Wills & Trusts Kit For Dummies
by Aaron Larson
Wills & Trusts Kit For Dummies
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About the Author
Aaron Larson is an attorney practicing law in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he lives with his wife and daughter. After graduating from the University of Michigan Law School, Aaron started practice as a quintessential small town lawyer, providing legal services that included estate planning, probate, and guardianship services. He subsequently worked for the Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he developed professional education programs for lawyers in areas including estate planning, litigation, and family law. His present legal practice focuses on civil appeals. He operates the ExpertLaw Web site (www.expertlaw.com), offering free legal information and assistance to consumers, as well as resources for legal professionals.
To my wife Laura and our wonderful daughter Emma.
Authors Acknowledgments
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Congratulations. Simply by opening this book you have put yourself a step ahead of most people. Yes, its tough to think about what will happen to your family after you die, but confronting these issues is part of taking care of your family.
My goal in writing this book is to give you the information and resources you need to create an estate plan. This book includes do-it-yourself tools to help you draft your own estate planning documents.
But dont go thinking that this book will help you only if you want to create your own will and trust. Its much broader in focus. I want you to be comfortable with estate planning documents, but also to recognize when youll benefit from professional estate planning services.
I am of the strong opinion that everybody needs an estate plan, and especially a will. With this book, anybody can create a simple will, even if it serves just as a stopgap before hiring a professional.
About This Book
Wills and Trusts Kit For Dummies is written in language that is easy to understand. It covers the basic issues in planning your estate, but also delves into the details and complications you can encounter in choosing your estate plan and creating a will or trust.