50 Easy & Tasty Recipes Using
the Best Ingredients
from the Grocery Store
Bobby Parrish and Dessi Parrish
Coral Gables
Raise your hand if you spend too much time in the grocery store staring at the wall of pastas, condiments, and cooking oils wondering which ones are the best. This cookbook is for you. It contains all my shopping knowledge along with over fifty epic recipes that use the best ingredients and products from the grocery store. Grocery shopping and cooking are my two big passions in life. If you follow me @flavcity on social media, you know this. So I thought it would be fun to not only teach you how to cook really easy and tasty meals using five ingredients, but also how to navigate the grocery store and choose the best items to cook with.
It amazes me how much garbage is out there! I mean, seriouslyhave you read the ingredients on some of these products? And how many of them are in your pantry and fridge right now? Im going to school you on every single aisle in the grocery store and help you locate the major ingredient offenders to stay away from. Spoiler alert! These ingredients are in the majority of items from the middle aisles of the store. Youre also going to learn how to take some truly amazing products that have best-in-class ingredients and make super easy and healthy recipes at home. These recipes are easy enough that anyone can make them. Yes, everyone. That was the reason I wanted to write this book. I believe the key to overall health is cooking your own meals and knowing exactly what goes into your body, along with a few workouts per week; if you do that, nothing can stop you!
I really think this book is one of a kind, combing expert shopping tips that I have learned while making hundreds of grocery haul videos on the FlavCity YouTube channel along with recipes that have monster flavor with minimal ingredients a nd effort.
We just launched the Bobby Approved app. I highly suggest giving it a try. It has all of my shopping knowledge, a detailed breakdown of every aisle in the store, and a bar code scanner that tells you if a product is Bobby Approved. Search for the app in the App Store and Google P lay Store.
Quick Reference Icons:
FlavCity changed the way I read labels! I dreaded reading labels before. I never paid attention to the added sugars, natural flavors, or types of oils, and didnt understand what expeller pressed meant! Thanks to FlavCity, reading labels is much easier now and takes less time.
Mariam A.
How to Navigate the Grocery Store Like a Boss
This book is loaded with shopping tips that will change the way you navigate the grocery store. Here are some general shopping guidelines before you get into recipes and detailed grocery tips. Keep in mind, I have hundreds of grocery haul videos on YouTube, including hauls from Costco, ALDI, Trader Joes, Whole Foods, Walmart and more! If you ever have a question, search FlavCity + XYZ o n YouTube.
The Middle Aisles
This is the scariest part of the grocery storeprepackaged foods, sauces, snacks, breads, and more, loaded with inflammatory plant-based oils, nasty preservatives, added sugar, artificial flavors, gluten, and more. But once you learn how to shop, which I will teach you, you will be able to avoid all that stuff and focus on the Bobby Approved products that are made with best-in-class in gredients.
This book Is 100% Gluten Free
Not because Im allergic, its because gluten is inflammatory, and we keep a keto and paleo house for the most part. If you want the best bread at the store, go for organic and sprouted bread. Search FlavCity bread on YouTube to learn lots more! There are lots of garbage gluten-free products at the store. I will show you how to choose the best-quality, most nutrient-de nse items.
Processed Oils
Stay away from any product that uses canola, soybean, corn, sunflower, or safflower oil. These are highly processed oils that are usually made from GMO crops and are very inflammatory. The problem is most ready-bought items use these oils, and the reason is because they are cheap! You will notice that I only cook with avocado, virgin coconut, and olive oil, and the Bobby Approved products used for these recipes contain only the best oils and other ingredients. Search FlavCity cooking oil on YouTube for lots more in formation.
Cane Sugar Is the Devil!
It not only makes us fat, but it also kills good gut bacteria and is inflammatory. Its amazing what happens to your body when you stop eating sugar along with other inflammatory foods. You start to lose weight and feel great! I have a fantastic video about the most inflammatory foods at the store. Search FlavCity inflammation on YouTube. There are incredible paleo sweeteners like maple syrup and honey, and keto sweeteners like monk fruit. These are the types of sweeteners we use in this book and what you want to have in your pantry. Search FlavCity sweeteners on YouTube. These videos have loads of in formation.
I highly advise you to buy organic produce when it comes to the dirty dozen. These fruits and veggies are some of the most highly sprayed crops and scary levels of chemicals persist even after was hing them!
(Check out, they have excellent information of th is topic.)
Dirty Dozen plus One
St rawberries
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