2019 Jay Deva. All rights reserved.
ISBN-10: 0-9667223-5-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-9667223-5-2
PO BOX 754
HILO, HI 96721
FACEBOOK: The One Family World Peace Movement
INSTAGRAM: onefamilymovement
TWITTER: onefamilymov
The University of Southern California
The University of Hawaii
Ingram, Amazon, Crowdspring
Dr. Elwood, Dr. Genz, Dr. Kawelu,
Dr. Marshall, Dr. Mills, Dr. Medeiros,
Dr. Yamashita, Dr. Kubo
N&G Haller, D&B McAfee, HLBJJ Wilson
The One Family Movement
A New Plan to Establish World Peace , Unity,
and Sustainable Humanitarian Societies
The Official Text by Jay Deva
The One Family Movement
(Summary Version)
The One Family Movement (Full Text)
1. The Central Idea: One Human Family
4. Remembrance
5. Separation
The Effects of Hardships
The Northern Disaster
The Consciousness of Scarcity and Its Effects
Tragic Effects of the Northern Disaster
The Northern Elitists
Spread of the Effects of the Northern Disaster
7. Healing and Re-unification
9. Cooperation and Nonviolence
11. The Extinction of War
12. Fairly Sharing the Earth as One Family
13. Transcending Elitist Divide & Conquer Strategies
1. General Purpose of the Transitional Phase
2. Transitional Economic System
3. Transitional Economic System: Shared Essentials
4. The Benefits of Shared Essentials
9. Non-Essentials Credits: Record Keeping
10. A New Way of Thinking about Economics
11. Benefits of the Non-Essentials Credits System
Understanding Elitist Control Systems
The Honor System
13. One Family Regional Councils (OFRC)
15. Local Community Councils (LCC)
16. A Different Way to Manage Our Societies
17. Assuming Responsibility
19. The Transformation of Industries & Institutions
20. One Family Service Organizations (OFSO)
21. Safety
Local Community Responsibility
Electing Safety Representatives
Duties of Safety Representatives
Avoidance of Violence
22. Conversion of Military Equipment, Industries
23. Fuel and Energy Production and Practices
25. Industrial Practices and Chemicals
28. Problematic Climate Zones
31. Modern Solutions via Ancient Cultural Wisdom
3. The Earth Is Our Body
Ancient Cultural Wisdom
Recovering Our Ancient Cultures
Fake Elections, Pretend Governments, and Setup Wars
Final Comments
The season has gradually changed to commence
A window of time when world peace can blossom.
The winds, rain, and sunshinein gentle balance,
Incubating minor miracles, to take root and flourish.
Whether or not we realize it yet, world peace is now within the reach of humanity. Current academic and professional knowledge, and our modern communications capabilities, are now beginning to make it possible for our worldwide human family to come togetherin communication, organization, and cooperationto establish lasting world peace, and sustainable humanitarian societies.
The concept of world peace refers to a state of peaceful and comfortable life-conditions for all people, both within and between human societies.
The need to establish world peace has never been more critical than it is today. Modern military and industrial technologies, growing global populations, and environmental challenges are quickly bringing humanity to a crossroads. Today, it seems that we must collectively choose: either a future that is nonviolent, cooperative, and ecologically sustainable; or resign ourselves to a worsening world of violence, militarism, inequality, oppression, and environmental disaster. Humanity can no longer afford the high price of constant militarism, conflict, and war. These energies and resources are required for the care of our growing worldwide human family.
To make the choice for world peace, we each must take on an active role. We must overcome the elitist programming that has conditioned us to passively accept arbitrary authority and corrupt artificial systems. We must make a moderate effort to communicate, organize, and participate in the collective effort, the movement for world peace and sustainable humanitarian societies.
The Quantum Blueprint for World Peace
In response to the unique challenges of our time, humanitarian anthropological scholar Jay Deva has undertaken an extensive world peace research project, known as the One Family Project. Spanning over fifteen years, the One Family Project has systematically studied world societies, and utilized the works and knowledge of humanitys leading humanitarians, scholars, scientists, and activists to find the keys to establishing lasting world peace.
After recognizing that humanitys advanced world peace knowledge was not being utilized properly by world governments, One Family research began to investigate into exactly who is responsible for this dangerous mismanagement, and how humanity can overcome such disastrous corruption. Following the money trailamong other trailsprovided valuable information as to the identities of current controlling elitists, the reasons behind their behavior, and how our human family can best overcome their misguided control. In this way, the One Family project transformed into a movementto help the people of our world to unify, communicate, organize, and implement the critically needed world peace solutions in our societies.
Wars and Dinosaurs
In our modern time there should be no more wars. Humanity already possesses the advanced communications technologies, the knowledge of languages, cultural understandings, and diplomatic capabilities needed to avoid resorting to brute violence and killing. Today, we have more tools than ever for communication, diplomacy, and keeping the peace. Thus, wars today are like strange dinosaurs that still lumber among modern human society, quite zombie-like, and defying extinctionbut not without reason.