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Raghavendra Rao K - Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE: Develop, test, and troubleshoot enterprise applications and microservices with Kotlin and Java EE

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Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE: Develop, test, and troubleshoot enterprise applications and microservices with Kotlin and Java EE: summary, description and annotation

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Build Java Enterprise Applications and learn how Kotlin makes it easier to code them using components like JSF 2.3, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.2, Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) 2.0, the Java API for WebSockets, JAX-RS 2.1, Servlet 4.0.

Key Features
  • An in-depth guide updated with all the latest features of Kotlin 1.2 and Java EE 8
  • Build microservices in Java EE with the help of Kotlin use cases
  • Explore coroutines, garbage collection, multithreading, memory management and more
Book Description

Kotlin was developed with a view to solving programmers difficulties and operational challenges. This book guides you in making Kotlin and Java EE work in unison to build enterprise-grade applications. Together, they can be used to create services of any size with just a few lines of code and let you focus on the business logic.

Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE begins with a brief tour of Kotlin and helps you understand what makes it a popular and reasonable choice of programming language for application development, followed by its incorporation in the Java EE platform. We will then learn how to build applications using the Java Persistence API (JPA) and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), as well as develop RESTful web services and MicroServices. As we work our way through the chapters, well use various performance improvement and monitoring tools for your application and see how they optimize real-world applications. At each step along the way, we will see how easy it is to develop enterprise applications in Kotlin. By the end of this book, we will have learned design patterns and how to implement them using Kotlin.

What you will learn
  • Understand Kotlin syntax and appreciate why its gaining in popularity
  • Explore the Java EE ecosystem and the APIs in Java EE
  • Implement applications using Kotlin
  • Overcome the challenges of developing the Java EE system using Kotlin
  • Gain insights into Java Message Services (JMS)
  • Build RESTful MicroServices and secure applications
  • Optimize applications with performance and monitoring tools
  • Understand design patterns and implement them
Who this book is for

Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE is for Java EE developers who want to build their enterprise project or application with Kotlin or migrate from Java to Kotlin. Basic knowledge of programming is necessary to understand the key concepts covered in this book.

Table of Contents
  1. Kotlin - A first look
  2. Kotlin - The Game Changer !!
  3. An Overview to Java EE and Kotlin
  4. Kotlin with JSF, CDI
  5. Kotlin With JPA and EJB
  6. Enterprise Messaging with Kotlin
  7. Developing RESTful Services with JAX-RS 2.0
  8. Securing JAVA EE Applications with Kotlin
  9. Implementing Microservices With Kotlin
  10. Performance Monitoring and Logging
  11. Design Patterns and Best Practices with Kotlin

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Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE Develop test and - photo 1
Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE
Develop, test, and troubleshoot enterprise applications and microservices with Kotlin and Java EE
Raghavendra Rao K

BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE - photo 2

Kotlin for Enterprise Applications using Java EE

Copyright 2018 Packt Publishing & Raghavendra Rao K

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly ...

To my mother my father and my beloved brother Foreword Despite the rapid - photo 3
To my mother, my father, and my beloved brother.

Despite the rapid proliferation of mobile and web technologies, developing software systems and applications for these environments continues to be complex and challenging. One of the primary reasons for this is the need to have an application run on an innumerable number of diverse devices and an increasing number of platforms. The fact that a programming language like Java is used in billions of devices today is due to its ability to work on any device regardless of its hardware and software, with the only requirement being the presence of the JVM interpreter. Modern and prominent programming languages, such as Kotlin, are taking the development of systems to the next level.

Kotlin is a language that has been designed from the ...

About the author

Raghavendra Rao K is a senior programmer who's skilled in Java, Kotlin, Groovy, Scala, Java EE, Spring Framework, Cloud Foundry, and Docker. He's a strong engineering professional with a bachelor of engineering degree focused on computer science and engineering. He's enthusiastic about code quality and loves refactoring.

