown Chakra is strongly associated with the Cerebral cortex and pituitary gland through the central nervous system.
Chakra 6 - Ajna or The Third Eye
The Third Eye can be found in the center of the forehead just above eye level and is matched with the color Indigo. This Chakra calls on us to challenge the spiritual nature of our life. It is understood as the chakra of perception, questioning and knowing.
The Third Eye concerns itself with intuition, vision and wisdom and has an insight to your dreams in your present life and recollections from your past lives. A blockage in this chakra will appear as problems with memory and depression and come across as mental rigidity or lack of foresight.
Chakra 5 Vishuddha or The Throat
The throat chakra is naturally the chakra of communication, self-expression, judgment and creativity. It is understood as the chakra of the senses. This includes inner and outer hearing, healing, the synthesis of ideas and also transformation and purification.
The physical attributes of the Throat Chakra has a strong connection to the neck, shoulders, arms and hands and also an association with the thyroid and pituitary glands. The Throat Chakra is represented with the color turquoise.
Chakra 4 Anahata or The Heart
The Heart Chakra is known in Asia as the house of the soul. This chakra is found in the heart and is the center of love and compassion and also peace and harmony. The heart chakra is connected to the color green and is complex as it is directly connected to its neighbor chakras.
When falling in love our feeling of unconditional love passes through the Heart Chakra and then onto the emotional center found in the solar plexus chakra. Strong feelings and attraction are followed later when moving into the Base Chakra which is often taken as a sign to settle down and start a family.
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