And One More Thing Before You Go...
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I love you all to the moon and back.
Ive been thinking about how to live a meaningful life for pretty much all of my life.
You see, I grew up in a family where people did really big things. They ran for President. They started programs that changed peoples lives. They gave speeches that moved the world. And they never ever gave up trying to make our planet a better place.
Having come from all that, Ive thought a lot about how I could create my own space, forge my own path, come up with my own thoughts and beliefs, find my own purpose and mission.
Of course, the quest for a meaningful life is not mine alone. In fact, I believe that every single one of us is here on this earth for a reason. I believe its our lifes work to figure out who we are, what we think, what our gifts are, and how we can make a difference in this world.
Figuring that out takes time and thought. A meaningful life doesnt mean a perfect life. It means making mistakes. It means getting up and trying again and again. It requires strength, faith, hope, and love.
It hasnt always been easy to figure out what I, Maria, believe. Thinking and writing have helped me get there.
This book has evolved from a weekly column I write for my digital newsletter, The Sunday Paper. The column is called Ive Been Thinkingreflections that, I hope, can help us get above the noise of daily life by providing an inspiring path forward.
For this book, Ive added to those personal reflections memorable quotations and prayers that have spoken to me at different times in my life.
My hope is that these words will help you chart your path to your own meaningful life. I hope the thoughts expressed here will give you material to meditate oninspiring you to think, write, and reflect on what makes life meaningful to you.
Because, lets face it: Life is one hell of a rollercoaster ride. At times we feel totally in charge of the journey and love the ride. At other times we feel completely overwhelmed and want to get off. Throughout our lives, were by turns strong, then weak. Were quite sure we know what were doing, and then were utterly and totally lost. We feel elated, and then depressed. We act powerfully, then feel like victims. Were buoyed by courage, then scared out of our wits. We feel a part of a community, and then we feel totally alone. We take pride in our accomplishments, then want to crumble with shame over our mistakes.
I have felt all of this. And what has helped me get through it is my faith, my family, my friends, and my writing.
My writing comes from a place deep in my heart and my mind. Friends and family have often joked that I think too much and I should relax. But for me, thinking and then writing about my life and the world around me helps me to get clear and find peace.
This book is meant to ignite your own reflections and to help you reach your own clarity. My thoughts may not be your thoughts, but they may get you to thinking. Some prayers that settle my soul may not do the same for you, but others may. While I use the word God to describe a force larger than myself, I know not everybody does. Im just sharing with you what has helped me navigate my own life. As they say, Take what you like and leave the rest.
This book has but one purpose: to get you to think about what constitutes a meaningful life for you. Just you. Because there is only one you, and you have only one life. Heres to making it beautiful and meaningful.
Love always,
Every morning, I start my day with this version of Saint Teresas prayer:
May today there be peace within
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith
May you use those gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you
May you be content knowing that you are a child of God
Let this presence settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, and love
It is there for each and every one of us.
Saint Teresa of Avila
I Am Who I Choose to Become
I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.
Carl Jung
Theres so much power and aspiration in that statement. Who you become as a person is up to youup to your imagination, your will, your determination, your choices.
Ever since I was a little girl, Ive been fascinated by peoples life journeys. Ive devoured hundreds of biographies and autobiographies, interviewed countless people from all walks of lifealways intrigued by the way people negotiate their ups and the downs, the forks in their road, the hurdles theyve faced. In other words, the choices theyve made.
And what Ive learned is this: No ones life follows a linear path. No ones life is devoid of mistakes, pain, and regret.
What I also know is that no one lives a perfect life. It doesnt matter whether you were born into a famous family or not. No one is immune to some kind of struggle, whether its mental, emotional, physical, financial, or professional. Everyone has something to work through. And more often than not, that struggle is tough, scary, and lonely. But the good news is that each day gives us the opportunity to choose to begin anew.
So today, start where you arenot where you wish you were, but where you are.
Im grateful for that realization, because I used to spend so much time beating myself up for choices Id made that I thought were permanentand regretting opportunities I was too scared to grab and thought would never come my way again. Or I deluded myself by focusing my attention only on an imagined future, fantasizing there would be a time when everything would magically be as I dream.