Welcome to the Second Great Adventure in Pattern Play Patterning is fun, relaxing and can add a Wow! factor to any design. Zenspirations dangles are a unique form of patterning. Although they look complicated, they are actually fairly easy
to create. People have written to let me know how much they enjoyed the first Zenspirations book, Zenspirations Patterns & Lettering , and how proud they are of the art that they are now doing. In the first book there was one dangle design. so if you are one of those people
this book is for you! I feel blessed to be able to wake up each morning and put pen to paper... there are so many wonderful things to draw, so many cool patterns to create. there are so many wonderful things to draw, so many cool patterns to create.
Zenspirations patterning is my passion, and Im delighted
to share it with you. Happy patterning! Stay Zen-spired, Joanne
eISBN 978-1-60765-119-2 ISBN 978-1-57421-373-7 COPY PERMISSION: The written instructions, photographs, designs, patterns, and projects in this publication are intended for the personal use of the reader and may be reproduced for that purpose only. Any other use, especially commercial use, is forbidden under law without the written permission of the copyright holder. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information in this book is accurate. However, due to differing conditions, tools and individual skills, neither the author nor publisher can be responsible for any injuries, losses and other damages which may result from the use of the information in this book. INFORMATION: All rights reserved.
All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned and no responsibility is accepted by producer, publisher or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. NOTE: The use of products and trademark names is for informational
purposes only, with no intention of infringement upon those trademarks. 2013 by Joanne Fink and Design Originals, www.d-originals.com,
an imprint of Fox Chapel Publishing, 800-457-9112, 1970 Broad Street,
East Petersburg, PA 17520. Zentangle is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. eBook Version 1.0
Contents Where the Cool Stuff Is Helpful Hints BASIC MATERIALS All you need to create beautiful Zenspirations Dangle Designs is a pen, a piece of paper and your imagination. eBook Version 1.0
Contents Where the Cool Stuff Is Helpful Hints BASIC MATERIALS All you need to create beautiful Zenspirations Dangle Designs is a pen, a piece of paper and your imagination.
Like many artists, I am really particular about the supplies I use because quality supplies make a huge difference in how my work looks. My favorite pens for patterning work and dangles are Pigma Micron pens by Sakura of America; I use the 01 size for most of my work. For paper I prefer Strathmores 400 Series drawing paper. And to color my work I prefer Sakuras Koi Water Colors and Koi Coloring Brushes. I often add touches of glitter with Gelly Roll Stardust gel pens.
Dangles Demystified Anatomy of a Dangle Each dangle design is built using the same four essential elements: horizontal rods, vertical strings, small round pins that attach a string to a rod, and the most important elementthe danglesicons that dangle from the strings, giving the design its characteristic name.
In addition to the four essential elements, dangle designs can be enhanced with numerous secondary components, such as those shown in the illustration below, and on the next page. Exemplars aside, few dangle designs incorporate all of the optional enhancements... experiment with different optional components to decide which ones you want to include in your dangle designs.
Main Components
Rods Rods are the horizontal lines that anchor the design.
Pins Pins are the small round or diamond shaped marks that are used to attach a string to a rod.
Dangles Dangles are the decorative elements that dangle from the bottom of the strings.
Dangles Dangles are the decorative elements that dangle from the bottom of the strings.
Secondary Components and Enhancements
Finials Finials are decorative elements placed at the edge (end) of a rod, giving the rods their finishing touch.
Patterns Patterns are small rhythmic lines used to fill areas in the design .
Cuffs Cuffs are rounded bands that connect two strings. They are usually curved, and can be decorated with patterns.
Bands Bands are free-form lines that divide a column or sock into smaller sections.
Socks Socks are pattern-filled decorative elements formed by two strings that gently intersect.
Embellishments Embellishments are decorative elements added to the strings anywhere except at the bottom.
Columns Columns are used to support a dangle design.
Columns Columns are used to support a dangle design.
They are formed from strings that splay out towards the bottom of the design. Dangles Demystified Dangle Construction Dangle designs can look extremely complicated, but once you break them down into their component parts, they are actually easy to create. It generally works best to draw a series of rods and then attach pins and/or strings to the rods. Rods can be spaced closely together for a dense look, as in the example on the top right of the next page, or spaced far apart, for an open, airy look. The strings can be, but do not have to be, evenly spaced. Strings look best when they are different lengths.
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