Declutter Workbook
Illustrated DIY Projects for your Home
Book 2
Luigi Harbin
Text Copyright Luigi Harbin
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Introduction - Cleaning Less in a Cleaner Home
I t is easy to dream of having a spotless home. One with clean floors, a scented bathroom, a gleaming kitchen, and a tidy well-organized bedroom. But, the means of achieving this, the actual cleaning, is something we choose not to think about.
A cleaning schedule is almost impossible to follow. Other priorities get in the way. Sound familiar? Housekeeping is actually a learned behavior. Learning how to do this well will bring you harmony and peace of mind.
You can live stress-free and keep anxiety at bay when it comes to keeping things in order. Your time is now.
Chapter 1 - Where Do I Start?
T he Wonderful Benefits of Decluttering
Clutter is defined as a collection of things, lying about in an untidy mess. How exactly does it form? How does a neatly stack of albums end up being clutter?
Basically, clutter forms when one loses control. When someone fails to make a decision, things have the tendency to pile up and cause clutter. Eventually, the pile becomes too overwhelming to tackle, and you are overcome by the mess you failed to put aside.
Finding some order and conquering your clutter helps to get rid of the mess. Decluttering, however, is fairly specific in intent. Basically, it is keeping things in order and in their rightful places. It also involves removing things that no longer belong in your home (or your life), because they waste not only your space, but your time and energy as well.
Okay lets make things simpledecluttering is good because of the following reasons:
It saves you a lot of time. The simplest benefit to living a clutter-free life is being able to avoid obstacles that only cause time delays. When your house is messy, you end up spending extra minutes trying to locate anything in your home. However, when things are organized in their respective places, you navigate through your house more conveniently, and time that is precious is significantly maximized.
It can reduce anxiety. A messy environment creates unwanted chaos in the mind. Clutter brings unnecessary stimuli you would rather do without. But when you are able to deal with it, you will notice your stress and anxiety are significantly reducedand life is more peaceful.
It can give you better sleep. Its never easy to find restful sleep when you have so many things going on in your head. During sleep, after you close your eyes and your physical body is resting, your mental activity is not completely shut down. As a matter of fact, the brain is continuously scanning for danger or navigating through the different external stimuli. The mess in your bedroom will most likely invade the serenity of your sleep, so keeping all kinds of triggers away will allow your brain to succumb to absolute rest.
It improves your creativity and productivity. Distraction gets in the way of ones smooth and productive thinking. When your mind is cluttered with distractions, it is more difficult to brainstorm. But when your mind is free, the liberation permits free range to exercise ones creativity. In the end, you are more productive and successful.
It simplifies your life. After a massive decluttering, you will be left with fewer possessions than when you started. This journey will force you to rethink your priorities. If you didnt pay attention before, you will be more aware now. You will realize you actually need less things, so you will no longer struggle with impulse buys. Decluttering keeps things in perspectiveand teaches you to live simply.
Your house is going to be so much cleaner. This is, of course, the most obvious benefit to decluttering. Everything is organized, so your house is clean, and there is a higher chance that it is allergen-free and disease-free. A clean home is a healthy homeapart from this, it will look so much better.
You work on decluttering your physical space not just for aesthetic appeal, but because it has amazing health benefits. If you are still unconvinced, this book is going to give you hundreds of ideas that will surely open your mind. And its effect goes even further, because keeping things in perfect order ultimately improves human relations within the home. When things are clean and orderly, stress is reduced and this eventually translates into harmony.
Avoiding Overwhelming Feelings
The unsurmountable tasks ahead of you are daunting. The good news is you are not alone. Not everyone has their life all put together in a pretty bow. There is work that needs doing, but the results will be worth it. Keep in mind that if you dedicate yourself to de-cluttering your home, you must do your part.
Cleaning up doesnt have to be a chore as well. It is easy to think that it is, but the secret is establishing a more welcoming, positive mindset in order for you to thoroughly enjoy and feel the satisfaction once youve done your daily tasks. Focus is essential to cleaning and it helps you keep working on your goals and being able to complete them.
Breaking Bad Habits
There is no question that a well-established cleaning routine goes a long way. Fight the battle one day at a time. You dont have to clean the whole house in one day. That would suck the time and energy out of you, leaving you to dread the next general cleaning day ahead.
Instead, develop a schedule that allows you to take only a few minutes of the day to clean a specific area. Then the next day, use those 10 minutes to clean another area of the house. Breaking tasks into smaller chores saves your energy. Focus on a specific area for the week. In the long run, you will end up with a cleaner house and it will seem less daunting.
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