Recent World Bank Technical Papers
No. 379 Shah and Nagpal, eds., Urban Air Quality Management Strategy in Asia: Jakarta Report |
No. 380 Shah and Nagpal, eds., Urban Air Quality Management Strategy in Asia: Metro Manila Report |
No. 381 Shah and Nagpal, eds., Urban Air Quality Management Strategy in Asia: Greater Mumbai Report |
No. 382 Barker, Tenenbaum, and Woolf, Governance and Regulation of Power Pools and System Operators: An International Comparison |
No. 383 Goldman, Ergas, Ralph, and Felker, Technology Institutions and Policies: Their Role in Developing Technological Capability in Industry |
No. 384 Kojima and Okada, Catching Up to Leadership: The Role of Technology Support Institutions in Japan's Casting Sector |
No. 385 Rowat, Lubrano, and Porrata, Competition Policy and MERCOSUR |
No. 386 Dinar and Subramanian, Water Pricing Experiences: An International Perspective |
No. 387 Oskarsson, Berglund, Seling, Snellman, Stenbck, and Fritz, A Planner's Guide for Selecting Clean-Coal Technologies for Power Plants |
No. 388 Sanjayan, Shen, and Jansen, Experiences with Integrated-Conservation Development Projects in Asia |
No. 389 International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), Planning the Management, Operation, and Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Systems: A Guide for the Preparation of Strategies and Manuals |
No. 390 Foster, Lawrence, and Morris, Groundwater in Urban Development: Assessing Management Needs and Formulating Policy Strategies |
No. 391 Lovei and Weiss, Jr., Environmental Management and Institutions in OECD Countries" Lessons from Experience |
No. 392 Felker, Chaudhuri, Gyrgy, and Goldman, The Pharmaceutical Industry in India and Hungary: Policies, Institutions, and Technological Development |
No. 393 Mohan, ed., Bibliography of Publications: Africa Region, 1990-97 |
No. 394 Hill and Shields, Incentives for Joint Forest Management in India: Analytical Methods and Case Studies |
No. 395 Saleth and Dinar, Satisfying Urban Thirst: Water Supply Augmentation and Pricing Policy in Hyderabad City, India |
No. 396 Kikeri, Privatization and Labor: What Happens to Workers When Governments Divest? |
No. 397 Lovei, Phasing Out Lead from Gasoline: Worldwide Experience and Policy Implications |
No. 398 Ayres, Anderson, and Hanrahan, Setting Priorities for Environmental MAnagement: An Application to the Mining Sector in Bolivia |
No. 399 Kerf, Gray, Irwin, Lvesque, Taylor, and Klein, Concessions for Infrastructure: A Guide to Their Design and Award |
No. 401 Benson and Clay, The Impact of Drought on Sub-Saharan African Economies: A Preliminary Examination |
No. 402 Dinar, Mendelsohn, Evenson, Parikh, Sanghi, Kumar, McKinsey, and Lonergan, Measuring the Impact of Climate Change on Indian Agriculture |
No. 403 Welch and Frmond, The Case-by-Case Approach to Privatization: Techniques and Examples |
No. 404 Stephenson, Donnay, Frolova, Melnick, and Worzala, Improving Women's Health Services in the Russian Federation: Results of a Pilot Project |
No. 405 Onorato, Fox, and Strongman, World Bank Group Assistance for Minerals Sector Development and Reform in Member Countries |
No. 406 Milazzo, Subsidies in World Fisheries: A Reexamination |
No. 407 Wiens and Guadagni, Designing Rules for Demand-Driven Rural Investment Funds: The Latin American Experience |
No. 408 Donovan and Frank, Soil Fertility Management in Sub-Saharan Africa |
No. 409 Heggie and Vickers, Commercial Management and Financing of Roads |
No. 410 Sayeg, Successful Conversion to Unleaded Gasoline in Thailand |
No. 411 Calvo, Options for Managing and Financing Rural Transport Infrastructure |
No. 413 Langford, Forster, and Malcolm, Toward a Financially Sustainable Irrigation System: Lessons from the State of Victoria, Australia, 1984-1994 |
No. 414 Salman and Boisson de Chazournes, International Watercourses: Enhancing Cooperation and Managing Conflict, Proceedings of a World Bank Seminar |
(List continues on the inside back cover) |