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I would like to dedicate this book to my grandparentsthey mean so much to me, and I know how much they love their chair yoga and exercise classes.
HELLO , Im Christina! Ive been practicing yoga since 2008 and have been teaching it since 2014. I have also completed more than 500 hours of yoga teacher training. Im a published author and I teach yoga online to tens of thousands of people from all over the world on my YouTube channel, Yoga with Christina. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to help many people across the globe find peace, healing, and strength throughout all levels and stages of their yoga journey.
This book will help you discover a new way to practice yoga that you may not have even known was possible: in a chair. Adding a chair to your practice can provide a new level of ease, comfort, mobility, and stability that isnt available in other forms of yoga. Chair yoga is a great way to build strength, gain flexibility, and add more relaxation into your life in a simple and accessible way. Youll likely feel more in control of your health than ever. It helps you maintain a healthy mind and body, and even enhances your overall wellness if you practice it with patience and make time for it in your daily routine.
Chair yoga makes yoga practice safe and accessible for all types of people. You may have picked up this book because youre recovering from an injury or surgery, or perhaps you have certain physical restrictions due to pregnancy, a health condition, age, or available space. This book will be a great resource for you. You can take comfort knowing that you wont be twisting into any uncomfortable or confusing positions. The poses and sequences in this book are gentle, simple, and easy to follow. The routines are customizable to suit your needs and your schedule, and you are in full control of what you choose to practice. You can start and stop anytime you like; practicing for even a few minutes a day can make a significant difference in your life. Just remember to have patience and be kind to yourself along the way. I really hope you enjoy this book and all that it has to offer.
This book is designed to meet your current needs through four sequences: . You can use these sequences to slowly and gently work your way up to a more challenging yoga practice, or to add relaxation and increase mobility throughout your whole body. The four sequences offer a range of different poses at varying levels, and you can use the sequences as a complete program or pick and choose which poses are right for you in any particular moment. I provide 10-minute and 20-minute programs for each sequence after the warm-up so you can follow each as your schedule allows.
Warm Up: You can begin each practice with this simple warm-up sequence to help prepare your body to move more easily.
Begin Gently: Designed for beginners and those with injuries or restrictions, this sequence offers poses that you can do simply seated in the chair.
Tone and Flow: The poses in this sequence are slightly more dynamic and incorporate standing to provide you with some gentle ways to build strength, stamina, and flexibility.
Unwind and Sleep: Use this sequence for cooling and calming down the body after longer practice sessions, or use it on its own as a way to relax the mind and body.
For each pose, I offer tips on variations you can use to make your practice as comfortable, safe, and fulfilling as possible, while also accommodating any physical limitations you might experience. Ill also highlight the health benefits of each pose and how you can incorporate them into your practice, as well as any cautions youll need to take.
Whether youre a complete yoga beginner or more experienced practitioner, this book can help you practice new poses or extend your range of motion. Its also a great choice if youre a senior or recovering from an injury, surgery, or giving birthanything where youre dealing with decreased mobility or certain conditions that restrict your movement and stamina. Youll also enjoy this book if you often have to remain seated for long periods at work or on long-haul flights.
The sequences and suggestions in this book are beneficial for all ages and levels of yoga experience. Theyre designed to be accessible to people with a wide range of physical injuries and restrictions. If you struggle with balance, mobility, and stamina, these routines are especially meant for you. Adding a chair to your practice makes it possible to experience the benefits of yoga in your life while still being kind and gentle to your body.
In this chapter, youll learn about how and why this particular type of yoga is so helpful for people who face physical and mobility challenges. Ill share the benefits of bringing chair yoga into your life and how you can practice it in a way that is gentle and easily accessible.
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