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Copyright 2019 Simon & Schuster
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Spear, Heidi E., author.
Title: My pocket chakra healing / Heidi E. Spear.
Series: My pocket.
Description: Avon, Massachusetts: Adams Media, 2019.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019015831 | ISBN 9781507211199 (pb) | ISBN 9781507211205 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Chakra (Hinduism) | Healing--Religious aspects--Hinduism.
Classification: LCC BL1215.C45 S642 2019 | DDC 131--dc23
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ISBN 978-1-5072-1119-9
ISBN 978-1-5072-1120-5 (ebook)
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This book is intended as general information only, and should not be used to diagnose or treat any health condition. In light of the complex, individual, and specific nature of health problems, this book is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions in this book are intended to supplement, not replace, the advice of a trained medical professional. Consult your physician before adopting any of the suggestions in this book, as well as about any condition that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The author and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this book.
Contains material adapted from the following title published by Adams Media, an Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.: The Everything Guide to Chakra Healing by Heidi E. Spear, copyright 2011, ISBN 978-1-4405-2584-1.
Are you looking for an easy way to practice self-care while connecting your mind, body, and spirit? If so, chakra healing could be the answer. The chakras are seven bright, glowing energy centers that control the flow of life-force energy within your body. Sometimes the chakras spin too slowly, sometimes too quickly, and sometimes just right. If they are spinning just right, energy travels freely to your physical, mental, and energetic bodies. This means you feel healthy, balanced, and happy.
At times, however, your chakras are out of balance. This book will help you learn to recognize when that happens and find balance through a variety of easy-to-follow methods. The experience of chakra healing is creative, magical, surprising, restorative, and cleansing. Chakra healing improves your mind, body, and spirit so you become more connected with wisdom, happiness, and the energy of love and gratitude that ties you to the universe.
In My Pocket Chakra Healing , youll learn what exactly chakras are, the correlation between your chakras and various body parts, and how chakra healing goes hand-in-hand with modern medicine and any spiritual choices you make. Youll also find more than fifty exercises you can do at home, at work, or on the go to bring awareness and balance to your chakras, including how to:
* Use crystals to connect with specific chakras
* Practice yoga poses that bring awareness to your chakras
* Meditate to focus on your chakras
* Heal energetic disturbances with aromatherapy sessions
* Manifest your desires by balancing your chakras
As you delve into these exercises, youll notice that some of them will make you feel good right away, but others will require regular and sustained practice to reap the benefits. Dont give up if an exercise doesnt pay off right awaykeep at it, and eventually you will see results! You can also jump around to the sections that look interesting to you, and go from there. Enjoy the process and feel free to personalize the ideas to match your lifestyle, energy profile, and preferences.
As you read this book, remember that you are unique. Go at your own pace and make a commitment to honor and listen to yourself as you explore your chakras. Follow your intuition and it will lead you to a life full of peace, joy, and love.
Chapter 1
Chakras are spinning energy centers that directly influence your well-being and how consciously and happily you create your lifes path. When all of the chakras are balanced, you feel safe, creative, strong, and secure in yourself and in relationships. You are comfortable speaking your mind, and your thoughts come together with clarity and ease. You also feel connected to your intuition and the vital energy of the universe. Chakras can sometimes become imbalancedbut fortunately there are ways to bring your deficient or excessive chakras into balance. This chapter presents the basics of chakra theory and introduces the seven major chakras of the body.
Chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disc, and the chakras are vortices of energy that spin as glowing wheels of light inside you. There are seven major chakras in the body. Throughout your life, what you experience on the outside (your environment, friends, and family) as well as what you experience inwardly (your thoughts and emotions) will affect your chakras and consequently your body and mind. When the chakras are all spinning in balance, you will find it easier to be doing the things in your life that you want to do, with ease and joy. You will also be able to tap into your true desires and create the life that you truly want to live.
Each of the chakras can be overactive or deficient, however, which means they are blocked and not in balance. Chakras can be out of balance since your time in the womb, or even earlier: in the yogic view, the karma you carry from your past lives is stored in the chakras. By becoming familiar with the physical and psychological signs and symptoms related to the functions of each chakra, you begin to understand how the chakras affect your mental, physical, and spiritual health. Then you will know where to focus your healing energy.