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Galileo Press Inc. - SAP S/4HANA: an introduction

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Galileo Press Inc. SAP S/4HANA: an introduction

SAP S/4HANA: an introduction: summary, description and annotation

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Looking to make the jump to SAP S/4HANA? Explore what SAP S/4HANA offers, from the Universal Journal in SAP S/4HANA Finance to supply chain management in SAP S/4HANA Materials Management and Operations. Understand your deployment optionson-premise, cloud, and hybridand explore SAP Activates implementation approach. Get an overview of how SAP HANA architecture supports digital transformation, and see what tools can help extend your SAP S/4HANA functionality!Highlights include:

SAP S/4HANA Finance

  • SAP S/4HANA Materials Management and Operations
    • System architecture
    • Business cases
    • SAP HANA Cloud Platform
    • SAP Activate
    • SAP HANA, on-premise-SAP HANA, cloud edition
    • Technical requirements
    • Case studies
  • Galileo Press Inc.: author's other books

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    Axel Baumgartl, Dmitry Chaadaev, Nga-Sze Choi, Mark Dudgeon, Asidhara Lahiri, Bert Meijerink, Andrew Worsley-Tonks, Devraj Bardhan


    An Introduction

    Imprint This e-book is a publication many contributed to specifically Editor - photo 1

    This e-book is a publication many contributed to, specifically:

    Editor Meagan White
    Acquisitions Editor Emily Nicholls
    Copyeditor Julie McNamee
    Cover Design Graham Geary
    Photo Credit Shutterstock.com/377160475/ Ondrej Prosicky
    Production E-Book Marissa Fritz
    Typesetting E-Book III-satz, Husby (Germany)

    We hope that you liked this e-book. Please share your feedback with us and read the to find out how to contact us.

    ISBN 978-1-4932-1400-6 (print)
    ISBN 978-1-4932-1401-3 (e-book)
    ISBN 978-1-4932-1402-0 (print and e-book)

    2017 by Rheinwerk Publishing Inc., Boston (MA)
    1st edition 2017

    Dear Reader,

    Heres a little secret about the publishing world: The old adage about more hands doing less work doesnt always hold true for us. Get the wrong mix of people, and youll publish two years late with an uninspired manuscript. But when you get the right team together? When you have people with differing viewpoints but a shared vision? When everyone is dedicated to the project and their writing? Thats where the magic happens!

    It almost goes without saying (though Ill say it loudly just this once!) that the author team weve gathered together for SAP S/4HANA: An Introduction falls into the latter category. It has been my privilege to work with Axel, Dmitry, Nga-Sze, Mark, Asidhara, Bert, Andrew, and Devraj over the last ten months, and were all excited to send this book out into the world! The unique perspective that a team from IBM Global Business Services adds to the conversation is invaluableas youll see in the following pages.

    As always, your comments and suggestions are the most useful tools to help us make our books the best they can be. Let us know what you thought about SAP S/4HANA: An Introduction ! Please feel free to contact me and share any praise or criticism you may have.

    Thank you for purchasing a book from SAP PRESS!

    Meagan White
    Editor, SAP PRESS

    Rheinwerk Publishing
    Boston, MA


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    Foreword from Nancy Thomas

    Since the 1980s, weve seen the world transform into a digitized one. This digital enablement began with products such as DVDs and cameras and has since evolved into larger changes such as the Internet revolution, which brought us online marketplaces and e-commerce. These changes have already brought a huge disruption to traditional business and have laid the foundation for some incredibly successful companies, such as Amazon with its e-commerce platform.

    With the rise of the social network and the introduction of mobile devices and smartphones, digitalization walked into private households and changed the way people get in contact with each other and exchange information (e.g., Facebook). Digitalization has had huge implications on the social life and behavior of the current generation, which expects to have information at their fingertips and whose buying behavior demonstrates the need for instant fulfillment. They use all types of information before buying a product and mix online shopping with physical visits to the store, and they discuss their experience with the product with online social communities. These changes have already had a huge impact on traditional companies and the way they develop, produce, and sell their products.

    Market leaders in the digital industryGoogle, Facebook, and Appleare growing and extending their core market to fulfill the digital demand of the new generation. They are also developing new business models to try to conquer markets and industries outside their core business. This move of digital companies into new markets puts a large amount of pressure on traditional companies to change their way of doing business and to face the digital challengers.

    In short, it is essential for all companies, traditional and nontraditional, to build a digital platform that possesses the capabilities to enable their digital transformation.

    SAP started to evolve its core product SAP R/3 toward online capabilities with mySAP.com solutions that reflected the changing economy and customer behavior in the 2000s. More recently, SAP has developed SAP S/4HANA, a product that addresses digital transformation trends such as social media, big data, cloud solutions, mobile accessibility, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

    This book fully introduces how SAP S/4HANA can address and support the digital transformation of your company. It covers all relevant aspects, from value scenarios to a full digital transformation roadmap. The authors use their experience from different industries and concrete examples of when and how to use SAP S/4HANA, in combination with line of business solutions from SAP to show you how to support your digital journey. In these pages, the authors provide you with practical information and project examples of how to approach the changes to your ERP landscape.

    I hope that all readers of this book will deepen their understanding of the digital transformation and its implications on their ERP environment, as well as how SAP S/4HANA brings value to and supports this transformation journey. I also hope that every reader enjoys reading this book and that it opens new perspectives to the digital transformation and SAP S/4HANA.

    Nancy Thomas
    Managing Partner, Global Enterprise Applications, IBM Global Business Services

    Foreword from Markus Schwarz

    There can be no doubt that todays marketplace and the broader economy are driven by massive digital trends. Whether its big data, in-memory, mobility, cloud computing, or others, business leaders must develop strategies for succeeding in a digital world. Digital transformation is happening across all industries, in companies of all sizes, in every geography. New market entrants and new business models proliferate, offering incredible opportunities for all participants. Market leadersand those who hope to become market leadersmust adapt.

    Companies that look to digital transformation as an enabler instead of a disruption to normal business stand to gain market share, profit share, and mind share. Even the largest enterprises can benefit. After all, they frequently have the resources that start-ups can only dream of. Companies that are nimble, that have the ability to execute quickly, will win in the digital economy.

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