Healing From BorderlinePersonality Disorder:
My Journey Out of Hell Through Dialectical BehaviorTherapy
Copyright 2012 DebbieCorso
Smashwords Edition
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Healing From BorderlinePersonality Disorder: My Journey Out of Hell through DialecticalBehavior Therapy is a work of nonfiction,but the writer has occasionally changed the names and otheridentifying information about places and persons in order toprotect their privacy.
Edited by Debz Hobbs-Wyatt
Cover Artwork by Fathima Begum, AF Designz
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The authenticity, directness and clarity ofthe shared internal experiences in this book give life, meaning andunderstanding to clinical terms such as splitting andtranslating DSM symptoms to a complex and unique person. I shareDebbies views that there is not one approach that works foreveryone, and from a clinicians perspective, having choices ofapproaches, strategies and resources in crafting an approach thatworks for the individual suffering from Borderline PersonalityDisorder, is the essence of a favorable therapeuticoutcome.
I believe the process of therapy isfundamentally a unique relationship where both parties acknowledgethat the goal is to work towards finding greater patience,tolerance, compassion and reclaimed joy in life, and if the therapyworks, all are enriched from the experience. I believe that readingthis book would be helpful for both clinicians as well as thoseexperiencing the emotional suffering of BPD.
~ Dr. Robert F. Fischer MD, ExecutiveDirector of OPI Living Programs, including the Roanne Program, aspecialized BPD treatment program for young adults ages 17-28 whosuffer from BPD or BPD traits and co-occurring conditions. Dr.Fischer is a practicing child, adolescent and adult psychiatristwith nearly 35 years of experience helping families. www.RoanneProgram.com
Debbie Corsos journey with DialecticalBehavior Therapy (DBT) is extremely inspiring for people strugglingwith Borderline Personality Disorder, their relatives, andclinicians working with them. Im extremely moved by her ability togenuinely describe moments of pain, hope, struggle, andfurthermore, ongoing commitment to make a difference in her life ona daily basis.
I fundamentally see that Corsos book is aunique contribution that highlights how effective therapytreatments in combination with a personal commitment to embracechange can make a radical difference in a persons life. Healingfrom Borderline Personality Disorder: My Journey Out Of HellThrough Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a must read for all ofus involved in behavioral change.
~ Patricia E.Zurita Ona, Psy.D.
East Bay Behavior Therapy Center
Debbie's story is one of hope and recovery.She allows the reader into the intimate and painful world ofsomeone diagnosed with an emotion regulation disorder and shows howsuffering can ultimately be transformed to create a life worthliving. I highly recommend this important book to my clients.
~ Amanda Smith, www.HopeForBPD.com
Some words from my readers
You and your journey are an inspiration toso many who are still struggling and looking for a way to have abetter life, and you are also inspiring hope for so many people wholove someone with Borderline Personality Disorderand hope in themidst of what can often feel like chaos is the most valuable giftone can give.
~ Cara L. Sachs, CPC,ELI-MP
Just want to tell you that many things aboutyour blog have been helpful, but the best thing for me so far isthe letter to families and friends of people with BPD. I saved itin my emails and printed it out for some loved ones. The letterhelped me understand who I am and shed some light on myrelationships with others and myself. I also appreciate the weeklywords of wisdom and list of BPD resources you offer. It is ablessing to me and many others. Embracing our similarities anddifferences together is a beautiful thing! I live in WV in theUnited States.
~ Joanna Stocks, West Virginia, USA
Plain and simple - thank you. My wife hasbeen misdiagnosed so many times over the last 15 years that thingswere becoming very hopeless, especially after nearly a year ofwork-related incidents that caused so much distress that she wentinto a darker place than I have ever seen her in. She is 36 yearsold now, and only now discovered BPD and the likelihood that shehas been struggling with this her whole life (along withbipolar).
Your blog and your publishing in social media allow her to knowthat she is not alone, and that there is a path that can help makeher life better, more manageable, and enjoyable. Additionally, yourexperiences are teaching me about BPD from a perspective andthrough words that my wife might not be able to express.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
~ Andrew, New Hampshire, USA
Your blogs have been the single mosthelpful, reassuring, and hopeful source of information in my lifeso far. Through them I have been able to recognize and understandmy own behaviors from your experiences making my life and peoplearound me that little bit easier.
For me you are an incredibly inspirational person. Being able torelate to someone who is experiencing the same dysfunction ofemotions has enabled me to feel 'normal' (in the BPD sense).
I follow your Twitter and Facebook accounts and look forward to theinsightful pieces of advice you have to give. Your work isexceptionally important for all people with BPD as it gives us asense of hope that one day we can live a life that isn't controlledby our emotions.
You are a truly inspiring woman.
~ SR, Wales, United Kingdom
Through reading Debbie's blog posts, I havecome to realize that having a diagnosis of Borderline PersonalityDisorder is not a life sentence. Yes, there may be times when Istruggle and will be triggered by various things, but throughreading how Debbie has coped and having tried out some of thecoping strategies, I know that I, too, can cope with 'difficultdays'. I am thankful for all of the hard work she puts into herblog and that I have a better understanding of my diagnosis. I nowwant to increase awareness and understanding of BorderlinePersonality Disorder in a similar way that Debbie hasachieved.
~ Natalie Evans, Gloucestershire, UK
Your site helped me re-realize there ishelp out there. You have encouraged me to seek help. Thank you.
~ Nicki, Wisconsin, USA
You have helped me to realize that I am notalone in my struggles, and that there is hope for recovery.
~ Shannon, California, USA
Debbie you have helped me tremendously, whenI felt at my lowest points your heartfelt advice and kind words ofwisdom and struggle were and still continue to be a lifeline. Icannot thank you enough for helping me to not feel so alone in mysadness and struggle healing from BPD. I am lucky to have found youon my journey towards recovery.
~ Rachel Hillary, United Kingdom
Debbie's writing truly encourages me. It's a relief to know that other people who have similarmental health issues, including BPD, are learning and growing andchanging, too!! Through Debbie's honest writing, her readersjourney right alongside her on her path to recovery, and she inturn journeys with us. She not only shares her knowledge ofDialectical Behavior Therapy, she gives us hope.
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