Start of Citation[PU]University of Oklahoma Press[/PU][DP]1962[/DP]End of Citation
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Start of Citation[PU]University of Oklahoma Press[/PU][DP]1962[/DP]End of Citation
Start of Citation[PU]University of Oklahoma Press[/PU][DP]1962[/DP]End of Citation
Edited, with an Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary By Maurice W. Mather and Joseph William Hewitt |
Start of Citation[PU]University of Oklahoma Press[/PU][DP]1962[/DP]End of Citation
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 6218051 |
New edition copyright 1962 by the University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Publishing Division of the University. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the U.S.A. |
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 |
Start of Citation[PU]University of Oklahoma Press[/PU][DP]1962[/DP]End of Citation
In The half-century since it was first published, the MatherHewitt edition of Xenophon's Anabasis has aged hardly at all. The wit of the editors and their wise counsel to the student of Greek are as lively and instructive as ever. The University of Oklahoma Press is happy to republish this model text in response to requests made by the Committee on Greek and Latin Texts of the American Philological Association and from teachers in many parts of the United States. A clearly written historical and literary introduction, copious notes, and a complete vocabulary make these first four books of the Anabasis invaluable to beginning and advanced student alike. |
A gratifying development to all who are concerned with the educational process in America is the increased interest expressed by students during the last dozen years in classical study. In schools and colleges, Latin and Greek are once more enjoying the prestige and the following which were traditionally theirs in another era. This fact has prompted us to republish Georg Autenrieth's A Homeric Dictionary and Clyde Pharr's Homeric Greek, and to publish the American edition of Gerhart Rodenwaldt's The Acropolis, the latter in English. |
The encouragement of the committee of the American Philological Association, and of Professor William H. Stahl of Brooklyn College and Dean Harry L. Levy of Hunter College, representing that committee, has caused us to undertake the publication of seven additional classical texts in the years 1962-65. Evelyn C. Evelyn C. Hewitt of Middletown, Connecticut, who survives her late husband, and to Mr. Paul W. Mather of Wellesley, Massachusetts, and his brother Mr. Richard B. Mather of Fort Montgomery, New York, the sons of the late Professor Maurice W. Mather, the warm thanks of the Press for their co-operation in the work of republication. |
![Picture 5](/uploads/posts/book/15095/407ecc533ce5847218d46283b4a7d044.gif) | SAVOIE LOTTINVILLE FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS. NORMAN, OKLAHOMA |
Start of Citation[PU]University of Oklahoma Press[/PU][DP]1962[/DP]End of Citation
This volume contains the text, with notes and vocabulary, of the first four books of the Anabasis, together with an introduction on the expedition of the Ten Thousand Greeks, Xenophon's life, and the army of Cyrus. In the division of the work Mr. Hewitt has written the notes on Books I and II, Mr. Mather those on Books III and IV. The writing of the Introduction and the selection of the illustrations rested chiefly with Mr. Mather, while for the preparation of the text and of the Vocabulary the editors were equally responsible. |
It is the aim in the Introduction to give briefly the story of the expedition, its causes and results, to sketch with considerable fullness Xenophon's career both as a man of action and as a writer, and to describe the military antiquities connected with the expedition sufficiently to make all references to them in the first four books of the Anabasis intelligible to the pupil. The short list of books at the end of the Introduction will provide interesting collateral reading for those pupils and teachers who wish to make a more thorough study of the expedition, of Persia, and of Xenophon. |
The text is based on a comparison of Marchant's edition (Oxford, 1904) with Gemoll's editio maior (Leipzig, 1899). In some details, however, neither of these authorities has been followed. For instance, the genitive plural of neuters in , like , is spelled regularly with contraction, as 62, 14. Again, in order to avoid variations in spelling, like , ![Picture 10](/uploads/posts/book/15095/549a443b14fe95ddbd0bc0d3c7ec34da.gif) ,![Picture 12](/uploads/posts/book/15095/6b40940cef8ea935e29a0ce683ca6e02.gif) |
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