About the reviewers

Dr. Uri Benchetrit has, over 35 years, assumed a wide range of research and development positions in academia and industry in diverse fields, including software development, software architecture, algorithms, robotics, cellular phones, optics, and medical devices. Uri has been working for Philips since January 2010. He has served as the chief software architect for the CT/AMI Business Group at Philips, and then as the head of software engineering research and technologies in the Software Center of Excellence (SW CoE) of the Philips Strategy and Innovation office.

Uri holds a BSc in computer engineering, an MSc in data communications, and a DSc in robotics, all from the Technion. His post-doctorate research was done at the University of Michigan.

J Vijayananda has been in the IT industry for over 22 years. He has been primarily in the medical and healthcare domain. Vijay has been primarily focusing on machine learning and deep learning in the medical domain. Vijay is currently the chief architect and fellow at Philips Healthcare and leads the data science and AI platform at Philips.

He completed his bachelor's degree in electronics and communications from Mysore University, and also has a master's in computer science from Georgia Tech University.


Writing this book was only possible with the support of many individuals who gave generously their time and expertise. I have been fortunate to work with wonderful human beings on this journey. My sincere thanks to everyone who helped me with this project with their effort, knowledge, and the time they contributed to the book.

First and foremost I thank the platform development team of Kotlin at JetBrains, who put their thought and effort into creating a pragmatic programming language.

I express my sincere gratitude to technical reviewers of my book, Dr. Uri Benchetrit and J Vijayananda, for their time and support.

I had the privilege of Henk Van Houten writing the Foreword for the book. Thank you Henk for reviewing the ...

What this book covers

The book starts with the fundamentals of Kotlin language and a brief about Java EE platform, then focuses on using Java EE with Kotlin. It also covers RESTful services, securing services and implementing Microservices. Lastly it covers Application monitoring,
Profiling and Design Patterns.

, Kotlin a First look, well be introducing you to the world of Kotlin . We learn the basics of Kotlin and take a quick dive into various features that the Kotlin language offers.

, Kotlin The Game Changer, explains how Kotlin would be a game changer in terms of developing real-world, enterprise applications. We discuss where Kotlin scores over Java and why it is becoming increasingly popular. After addressing key practices, and the advantages it has, we'll be building a basic Kotlin project using IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse. We then cover the Coroutines (a very lightweight thread) used for programming asynchronously. We will also learn about intermixing Java and Kotlin.

, An Overview of Java EE and Kotlin, gives a bird's eye view of the Java EE platform. We'll be introducing Kotlin in our Java EE applications. We discuss the challenges that Java EE needs to tackle to make Kotlin work in unison. The Kotlin plugins that will aid in the cause will be integrated into our Java EE applications as we begin our journey to build apps using Kotlin and embrace the new programming language. We also cover creating a web application using Servlets, and EJB with Kotlin.

As Kotlin is based on JVM, it is fully compatible with existing Java-based frameworks such as JSF.

, Kotlin with JSF and CDI, discusses how to make Kotlin work with JSF and dependency injection using CDI. We then discuss how we can use CDI to create domain events. We also cover interceptors and a use case where they can be applied. This chapter will be another significant step in our journey of developing Java EE applications using Kotlin.

, Kotlin with JPA and EJB, explains how to bootstrap JPA with Kotlin. We then move onto modeling JPA entities. We also discuss transaction management and handling exceptions in an application. Along the way, we'll integrate each of the preceding frameworks to build a real-world application.

Java EE 8 introduced JMS 2.0, which greatly simplified the development of applications involving messaging functionality.

, Enterprise Messaging with Kotlin, covers the development of messaging models using Kotlin and the Java Messaging Service (JMS). We will discuss messaging queues and topics. We will implement Point-to-point and Publish-Subscribe messaging models. We will also cover the acknowledging of messages and transactions.

, Developing RESTful Services with JAX-RS, discusses the concepts of REST specifications and examples of JAX-RS API. Furthermore, we'll be looking at Jerseya popular implementation of JAX-RS API, while implementing them in web services using Kotlin.

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