Canon EOS 7D For Dummies
by Doug Sahlin
Canon EOS 7D For Dummies
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About the Author
Doug Sahlin is an author and photographer living in Venice, Florida. Hes written 21 books on computer applications, such as Adobe Flash and Adobe Acrobat. Hes also written books on digital photography and coauthored 13 books on various applications, such as Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. Recent titles include: Building Flash Web Sites For Dummies, Digital Photography Workbook For Dummies, and Digital Portrait Photography For Dummies. Many of his books have been bestsellers on Amazon.
Doug is president of Superb Images, Inc., a wedding and event photography company. Doug teaches Adobe Acrobat to local businesses and government institutions. He uses Flash and Acrobat to create Web content and multimedia presentations for his clients. He also hosts Pixelicious ( ), a weekly podcast on digital photography, Photoshop, and Lightroom.
This book is dedicated to my soulmate Roxanne.
Authors Acknowledgments
Thanks to all the talented people at Wiley for putting this book together. Special thanks to Steve Hayes for making this project possible. Kudos to Nicole Sholly for overseeing this project and lending a helping hand when needed. Many thanks to Dave Hall for an awesome job reviewing the technical stuff in the book. I am grateful to agent extraordinaire Margot Hutchison for ironing out the fine details between me and the publisher.
As always special thanks to my friends, family, and mentors. Extra special thanks are reserved for Karen, Ted, and Roxanne. And I would be remiss if I didnt recognize my social secretary, Niki the Cat and her new buddy, Micah the Madman.
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Y our Canon EOS 7D is the latest and greatest digital camera on the market with a stunning 18-megapixel capture, Live View, high-definition video, and much more. But all this technology can be a bit daunting, especially if this is your first real digital SLR (single-lens reflex). You no longer have modes like Portrait, Sport, Landscape, and so on. Youve graduated to the big leagues. All you have to do is master the power you hold in your hands.
Ive been using Canon digital SLRs since the EOS 10D, and Ive learned a lot about the cameras since then. I also own an EOS 5D MKII, which has a lot of the features found on your EOS 7D. My goal is to show you how to become one with your camera. I dont get overly technical in this book even though your camera is very technical. I also do my best to keep it lively. So if you want to master your EOS 7D, you have the right book in your hands.
About This Book
If you find the buttons and menus on your shiny new EOS 7D a tad intimidating, this book is for you. In the chapters of this book, I take you from novice point-and-shoot photographer to one who can utilize all the bells and whistles your camera offers. Youll find information about every menu and button on your camera as well as when to use them. I also cover what settings to use for specific picture-taking situations. I also show you how to use the software that ships with your camera.