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Solution Tree
Jeffrey C. Jones, CEO
Edmund M. Ackerman, President
Solution Tree Press
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This book is dedicated to my husband and
best friend, Russ. For years, you told me, Write
the book! and for years, I contemplated and
fretted. Thank you for believing in me and never
letting me quit on anything.
I finally understand why so many authors say they have too many people to thank. I find myself unable to adequately acknowledge everyone individually. With that said, I would like to thank the following people for their involvement in my life.
To Betz Frederick, thank you for believing in me and pushing me at every stage of my professional lifefrom my undergraduate education degree to my masters degree, National Board Certification, and PhD. You have never let me settle for less than I am capable of doing. I have come to depend on your constant support in my life. You have gone from teacher to mentor to friend, and I appreciate you more than you might know.
To Mark Boyer, you gave me my start, encouraged me, always included me, and provided more opportunities for my professional growth than anyone else has or possibly could. Thank you for being a cheerleader and visionary and helping me try to look limitlessly at the future.
To Bill Sparks, you have been a confidante, advisor, and encourager in my life. Thank you for your friendship and endless input on helping me grow.
To Cathy Battles, thank you for being the single most encouraging person I have ever met. Your generosity and tireless spirit constantly inspire me. Thank you for sharing every great idea and resource you have with me.
To Eileen Goodspeed and Orit Guriel Gately, thank you for all the fun and also for being my sounding boards. You showed me in action and in classrooms what I always believed learning mathematics can and should be.
To Jay McTighe, thank you for shaping my understanding of understanding. You have challenged and refined me as a writer but most recently, as a friend and as someone on whom I can call. Thank you for your generosity and for stretching my thinking.
To the mathematics teachers at the Roslyn, New York; North Shore, New York (especially Regina Newman); Webster, New York (especially Barb Goldammer); and Mount Morris, Michigan school districts; thank you for teaching me as much as I have taught you. I loved learning alongside you and your students as we endeavored to make learning mathematics conceptual and enjoyable.
To Shirley Frye, thank you for connecting me to Timothy Kanold and Solution Tree. You were a role model by reputation before I ever met you, and after meeting you and having you as a mentor, I am truly blessed.
To Nora Ramirez and Kim Rimbey, thank you for listening, sharing, and providing references for me. Thank you for bringing me onboard the Arizona mathematics team through the Arizona Association of Teachers of Mathematics (AATM).
To Claudia Wheatley, thank you for welcoming me into the Solution Tree family and being my champion. You never doubted that I could write a book; instead, you just told me to get it done, and get it done quickly.
To all the exceptional educators I am fortunate enough to call my friends, my fellow AATM board members, and my colleagues around the United States, thank you for your input in my life and the lives of all our students.
Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:
Ashley Bingenheimer
Instructional Mathematics Coach
School District of River Falls
River Falls, Wisconsin
Colleen Clower
Elementary Mathematics Coordinator
Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District
Fort Worth, Texas
Robert Curran
Mathematics Coach
Kings Trail Elementary School
Jacksonville, Florida
Luane Genest
Fifth-Grade Teacher
Sunset Heights Elementary School
Nashua, New Hampshire
Sandy Hawtrey
Education Consultant
Santa Barbara, California
Kris R. Hemstetter
Math/ELA Instructional Coach
Kent County Public Schools
Rock Hall, Maryland
Karyn Jones
Third-Grade Teacher
Monticello Intermediate School
Monticello, Arkansas
Michelle Luster
Elementary Math/Science Curriculum Coordinator
Katy Independent School District
Katy, Texas
Mary Manley
Instructional Coach, Response to Intervention Facilitator, and Campus Technology Liaison
Williams Elementary School
Arlington, Texas
Gwenanne M. Salkind
Elementary Mathematics Specialist
Fairfax County Public Schools
Fairfax, Virginia
Nanci N. Smith, PhD, is a full-time national and international consultant and featured conference speaker in the areas of mathematics, curriculum, assessment, differentiated instruction, and professional learning communities. Her work includes professional development in forty-five states and nine countries. Nanci has taught mathematics at the high school and university levels, and differentiated instruction as a masters course at Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University, and for the teachers at Singapore American School through Buffalo State University.
She was the mathematics consultant, designer, and author of the Meaningful Mathematics: Leading Students Toward Understanding and Application DVD series, and she developed a National Science Foundationfunded CD and DVD professional development series for middle school mathematics teachers. Her mathematics classroom is featured in the video series At Work in the Differentiated Classroom.
Nanci has authored several chapters and books in the areas of differentiation, effective mathematics instruction, curriculum design, and standards implementation. She has given interviews for publications and NPR and has been a featured speaker for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics national conference and numerous other conferences in the United States and internationally.