HOW TO HAVE MORE Confidence in Your Life A METAPHYSICAL INSIGHT by Lynn Merrin Copyright 2011
All rights reserved Lynn Merrin No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the permission, in writing, from the publisher. Strategic Book Group
P.O. Box 333
Durham CT 06422 ISBN: 978-1-61204-796-6 Page composition and typography by J. K. Eckert & Co., Inc.
Looking at the various aspects of expression of Confidence, consider the following:
confidence | comes with belief in our ability to succeed |
self acceptance | comes with love and faith in ourselves |
individuality | being who we really are |
independence | making it on our own |
poise | inner calm mentally, emotionally, physically |
calm | control over our emotions and mind |
inner peace | comes with faith that all is as it should be |
trust | in ourselves as the creator of our destiny |
faith | that we have made the right decisions |
grace | charm and kindness |
posture | calm self-assured dignity |
dress | clothes of a particular type worn in a particular way |
smile | to appear to be in state of happiness or pleasure |
charm | the power to delight or attract people |
handshake | a gesture of gripping or shaking a hand as a greeting |
eye contact | the act of looking directly into the eyes of another |
voice | the sound used in speech |
Confidence is a belief, or self-assurance in our ability to succeed and is expressed in many ways.
Looking at the various aspects of expression of Confidence, consider the following:
confidence | comes with belief in our ability to succeed |
self acceptance | comes with love and faith in ourselves |
individuality | being who we really are |
independence | making it on our own |
poise | inner calm mentally, emotionally, physically |
calm | control over our emotions and mind |
inner peace | comes with faith that all is as it should be |
trust | in ourselves as the creator of our destiny |
faith | that we have made the right decisions |
grace | charm and kindness |
posture | calm self-assured dignity |
dress | clothes of a particular type worn in a particular way |
smile | to appear to be in state of happiness or pleasure |
charm | the power to delight or attract people |
handshake | a gesture of gripping or shaking a hand as a greeting |
eye contact | the act of looking directly into the eyes of another |
voice | the sound used in speech |
Confidence is a belief, or self-assurance in our ability to succeed and is expressed in many ways.
The way we look, the way we act and speak, and the manner in which we do things. Our choice of motor vehicle and home, and definitely our choice of clothing, can denote our level of confidence. Some are quietly confident, not needing to impress; others can be more expressive. Our body language and posture says a lot about our Confidence in the way we sit and stand, our carriage whilst walking, and also our facial expressions. Smiling is a confidence tool. The tone and volume of our voice, together with a strong handshake, can denote confidence.
Confidence is also expressed subconsciously and impressed on others. Confidence says a lot about who we are and who we think we are. If we dont have a high opinion of our self, how can anyone else? Confidence may just be a case of changing our mind, to change our habit and be who we are, or would like to be. Gradually changing our opinion, to a more positive belief and standing tall can become a natural way of being. Confidence is having that inner resolve, that assures others that we know who we are, and accept ourselves the way we are, loving ourselves, and therefore others. Certain colours can help us to feel more Confident.
Black is powerful, blue is Confident, purple is regal. Some who choose to be more Confident but are not quite there yet, can choose to fake it till they make it; thus, giving others an impression of a Confident state.
Having Self-Acceptance of who we are through love of self, we present to the world as the individual we are, truly unique beings in every way. We are all here for a specific purpose and have chosen to be here in the form that we are in, be that dark skinned, light skinned, red haired, short, or tall. Therefore, we can be Self-Accepting of who we are, warts and all. Accepting that we all have something we might wish to change, is essential to achieving confidence.
Talent, beauty, success, prosperity, and fame are perceived and we all have them in our own way. Confidence is a learned attribute. Confidence is having Self-Acceptance and loving our self. With Self-Acceptance and self-love, we can project Confidence and Self-Acceptance at all times.
(To be affirmed vocally, daily) Each day in every way, I have Self-Acceptance. No matter how I look, how I feel, or how life is treating me, I have Self-Acceptance, because I know I am truly unique.
I focus on my special features and my special talents and I know there is no one else like me. I accept myself as a unique spirit and unit of the whole of all that is, in this Universe. I am confident. I have Self-Acceptance.
With closed eyes and a tranquil mind, imagine your Self-Acceptance for all to see. Visualise your Self-Acceptance, and then view and appreciate every aspect of yourself.
Visualise your mind, your emotions, and your spirit or soul and bath each aspect in your Self-Acceptance.
Individuality is a specific personality, character, or characteristic that distinguishes one person from another. Confidence is being Individual and standing out from the crowd, expressing our uniqueness, Individually. Dressing to express how we feel and who we are, and seeking like people and events supports our Individuality. Our home reflects our Individuality, in our choice of colour and dcor. Our motor vehicle expresses our Individuality, by its design and colour.
Our chosen career also expresses our Individuality.
Each day, in every way, I acknowledge that I am Individual. No other is as I am. I am unique. I give thanks for my body as my Temple, my mind as my Creator, my emotions, as my Regulator, and my Spirit as my Guide.
With closed eyes and a tranquil mind, imagine your Individuality for all to see: Visualise every aspect of your Individuality.
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