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Devraj Bardhan - SAP S/4HANA: an introduction

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Devraj Bardhan SAP S/4HANA: an introduction

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Devraj Bardhan, Axel Baumgartl, Dmitry Chaadaev, Nga-Sze Choi, Mark Dudgeon, Asidhara Lahiri, Bert Meijerink, Andrew Worsley-Tonks


An Introduction

2nd updated and revised edition 2018

Imprint This e-book is a publication many contributed to specifically Editor - photo 1

This e-book is a publication many contributed to, specifically:

Editor Meagan White
Acquisitions Editor Emily Nicholls
Copyeditor Melinda Rankin
Layout Design Vera Brauner
Cover Design Graham Geary
Photo Credit iStockphoto.com/503560460/ tunart
Production E-Book Marissa Fritz
Typesetting E-Book III-satz, Husby (Germany)

We hope that you liked this e-book. Please share your feedback with us and read the to find out how to contact us.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Names: Baumgartl, Axel, author. | Bardhan, Devraj, author.
Title: SAP S/4HANA : an introduction / Devraj Bardhan, Axel Baumgartl, Dmitry Chaadaev, Nga-Sze Choi, Mark Dudgeon, Asidhara Lahiri, Bert Meijerink, Andrew Worsley-Tonks.
Description: 2nd edition. | Bonn ; Boston : Rheinwerk Publishing, 2017. | Previous edition by Axel Baumgartl and six others. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017038227| ISBN 9781493215980 | ISBN 9781493215997 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: SAP HANA (Electronic resource) | Database management. | Management information systems. | Business enterprises--Data processing.
Classification: LCC QA76.9.D3 B3935 2018 | DDC 005.74--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017038227

ISBN 978-1-4932-1598-0 (print)
ISBN 978-1-4932-1599-7 (e-book)
ISBN 978-1-4932-1600-0 (print and e-book)

2018 by Rheinwerk Publishing Inc., Boston (MA)
2nd edition 2018

Dear Reader,

It almost goes without saying (though Ill say it loudly just this once!) that the author team weve gathered together for this second edition of SAP S/4HANA: An Introduction is an impressive one with a broad range of SAP knowledge. It has been my privilege to work with Axel, Dmitry, Nga-Sze, Mark, Asidhara, Bert, Andrew, and Devraj over the last six months, and were all excited to send this book out into the world!

The unique perspective that a team from IBM Global Business Services adds to the conversation is invaluableas youll see in the following pages. Whether youre new to the SAP world and want to see what this S/4HANA thing is all about, or youre an existing customer deciding when is the right time to make the leap, you should find this book to be a valuable guide. We give a broad view of what the new suite can do, from finance to logistics to industry solutions, talk through your deployment options (on-premise?cloud? hybrid?), and show you what it looks like to plan your digital transformation.

What did you think about SAP S/4HANA: An Introduction ? Your comments and suggestions are the most useful tools to help us make our books the best they can be. Please feel free to contact me and share any praise or criticism you may have.

Thank you for purchasing a book from SAP PRESS!

Meagan White

Rheinwerk Publishing
Boston, MA


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Foreword from Uwe Grigoleit

Digital transformation is no longer a future or emerging concept; businesses the world over recognize the radical reshaping of processes, products, and entire industries currently in progress. Today, a generational shift is underway, and its obvious that every company is, or must become, data-driven. Since its launch just over two and a half years ago, SAP S/4HANA has helped companies capture rapidly emerging opportunities and cope with equally fast-moving threats.

Now, with more than 1,000 live customer implementations, its safe to say that SAP S/4HANA is mainstream. Designed for in-memory computing, it provides the flexibility and responsiveness that companies demand, integrating disparate sources of data to enable true real-time insight and the ability to execute immediately. Companies that are deploying SAP S/4HANA as their digital core have a distinct advantage in todays marketplace.

Todays business world is one of constant, accelerating change. New technology trends regularly emerge with the power to deliver greater customer value while lowering barriers to entry. Companies that embrace digital transformation, then, recognize flexibility as a key competitive asset. Meeting ever-increasing customer expectations requires more than front-office, customer-facing changes. Innovation must occur throughout the organization to support new products, new processes, and new business models.

Of course, no one has a perfect view of the future, so companies must be ready with a foundation that provides the flexibility to pursue a variety of opportunities, regardless of when or where they emerge. For IT, that might mean a system that scales easily and consistently across geographies, regardless of software consumptionon-premise or in the cloud. For business, a system must allow for immediate execution with current, relevant decision-support information. Users can no longer wait for overnight or even hourly batch reports. In fact, the data needed to evaluate a new opportunity might be radically different from that which any prebuilt datamart can provide.

When insight, flexibility, and responsiveness are critical to successtoday and tomorrowcompanies cant rely on yesterdays technology. I encourage you to explore the power of SAP S/4HANA, our next-generation business suite, for your next-generation business.

Uwe Grigoleit
Senior Vice President and General Manager of SAP S/4HANA, SAP SE

Foreword from Cameron Art

For the past twenty years, much of what has been written about technologys impact on business has revolved around the Internet, with many words penned about how dot-com and born on the web companies are reshaping industries and their competitors. In todays market, huge inflows of capital are fueling a seemingly endless appetite to find the next big thing. Even after the dot-com bubble burst, however, much of what has been written has focused on the what of the Internet instead of the how of new technologies.

Every day we see the impact of technology on business models and industries. In every corner of the globe, there are new startups challenging established companies as well as existing companies moving into new markets, aided in part by technology. Consumers expectations have shot skyward based upon an expectation of deep engagement with products and services provided through technology. For individual companies, the focus is now becoming clearer. The goal is to use the conceptual framework of the Internet to recreate, reinforce, and reimagine the business itself.

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