Arabic For Dummies
by Amine Bouchentouf
Arabic For Dummies
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About the Author
Amine Bouchentouf is a native English, Arabic, and French speaker born and raised in Casablanca, Morocco. Amine has been teaching Arabic and lecturing about relations between America and the Arab world in his spare time for over 4 years and has offered classes and seminars for students at Middlebury College, the Council on Foreign Relations, and various schools across the United States. He runs and maintains the Web site (which means gateway in Arabic).
Amine graduated from Middlebury College and has always been interested in promoting better relations between the West and the Middle East through dialogue and mutual understanding. Amine published his first book, Arabic: A Complete Course (Random House), soon after graduating college in order to help Americans understand Arabic language and culture. He has written Arabic For Dummies in an attempt to reach an even wider audience with the aim of fostering better relations through education.
He holds a degree in Economics from Middlebury and has extensive experience in the arena of international investing. He is a registered investment advisor and is a member of the National Association of Securities Dealers. Amine is currently working on his third book, Investing in Commodities For Dummies (Wiley Publishing).
Amine is an avid traveler and has visited over 15 countries across the Middle East, Europe, and North and South America. Aside from his interest in languages, business, and travel, Amine enjoys biking, rollerblading, playing guitar, chess, and golf. He lives in New York City.
This book is dedicated to my greatest and most steadfast supporters my family. To my mother for her infinite and unwavering support, and to my sister, Myriam, for her enthusiasm and passion you are my greatest inspirations.
To my father and grandfather, may you rest in peace, thank you for instilling in me such a deep respect and awareness of my roots and culture. I am honored to be part of the Bouchentouf family.
And to my grandmother, who recently passed away, thanks for always believing in me.
Authors Acknowledgments
This book would not have been possible without the guidance and input from the wonderful folks at Wiley Publishing. It has been an honor to work with a team that adheres to the highest standards of professionalism.
First, I would like to thank Kathy Cox, my acquisitions editor, whose insight into the Dummies methodology has been invaluable to me, and for her tireless dedication to this book. To Tim Gallan, my project editor, for his patient, thorough and insightful guidance. And to my copy editor, Elizabeth Rea, for her detailed and meticulous review of the manuscript. Also, thanks to Courtney Allen who helped us get the ball rolling in the early stages of the project. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with such a wonderful team.
Special thanks to Ben Smith from Harvard Universitys Center for Middle Eastern Studies for agreeing to serve as technical reviewer of the text. His comments have ensured that the translation of the text adhered to the highest degree of linguistic accuracy.
I would also like to extend a special thanks to my agent, Mark Sullivan, whose dedication and hard work is exemplary. Im proud to have someone so diligent and persistent representing me. Merci.
Also, thanks to my wonderful Arabic students at the Council on Foreign Relations: Mehlaqa, Danna, Mary, Mark, and Evan who helped me challenge myself and become a better communicator. And a special thanks to the hardworking folks at the ABC Language Exchange and to everyone at my alma mater, Middlebury College, for their enthusiasm and support of this project.
Finally, thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this writing period. I would not have been able to do this without your precious support.