
Its Your Move
Cover design: Paul McCarthy
Cover and flap photographs: Sean Twomey, 2me Studios
Copyright 2019 by Josh Altman. All rights reserved.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Altman, Josh, 1979- author.
Title: The Altman close : million-dollar negotiation tactics from America's
top real estate agent / Josh Altman.
Description: Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2019. | Includes
index. |
Identifiers: LCCN 2018061434 (print) | LCCN 2019003660 (ebook) | ISBN
9781119560104 (ePDF) | ISBN 9781119560128 (ePub) | ISBN 9781119560111
Subjects: LCSH: Success in business. | Selling. | Negotiation. | Real estate
Classification: LCC HF5386 (ebook) | LCC HF5386 .A5439 2019 (print) | DDC
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018061434
To my amazing wife Heather. The greatest close of all. Your support in the Altman Brothers office, our home, and life, has allowed me to consistently operate at the top of my game and be the best closer I can be. You're an incredible mom and have given me the best gift ever... our daughter Lexi. I look forward to many more negotiations with you in life. You are definitely the toughest negotiator I know, and you always keep me on my toes. You're my Ace.
by Robert Herjavec, Shark Tank
I first met Josh Altman five years ago when I was perusing properties online. I saw what I now know to be synonymous with his name: a great piece of real estate. Josh represented the house of interest and I emailed his general website immediately. Within minutes, he personally responded. The man already had options for me. He had a plan. Not only was he ready to show me the house that caught my attention, but he had lined up a few other exclusives as well, properties that were off-market and unknown to the public.
From our brief exchange over mere email, I knew I respected Altman for a few standout reasons. In my life as a businessman who deals with other professionals daily, even judging them on televisions Shark Tank, there are certain traits that make few entrepreneurs rise above the rest. Communication, creative outside-of-the-box thinking, hustle, and personalized attentiveness to clients always prevail. In my line of work these attributes are imperative. I knew at once, Josh had them in spades.
Within weeks, Josh showed me a couple dozen properties. One in particular stood out, but as I had been working with a few other realtors prior, I ended up purchasing a house that someone else showed me before The Altman Brothers came into the scene. Thats usually where the story ends for most people. Not for Josh.
Three years down the line, I had listed the house I bought with the realtor who sold it to me, only he could not find a buyer. It had been six months on the market with no bites. In the meantime, Josh had been consistently reaching out to me every few months. His follow-up was always consistent. The day came when I needed a change from my current realtor and the choice was a no-brainer. I gave Josh a shot at listing the home and as if effortless, he sold it. Not only did he sell it, he knocked it out of the park when it came to negotiating and closing the buyer. He treated my money like it was his own and was extremely strategic in the negotiations. I remember specifically when it got to a certain price, he insisted with the confidence of the expert he is. Robert, he said, take the deal! I trusted him. I listened. I signed. The man was right. It was an excellent deal for me.
While in escrow closing on that house, I tasked Josh with finding me a new home. Little did I know, he had remembered everything I liked and disliked from our first encounter three years prior. He tracked down the specific house I had adored and approached the owner. Turns out they wanted to sell. The fact that Josh remembered a preferred house from three years earlier showed me what kind of listener he is. In a customer service business, listening to your clients needs is so important, and it separates the good businessmen from the great. I was impressed and my wife and I were ecstatic to have the chance to own a house we loved. We bought it and live there today.
From that moment on, I told Josh he was my realtor for life. Still to this day, whenever I call, email, or text him, Josh always answers, ready and prepared to get the information I need. I get pitched business ideas from entrepreneurs all the time on Shark Tank, but rarely do I see someone who can negotiate and close deals like Josh Altman. Now, when I think real estate, I think of Josh Altman and The Altman Close.
Lets get right to it. This book is more than real estate. This book is Hollywood. By that I mean I am Hollywood. YOU have the capability and potential of being Hollywood, too. I use Hollywood not in the pretentious, superficial, glitz-and-glamour sense of the phrase take it from a blue-collar Boston guy who worked in the mailroom and not as a geographical location. Hollywood in Altman-speak is making the biggest deals at the highest levels with the wealthiest and most financially successful entrepreneurs, success not just being measured by bank accounts.
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