Hermit Crabs For Dummies
by Kelli A. Wilkins
Hermit Crabs For Dummies
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Publishers Acknowledgements
Project Editor: Laura B. Peterson
Acquisitions Editor: Stacy Kennedy
Technical Editor: Christa Wilkin
Composition Services: Indianapolis Composition Services Department
Cover Photo: Dorling Kindersky/Getty Images
Cartoon: Rich Tennant, www.the5thwave.com
About the Author
Kelli A. Wilkins is a freelance writer experienced in keeping and rescuing a variety of pets. She graduated from Hofstra University with a degree in Communications and recently completed the Commercial Writers program at Middlesex County College. The former Assistant Editor of Reptile & Amphibian Hobbyist magazine, Kelli lives in New Jersey.
This book is dedicated to the whole Kelly clan and to Robert for supporting me every step of the way.
Authors Acknowledgments
I want to thank my Acquisitions Editor, Stacy Kennedy; my Project Editor, Laura Peterson; and my Technical Editor, Christa Wilkin, President of the Hermit Crab Association (www.hermitcrabassociation.com), for all her experience and help.
Chapter 1
Choosing Crustaceans: All About Hermit Crabs
In This Chapter
Using this book effectively
Defining a hermit crab
Understanding the different types of crabs
Checking out hermit crab anatomy
W elcome to the world of hermit crabs! Although they are unusual pets, hermit crabs (or hermies, as their keepers affectionately call them) are very popular with people of all ages. Maybe youre a parent buying this book for your child or a kid buying it with your hard-earned cash. Maybe you just bought a hermit crab and need the essential scoop on getting set up as well as some general care info, or youve had one for a while but want a refresher on the best way to care for your hermie. No matter what your reason, this book gives you all the information you need to choose the right crab and take care of its every need, without bogging you down in lots of technical stuff. Although several hundred types of hermit crabs live around the world (including marine hermit crabs), this book focuses on six land hermit crabs that are commonly kept as pets in the United States.
First Things First: Using This Book
Hermit Crabs For Dummies is designed so you can find the answer to a specific question easily, without reading through lots of information you dont want at that particular moment. Begin with Chapter 4 if you need basic setup information, flip to Chapter 5 if you need to know what to do with a molting crab, or head to Chapter 2 if youre still on the fence about adding hermit crabs to your family. Or if you prefer, start at the beginning and read until you hit the back cover.
As you read, keep an eye out for text in italics, which indicates a new term and a nearby definition so theres no need to spend time hunting through a glossary. The monofont points out Web addresses worth checking out for additional information. You also run into a few sidebars (the occasional gray box); although the information in the sidebars is good, its not essential to the discussion at hand, so skip em if you want to.
Be on the lookout for the following icons sprinkled throughout the text that point out important information: