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Nathan George - Practical Data Science with Python: Learn tools and techniques from hands-on examples to extract insights from data

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Nathan George Practical Data Science with Python: Learn tools and techniques from hands-on examples to extract insights from data
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Learn to effectively manage data and execute data science projects from start to finish using Python

Key Features
  • Understand and utilize data science tools in Python, such as specialized machine learning algorithms and statistical modeling
  • Build a strong data science foundation with the best data science tools available in Python
  • Add value to yourself, your organization, and society by extracting actionable insights from raw data
Book Description

Practical Data Science with Python teaches you core data science concepts, with real-world and realistic examples, and strengthens your grip on the basic as well as advanced principles of data preparation and storage, statistics, probability theory, machine learning, and Python programming, helping you build a solid foundation to gain proficiency in data science.

The book starts with an overview of basic Python skills and then introduces foundational data science techniques, followed by a thorough explanation of the Python code needed to execute the techniques. Youll understand the code by working through the examples. The code has been broken down into small chunks (a few lines or a function at a time) to enable thorough discussion.

As you progress, you will learn how to perform data analysis while exploring the functionalities of key data science Python packages, including pandas, SciPy, and scikit-learn. Finally, the book covers ethics and privacy concerns in data science and suggests resources for improving data science skills, as well as ways to stay up to date on new data science developments.

By the end of the book, you should be able to comfortably use Python for basic data science projects and should have the skills to execute the data science process on any data source.

What you will learn
  • Use Python data science packages effectively
  • Clean and prepare data for data science work, including feature engineering and feature selection
  • Data modeling, including classic statistical models (such as t-tests), and essential machine learning algorithms, such as random forests and boosted models
  • Evaluate model performance
  • Compare and understand different machine learning methods
  • Interact with Excel spreadsheets through Python
  • Create automated data science reports through Python
  • Get to grips with text analytics techniques
Who this book is for

The book is intended for beginners, including students starting or about to start a data science, analytics, or related program (e.g. Bachelors, Masters, bootcamp, online courses), recent college graduates who want to learn new skills to set them apart in the job market, professionals who want to learn hands-on data science techniques in Python, and those who want to shift their career to data science.

The book requires basic familiarity with Python. A getting started with Python section has been included to get complete novices up to speed.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to Data Science
  2. Getting Started with Python
  3. SQL and Built-in File Handling Modules in Python
  4. Loading and Wrangling Data with Pandas and NumPy
  5. Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization
  6. Data Wrangling Documents and Spreadsheets
  7. Web Scraping
  8. Probability, Distributions, and Sampling
  9. Statistical Testing for Data Science
  10. Preparing Data for Machine Learning: Feature Selection, Feature Engineering, and Dimensionality Reduction
  11. Machine Learning for Classification
  12. Evaluating Machine Learning Classification Models and Sampling for Classification
  13. Machine Learning with Regression
  14. (N.B. Please use the Look Inside option to see further chapters)

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Practical Data Science with Python Learn tools and techniques from hands-on - photo 1

Practical Data Science with Python

Learn tools and techniques from hands-on examples to extract insights from data

Nathan George

BIRMINGHAMMUMBAI Practical Data Science with Python Copyright 2021 Packt - photo 2


Practical Data Science with Python

Copyright 2021 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.

Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Producer: Dr. Shailesh Jain

Acquisition Editor Peer Reviews: Saby Dsilva

Project Editor: Janice Gonsalves

Content Development Editor: Alex Patterson

Copy Editor: Safis Editing

Technical Editor: Aniket Shetty

Proofreader: Safis Editing

Indexer: Tejal Daruwale Soni

Presentation Designer: Ganesh Bhadwalkar

First published: September 2021

Production reference: 1290921

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Livery Place

35 Livery Street


B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-80107-197-0


About the author

Nate George taught data science as a professor for 4 years at Regis University in Denver, Colorado. He has a background in chemical engineering, phosphors for LED lighting, and thin-film solar cells, and leveraged what he learned to become a data scientist. He's created data science courses for Regis, DataCamp, and Manning liveProject. Nate also mentors students for Udacity AI and machine learning nanodegrees. He currently works as a data scientist at a fintech company, Tink, in Stockholm, Sweden.

