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Parnell - Rewiring the addicted brain : an EMDR-based treatment model for overcoming addictive disorders

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Parnell Rewiring the addicted brain : an EMDR-based treatment model for overcoming addictive disorders
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    Rewiring the addicted brain : an EMDR-based treatment model for overcoming addictive disorders
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As a clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of trauma, Dr. Laurel Parnell has found that many people who have suffered the effects of trauma use addictive substances or behaviors in an effort to relieve their pain. In Rewiring the Addicted Brain, Dr. Parnell applies her extensive expertise in Attachment- Focused EMDR and Resource Tapping to the clinical challenge of addictions recovery. It is filled with brain-wise, compassionate, resilience-supporting EMDR-based techniques that can be easily integrated into all levels of addictions treatment. Therapists and substance abuse counselors will find this a useful guidebook to help them navigate the difficult and complex terrain of addiction treatmentone that recognizes and addresses trauma and integrates repair of attachment deficits. Case material is interwoven throughout the text; also included are chapters presenting in-depth cases which illustrate the techniques. These cases include history and background of the clients as well as actual sessions employing the interventions specific to rewiring the addicted brain. -- from the back cover. Read more...

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What Experts Are Saying About Rewiring the Addicted Brain

Dr. Laurel Parnell has written a landmark book which is a must-read for anyone struggling with substance abuse and/or addictive behaviors and for the people who support and counsel them. Rewiring the Addicted Brainprovides a nuanced, compassionate and client-centered approach to treatment. Parnell focuses on enhancing resilience, healing attachment wounds and trauma reprocessing. Her resource tapping techniques build new neural circuitry that supports resilience and an integrated shift towards health and wholeness.

Kim Cookson, Psy.D., Director of Trauma and Resiliency Training and Services Southern California Counseling Center

Since its introduction in 2013, I have used Parnell's Attachment-Focused EMDR in my work with persons, both inpatient and outpatient, who are stuck in life destructive behaviors that are driven by addiction. In the complex addiction cases that I work with, Parnell's work has provided a clinical framework that functions to reprocess traumas that drive addictive behavior and help the individual stop their addictive behaviors by building stronger internal resources. These new internal resources allow the addicted individual to have more mature and healthy coping strategies in response to life stress, along with adaptive behavioral responses that help to rewire those dysfunctional neural circuitries that underlie and perpetuate their addictive behavior. In her latest work Rewiring the Addicted Brain, Parnell shows how to use Resource Tapping, EMDR, and her new Connecting the Consequences protocol to help addicted persons be successful in their efforts to develop a life free of addiction. Parnell's work is an invaluable resource for anyone who works with people who are impacted by addiction. For the professional clinician, this work provides the tools that will help you help your clients develop life changing internal capacities and skills, allowing them to live a life free of addiction. I recommend it highly.

Roy A. Blankenship, MA, LPC, LMFT, CSAT, CAADC, Chief Executive Officer, HopeQuest Addiction Recovery Center, Woodstock, GA

Dr. Parnell's work is at once brilliant and simple, deep yet accessible, validating of the destructive nature of trauma and hopeful of one's ability to completely heal.

With compassion, attunement and intelligence, Dr. Parnell guides therapists of all levels through reparative techniques that address the many layers involved in healing; from core trauma to consequential addictive behaviors to enhancement of self-esteem, resilience, and reduction of shame. As an eating disorder specialist practicing for 26 years, I applaud Dr. Parnell's original and creative use of AF-EMDR, resource tapping and the reparative, healing therapeutic relationship to effectively bring clients into full and joyous recovery!

Dr. Julie T. Ann, Licensed Psychologist & Eating Disorder Specialist, A New Beginning / TheHealthyWeighOut

Dr. Laurel Parnell played a massive role in helping me find my voice as an EMDR therapist, and I continue to be inspired by our early conversations on expanding the possibilities of EMDR-related interventions. In her latest offering, Parnell adds her perspective to a growing collection of EMDR-related interventions on a topic that is near and dear to my heart, addiction recovery. Clinicians and human services workers with a passion for healing the suffering caused by and connected to addiction receive plenty of new ideas for working with clients, especially in the area of resourcing. You can never have too many strategies for helping individuals struggling with chemical dependency, process addictions, and co-dependency issues. I am grateful to Parnell for offering her unique perspective on how to resource in this work, which I know is near and dear to her heart as well.

Jamie Marich, Ph.D., Founder, The Institute for Creative Mindfulness, Co-Author of EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness for Trauma-Focused Care; Author, EMDR Made Simple, Trauma and the Twelve Steps, Trauma Made Simple, Dancing Mindfulness

Copyright 2018 by Laurel Parnell - photo 1

Copyright 2018 by Laurel Parnell All rights reserved No part of this - photo 2

Copyright 2018 by Laurel Parnell.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed Attention: Permissions Coordinator, at the address below.

Green Tara Books
900 Fifth Ave. Suite 203
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: 866-798-7778

Cover design by Mary Ann Smith

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