We advise that the inform ation contained in this book does not negate per sonal responsibility on the par t of the reader for their own health and safety . It is recommended that individually tailored advice is sought from your hea lthcare or medical professional. The publisher s and their respective employ ees, agents and authors are not liable for injurie s or damage occasioned to any pers on as a result of reading or follow ing the inform ation contained in this book.
INTRODUCTION This book is dedicated to anyone who wants to better their health with real food in the most delicious way and have fun doing it.
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If there s one thing on this earth that we all have in common, it s the fact that each and every one of us should be putting more plants on our plate. So, for this exciting milestone my tenth cookbook it seems tting that Im celebrating an abundance of plant-based foods. Because, let s be honest, we could all eat more vegan! We are so for t unate to be living in an age where inform ation about how to liv e our healthiest and happiest lives is readily avail able to us. But the best news is that we can use this inf orm ation not only for our o wn benet, b ut also f or the benet of the w or ld that w e share with ev er y one and ev er ything around us. Suppor te d by the latest research and science, w e can see rs t-hand the impact that our meat-dominant eating habits are hav ing on both the health of our bodies and that of the environment, so it makes sense that a new wa y of thinking about plant-based eating is emer ging. This book demonstra tes how eating more plants is great fo r your health, a nd also shows y ou how easy it can be to add new av ours and an abundance of colour , texture and life to y our plate with just a f ew simple techniques. Other impor tant issues to consider when it comes to celebr ating a plant-based lif e include f ood secur ity , the treatment of animals, industr ialised far ming pr actices and the long-ter m sustainability of cur rent f ood production. As valid as each of these issues is, as a functional n utr itionist, m y k ey f ocus is y our health. One of the biggest dr iving f orces behind this book is to get ev er y one who picks it up to eat more plants and, in tur n, impro v e y our health with each mouthful. So, what does my take on plant-based eating look like? Fir st off, its mostly packet free! Iv e kept th e ingredients here pure , simple and real, which means seasonal fr uits and v egetab les, n uts and seeds, health y cooking fats and oils, and an ab undance of a v our some , health-boosting herbs and spices. Consider ing optimal gut health star ts with a broad spectr um of fr uits and v egetab les of all colour s, shapes and siz es, these choices alone will hav e you on your wa y to thri ving inside and out. To maintain consistency with my o vera ll approach to eating, I hav e also kep t the recipes and ingredients aligned to my nu trient- dense, sustainable fo od philosophy while remaining as simple as possib le without any time-consuming prepara tion. T herefore, I can proudly say this book is low carb , keto fri endly , paleo and gluten-, dair y- and rened-sugar free . Y ou w ont nd an y faux v er sions of meats or meat replacements, which can often be high in soy and inammator y seed oils. T his book really does epitomise the real food movemen t in the most authentic way .
INTRODUCTION I ha v ent included beans, legumes, gr ains and pseudo gr ains in the book, as without adequate and time- consuming prepara tion such as sprouting and ferm enting, they can cause digestive issues. By av oiding these foods, I am steeri ng you a way fr om potentially high leve ls of phytic acid and lectins. Phytic acid binds to nutri ents in our food, preventing us from absorbing them. A nd lectins can damage the intestinal wall, contri buting to leaky gut, with all its associated digestive prob lems. W hile I believe health is al ways indi vidual, and there is no one-size-ts-all approach, what I do believe in is celebra ting nutri ent density and reducing inammation. T hat is why I only use ingredients in this book that are prov en to increase y our we llness and sta v e off an y digestiv e issues or inammator y responses. While each recipe in this book is designed to deliver epic lev els of nut rients and av our , I also want you to nd condence in the kitchen, and that means making sure these meals are as doab le as they are delicious. Ever y one is diff erent when it comes to tastes and pref erences, so please nav igate this book in a way that work s for yo u. I recommend cooking in bulk to ha ve m ore on hand later , only adding dressings to salads once you re about to eat them to retain freshness, and keeping things simple in the kitchen by picking a few key ingredients and making them shine. On a technical note, all ov en tempera tures stated are fan-forced, so if you ha ve a conven tional ov en yo ull need to increase the tempera ture by about 20C, but please note that cooking times may var y depending on your individual o ven. I strongly believe that ever y meal we consume is a chance to not only triump hantly say yum after each mouthful, but is also an oppor t unity to steer us closer to living our best lives. W ith good food comes a good body , both inside and out, and by simply eating more vegan, you will nd it easier than ev er before to achiev e this. My promise to you is that, in my quest to make you healthier , I will never sacri ce av our . A nd my nal words are these: have fun! Food is one of the simplest pleasures we ha ve i n life, so ditch the calori e counting, celebra te abundance, listen to your body and smile. Luke xx