Physical Characteristics of the Australian Terrier
(from the American Kennel Club breed standard)
Head: Long and strong.
Ears: Small, erect and pointed; set high on the skull yet well apart.
Skull: Long and flat, slightly longer than it is wide.
Eyes: Small, dark brown to black (the darker the better), keen in expression, set well apart.
Nose: Black.
Muzzle: Strong and powerful with slight fill under the eyes.
Lips: Tight and dark brown- or black-rimmed.
Neck: Long, slightly arched and strong.
Height: 1011 inches at the withers.
Bite: Scissors with teeth of good size.
Shoulders: Long blades, well laid back with only slight space between the shoulder blades at the withers.
Elbows: Close to the chest.
Forelegs: Straight, parallel when viewed from the front.
Pasterns: Strong, with only slight slope.
Nails: Short, black and strong.
Body: Of sturdy structure with ribs well-sprung but not rounded.
Topline: Level and firm.
Loin: Strong and fairly short with slight tuck-up.
Tail: Docked in balance with the overall dog leaving slightly less than one half.
Hindquarten: Strong; legs well angulated at the stifles and hocks, short and perpendicular from the hocks to the ground.
Coat:Outer CoatHarsh and straight. UndercoatShort and soft. FurnishingsSofter than body coat. TopknotOf finer and softer texture than the rest of the coat.
Colors: Blue and tan, solid sandy and solid red.
Feet: Small, clean, catlike; toes arched and compact.
Meet the Australian Terrier, a strong, plucky little dog developed in Australia for use on small vermin. Learn how the Aussie emerged as a distinct breed from its terrier background and follow him from his past as a worker in his homeland to his present-day status as a friendly, active and intelligent house pet whose popularity spans the globe.
Small yet sturdy in build and robust in nature, the Australian Terrier is a versatile and adaptable breed that makes a delightful companion in most living situations. The rough-coated Aussie is terrier through-and-through, a wonderful pet for active owners. Learn about the Aussies personality and physical traits, as well as health concerns.
Learn the requirements of a well-bred Australian Terrier by studying the description of the breed set forth in the American Kennel Clubs breed standard. Both show dogs and pets must possess key characteristics as outlined in the standard.
Find out about how to locate a well-bred Australian Terrier puppy. Discover which questions to ask the breeder and what to expect when visiting the litter. Prepare for your puppy-accessory shopping spree. Also discussed are home safety, the first trip to the vet, socialization and solving basic puppy problems.
Cover the specifics of taking care of your Australian Terrier every day: feeding for the puppy, adult and senior dog; grooming, including coat care, ears, eyes, nails and bathing; and exercise needs for your dog. Also discussed are dog ID and safe travel.
Begin with the basics of training the puppy and adult dog. Learn the principles of house-training the Australian Terrier, including the use of crates and basic scent instincts. Get started by introducing the pup to his collar and leash, and progress to the basic commands. Find out about obedience classes and other activities.
By Lowell Ackerman DVM, DACVD
Become your dogs healthcare advocate and a well-educated canine keeper. Select a skilled and able veterinarian. Discuss pet insurance, vaccinations and infectious diseases, the neuter/spay decision and a sensible, effective plan for parasite control, including fleas, ticks and worms.
Know when to consider your Australian Terrier a senior and what special needs he will have. Learn to recognize the signs of aging in terms of physical and behavioral traits and what you and your vet can do to optimize your dogs golden years.
Step into the center ring and find out about the world of showing pure-bred dogs. Heres how to get started in AKC shows, how they are organized and whats required for your dog to become a champion. Take a leap into the realms of obedience trials, agility, earthdog events and tracking tests.
ISBN 13: 978-1-59378-290-0
eISBN 13: 978-1-62187-018-0
Copyright 2005 Kennel Club Books An Imprint of I-5 Press A Division of I-5 Publishing, LLC
3 Burroughs, Irvine, CA 92618 USA
Cover Design Patented: US 6,435,559 B2 Printed in South Korea
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, scanner, microfilm, xerography or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the copyright owner.
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Photography by
Paulette Braun, T.J. Calhoun, Alan & Sandy Carey, Isabelle Franis, Carol Ann Johnson, Bill Jonas, Alice Roche, Karen Taylor, Michael Trafford, Alice van Kempen and Mike & Sue Young.
Illustrations by Patricia Peters.
The publisher wishes to thank all of the owners whose dogs are featured in this book, including Vicki Benz, Richard & Ann Marie Hunter, Esther C. Krom, Alice & Neal Roche, Alexis Samarotta, Karen A. Ucci, Ida Ellen Weinstock and Alice Ann Wight.
Hailing from sunny Australia, this friendly chap is pleased to make your acquaintance.
The Australian Terrier is a small, confident, robust little dog that hails from Australia. He owes his beginnings to the early settlers of the country who were looking for a courageous, tough dog that was game and also an excellent ratter. Although he now is most often a loyal companion for his family, his original terrier instincts have not been lost, and he will be equally at home on a country estate, in a suburban home or in a city apartment.
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