I'd like to thank my parents and siblings for their support, when writing this book and everything else. Thanks to the reviewers, David Mertz and Saloua Litayem, for their helpful reviews. I'd like to thank my PhD advisor, Ram Seshadri, for continuing to be supportive through the years, and Shailesh Jain for giving me the opportunity to write the book.

About the reviewer

Saloua Litayem is currently driving business value while leading data science teams. She has experience making sense of data via machine learning models and delivering mature automated systems, streamlining all of the model's life cycle steps (MLOps). For several years, she has worked in the Internet industry, creating and refining search engines using text (NLP) and images (content-based image retrieval). She believes that learning is a lifelong journey and has a big passion for leveraging best practices to deliver efficient and highly effective ML products.


"Better than any statistician at computer science and better at statistics than any computer scientist" this is a phrase I've heard said about data scientists since I started my official data science training. It might be true, but data science has grown to incorporate so many different fields and technologies that it might not be able to be captured with such a simple statement anymore. Not to mention that statistics, and especially computer science, cover a lot of ground, too. But as a quick-and-dirty way to describe data science in three words, "statistics + computer science" works.

Many people learn data science to improve their lives. For me, I wanted to transition out of the physical sciences, which are bound by physical locations, and have more freedom to travel around the world. Working in a digital space like data science allows for that, while high-tech manufacturing doesn't. For others, the increase in pay is alluring. For many of us, we see the stories about data scientists being happy and highly paid and are immediately interested in learning more. Some people learn data science due to their intellectual curiosity and the fun of it. In any case, if you want to be a data scientist, you'd better enjoy working with computers and data!

I wrote this book for a few reasons, and one good reason to create teaching materials or even teach courses is you will learn the materials better by teaching it. So, one thing I'd recommend doing if you want to really learn is to create some teaching materials. An easy way to do this is to write a blog post about using data science to solve a problem. It could be any dataset from Kaggle, for example, or some data you've got access to and are allowed to share.

In the book, we use Python to carry out data science. However, there are a plethora of tools for doing data science, so don't feel like Python is the only way. There is a debate among data scientists whether or not a data scientist must be able to program. On the one hand, being able to code enables us to use cutting-edge tools and integrate into other software products more easily.

On the other hand, not all data science work is the same, and some doesn't have to be done with code. Many people doing data science use R and other tools (such as GUIs) to carry out their work. However, Python seems to be the top choice and integrates nicely into software stacks at companies. Python, like any other skill, requires practice and dedication to master. This book is here to get you started, and I hope you have fun learning Python and data science and are excited to continue your data science journey well beyond this book.

Who this book is for

This book is for people who want to get into data science, perhaps from a different career or background (even non-technical backgrounds). The book is intended for beginner to intermediate levels of Python and data science. Some examples of people who might find this book useful are:

  • Students starting or about to start a data science, analytics, or related program (for example, a Bachelor's, Master's, bootcamp, or online courses)
  • Recent college graduates or college students (all levels) who want to learn something to set them apart in the job market
  • Employees of companies who need or want to learn data science and machine learning techniques with Python
  • People who want to shift their career toward data science and are just beginning their transition into data science
What this book covers

Part I, An Introduction and the Basics

Chapter 1, Introduction to Data Science, gives an overview of data science, including the history, top skills and tools used in the field, specializations and related fields, and best practices for data science projects.

Chapter 2, Getting Started with Python, explains installing Python and Python distributions (specifically, Anaconda), editing and running code with code editors, IPython, Jupyter Notebooks, basic use of the command line, installing Python packages and using virtual environments, Python programming basics, how to deal with errors and use documentation, and software engineering best practices (including Git and GitHub).

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