Published in 2018 by Enslow Publishing, LLC.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Morris, Taylor.
Title: Surviving prom / by Taylor Morris.
Description: New York: Enslow Publishing, 2018. | Series: Teen survival guide | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Audience: Grades 7-12.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017016835| ISBN 9780766091894 (library bound) | ISBN 9780766093577 (pbk.) | ISBN 9780766093584 (6 pack)
Subjects: LCSH: PromsHandbooks, manuals, etc.
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Y ou've been daydreaming about it for months. (Or maybe dreading it?) Prom. Your big chance to pull out all the stops and go full-out formal. You've watched movies with elegant prom or formal dance scenes and have wondered what your own night will be like. A Carrie horror show (2013 or 1976, take your pick) or an unstoppable party a la Footloose (2011 or 1984)? The possibilities for what can happen on a night filled with glittering faux jewels, dresses down to there, sky-high heels, and elegant tuxedos are totally endless, limited only by what your imagination can conjure up.
So what is prom?
Prom is a high school tradition that culminates (typically) in the end of your high school days, or at least the end of the school year. It's as much a part of American high schools as Friday night football, SATs, and pop quizzes. It's fancy dresses, rented tuxedos, limos, awkward photos, and allnight parties. It's fun, it's torturous, it's the best night of the year. It's a night out with your friends to dance and laugh and celebrate surviving high school. It's a night you will remember for the rest of your lifegood or bad.
It may also be the most glam night of your life up to now. Prom means dressing like you're headed to the Oscars, hanging out with all your best friends, and, a lot of times, saying goodbye to high school. It's even a little bit about saying goodbye to your childhood. If you head to prom as a senior, college and real-life stuff is just a few summer months away. But at prom, it's all about friends and fun in fancy clothes.
Prom is what you make of it. Expectations can run incredibly high; we advise you try to keep it reasonable. Don't call it the best night of your lifecall it the most glam night of your life so far. Prom is a rite of passage and we want you to make the most of it without going nuts. So here we are with the answers to all your questions, from prep to post-party and everything in between. Let's get ready to dance the night away!
Thanks to social media, the pressure for splashy promposals when asking a date to prom becomes an event that is Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and otherwise viral-readyis at an all-time high. There are literally hundreds of creative ways to ask a date to prom and you can find them all online. Browse sites like Pinterest for ideas to steal or use as a springboard for your own take. Search #promposal on Instagram for even more concepts.
In planning out how to ask your date to the prom, think about:
What his unique interests are
What your shared interests are
What she's obsessed withanything from a particular candy or food to their favorite musician.
A funny moment the two of you had
Tailor your promposal to what your date likes and is interested in. You can get inspiration online, but your hopeful date should see that the ask is all about him.
And if you'd rather go old-school and simply call up your date, or present her with a rose and ask her to go to prom with you? That's great too! Not everything has to be a social media event. (We swear.)
If you're a girl and you plan on sitting around and waiting for the person you like to ask you to prom, we've got a little piece of advice for you: Get off your bum and go ask them yourself! Trust us, some social expectations are totally outdated! So take charge of your fate by beating him to the promposal. You can make it as elaborate, sweet, or low-key as he would. Same rules applyif you go big, make sure you know his interests...and that he doesn't already have a date!
From head to toe and beginning to end, there are tons of decisions to be made for this one night. But who you're going with? This one is important.
You want the night to be as fun and stress-free as possible, right? Lots of people feel this way, which is why more and more proms see groups of friends attending togethersome coupled up, some just hanging together as a team. What's best for you?
Classic Date = you plus your date. You're basically on a date. Just the two of you. You do dinner before, ride together, find your friends at the prom, and then head to the after-party together. Pro: possibility for a romanticfeeling night. Con: feeling isolated from your friends.