Tauchid, Rheni.
The new acrylics : complete guide to the new generation of acrylic paints / by Rheni Tauchid.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Acrylic paintingTechnique. 2. Artists materials. I. Title.
All rights reserved.
THE IDEAL WAY to embark on a project touting the benefits of the new generation of acrylic paints is to work with materials that represent the cutting-edge in acrylic paint technology. The projects, examples, and artwork throughout this book have been produced with Tri-Art finest quality acrylic colors and mediums. Tri-Art Manufacturing Incorporateds generous contribution of the acrylic products used in the photographs and for the production of projects within this book were invaluable. A profound and heartfelt gratitude to everyone at Tri-Art who contributed their time, knowledge, and expertise to this project, in particular Stephen Ginsberg, Mike Janssens, and Celine Tauchid.
Thank you to Candace Raney at Watson-Guptill for allowing me this singular opportunity, and to my terrific editor, Anne McNamara, for her enthusiasm, professionalism, and patience. And thanks to Areta Buk for her skillful layout and design.
Many thanks to Allison Murray and Barbara Klempan at the Queens University Art conservation department in Kingston, and graduate Marie-Eve Thibeault for their candid advice, research, and information.
Thanks to the staff and directors at Woolfitts and Wallacks Kingston for their help. And to each of the artists who contributed their fine artwork to beautify this book, I thank you so much.
During the compilation and writing of this book I have been especially fortunate to have the support from my fabulous friends and family with childcare, time management, and moral support. I thank you all wholeheartedly. Thanks as well to those special few who took the time to read, edit, and critique the various stages of the text.
To my photographer, graphic designer, and friend Jonathan Sugarman, who has been an instrumental part in the production of this book and has created photographs that stand on their own as works of art, thank you. My vision for this project was further inspired and realized through the elegant styling of Grace Paulionisthanks girl.
A very special thanks to my husband, Stephen Ginsberg, for his tremendous support, love, and endurance throughout this project and our life adventure, and to my daughter and stepsons for their patience and great love.
The original painting tool.
We are fortunate right now to be witnessing the emergence of a new paint superpower.
IN AN AGE when clothing and hairstyles are unisex, stores offer one-stop shopping, restaurants serve world cuisine, and music crosses and blends all cultural and stylistic boundaries, acrylics shine as the do-it-all-paints, the only stuff you really need. Acrylics are the medium of our age, when all that we know is being thrown into a constant state of flux by the accelerated evolution of our inventions. Just as they revolutionized western art in the 1960s, acrylic paints are riding a continuous upward mobility trend as advances in pigment and synthetic resin technology spring ever forward.