About the Authors
James T. Chok, PhD, BCBA-D is a licensed psychologist, neuropsychologist, and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Dr. Chok received his doctoral degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and completed a 1-year internship and a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in neuropsychology at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Dr. Chok previously served as the Senior Director of Clinical Services for the Residential Treatment Facility at Melmark Pennsylvania, which specializes in the treatment of individuals with autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, and severe challenging behavior. He now maintains a private practice in West Chester, PA, specializing in diagnostic assessments and the treatment of OCD, panic disorder, and other anxiety disorders. Dr. Chok previously served as the Vice President of the New Hampshire chapter of the International OCD Foundation and is currently President of the Pennsylvania Association of Behavior Analysis.
Jill M. Harper, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and licensed behavior analyst. She is the Director of Professional Development, Clinical Training, and Research at Melmark New England and holds an adjunct faculty position with Endicott College. Her research interests include the assessment and treatment of severe behavior disorders, mechanisms responsible for behavior change, and organizational behavior management. Dr. Harper has published her work in several peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and the Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities and regularly presents at regional and national conferences.
Mary Jane Weiss, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA is a licensed clinical psychologist, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, and a licensed behavior analyst. She is the Director of Programs in Applied Behavior Analysis at Endicott College, where she oversees the PhD in ABA and the masters programs in ABA and in Autism and ABA. At Melmark, she is a Senior Director of Research. Dr. Weiss is a regular presenter at national conferences and publishes frequently on ABA and its application to individuals with ASD. She is on the Board of Association for Science in Autism Treatment, is an advisor to the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, serves on the Scientific Council of the Organization for Autism Research, is on the Professional Advisory Board of Autism New Jersey, and is a regular contributor to the ABA Ethics Hotline.
Frank L. Bird, MEd, BCBA is the Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer for Melmark Inc. He has served this role for the past 12 years, and his primary responsibilities include developing and overseeing Melmarks clinical foundation, ensuring integrity across programs, establishing clinical resources, mentoring young clinicians and educators, and strategically planning for organizational and clinical growth. He received his Board Certified Behavior Analyst certification in 2000 and has been practicing applied behavior analysis in community-based settings in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania for 40 years. He has an extended history of developing clinical support systems for challenging behaviors for children and adults with the diagnosis of autism, acquired brain injury, dual diagnosis, and mental illness. His demonstrated abilities include clinical design, staff development, research and training, program development, and systems analysis. Frank has been responsible for developing over 80 programs in support of individuals with disabilities over the course of his career.
James K. Luiselli, EdD, ABPP, BCBA-D is a licensed psychologist, diplomat in cognitive and behavioral psychology, and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. He currently serves as the Director of Clinical Development and Research at Melmark New England and Adjunct Faculty within the School Psychology Program at William James College. Dr. Luiselli has published 16 books, 50 book chapters, and more than 260 journal articles in the areas of applied behavior analysis, organizational behavior management, performance improvement, professional training, and clinical practice. He is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Child and Family Studies and serves on the Board of Editors for several other journals such as Education and Treatment of Children, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, and Mindfulness.
Table of Contents
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The seminal publication on functional analysis (FA) methodology by Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, and Richman (1982/1994) has generated hundreds of studies documenting the contribution of FA to intervention formulation and implementation (). Indeed, conducting FA to inform intervention decisions is a critical practice standard for behavior analysts within educational and treatment settings serving children, youth, and adults. Further, the