As editor of this new edition of Sir Henry Docwras Narration, I owe a number of debts of gratitude for help and encouragement during the compilation of the volume. First and foremost our thanks are due to Derry City Council Cultural Affairs Committee, whose publication subvention made this project possible. An especial word of gratitude is due in this regard to Mr Dermot Francis and his staff at Museum Services. The library staff at the Magee Campus of the University of Ulster gave freely of their time to track down manuscripts and obscure references. The staff of the Institute for Ulster-Scots Studies, in particular Mrs Mary Delargy and Dr Karen Stapleton, should be applauded for their diligence in assisting the editor. The Director of the Institute, Professor John Wilson, was always a source of support and encouragement.
The present edition could not have come to print without the meticulous typing skills of Gina McKinney, who transferred Sir Henry Docwras text to computer and is deserving of a particular mention here. The completed Introduction was read by a number of colleagues and I am grateful to Hiram Morgan, Peter Smith, Eamon Ciardha and John McGurk for all their comments and very useful criticisms. This volume would not have been so reader-friendly were it not for the expertise of Amanda McMullan of the University of Ulsters Academy for Irish Cultural Heritages, who produced the maps to accompany it.
Fintan Mullan and the staff of the Ulster Historical Foundation are to be congratulated not only for their role as publishers but for their forbearance of the editors foibles. Finally, I bear an especial debt of gratitude to Ellen Whelan for her constant support.
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