The Complete Guide To
Nancy Ward & Tammy Young
2001 Nancy Ward and Tammy Young
All rights reserved.
No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a critical article or review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper, or electronically transmitted on radio or television.
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Library of Congress Catalog Number 99-69489
ISBN 0-87341-820-4
eISBN: 978-1-4402-1959-7
The authors and publisher have made every effort to ensure that all information and instructions given in this book are accurate and safe, but they accept no responsibility or liability for any injury, damage, or loss resulting from misuse or abuse of any product.The user is responsible for reading and following manufacturers directions on all products, especially those which are flammable or contain dangerous solvents.
Registered trademarks are used only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner; there is no intent to infringe upon a trademark. Product names are in italics;and/or markings are not noted with company, brand, or product names.
Dedication, from Nancy
This book is dedicated with love to my sons,Jack, Dave, Tim, Joe, and Andy Gillen
Since The Crafters Guide to Glues was written in 1995, crafting activities have grown in scope and interest. Glue and adhesive manufacturers have done an outstanding job in keeping pace with these activities.Without exception, crafters now have an adhesive product suited for every type of project they might consider.
Originally, this book was intended as a revision, but it quickly became apparent that a completely new book would be needed in order to adequately provide the necessary information.
This change in the original plan presented problems for Tammy. Prior commitments did not allow her the time necessary for research, testing, and writing the new book. She asked me to step in and pick up where she left off.At the time, neither of us realized just how much new information would have to be included.
As in the first edition, this book is intended to lead you through the decision-making process when selecting an adhesive for your projects.The choices include the standard favorites, specialty adhesives, and many new products.
Every attempt was made to provide you with current information.Technology is mushrooming, creating exciting new frontiers for crafting, as well as other areas in our lives.To keep abreast of those new products, read magazine ads, check craft store displays, and visit adhesive company websites on the Internet.
Happy crafting!
Nancy Ward
Every book requires the efforts of several people.Three who contributed greatly to this book are Amy Tincher-Durik, Sue Bell, and Joyce Whipple.
Sincere thanks are due to the following companies.Without their cooperation and support, this book would not have been possible.
Products mentioned in the book are in italics and preceded by either the brand or company name; refer to that name in this listing.There are a few products that precede the company name; product names are in italics in those cases also.
3L Corp.(
3M 800-364-3577
Aabbitt Adhesives, Inc.(; 773-227-2700 or 800-AABBITT
Accent Export-Import, Inc. (; 800-989-2889
Accu-Cut Systems (; 402-721-4134
Activa Products, Inc. (; 800-255-1910
Adhesive Technologies, Inc. (; 800-544-1021, ext. 123
Aleenes (; 559-291-4444 or 800-237-2642
Amaco: See American Art Clay Co., Inc.
American Art Clay Co., Inc.(; 317-244-6871 or 800-374-1600
American Traditional Stencils (; 603-942-9957 or 800-278-3642
Anitas (; 678-206-7373
Art Accents (; 877-733-8989 (orders only)
Artistic Woodworking (; 308-882-4873 or 800-621-3992
Artifacts. Inc. 903-729-4178
AvantCARD (
Art Institute Glitter, Inc. (; 520-639-0805 or 877-909-0805
B & B Etching Products, Inc.(; 888-382-4255
Back Street, Inc.(; 678-206-7373
Beacon/Signature (; 973-427-3700 or 800-865-7238
THE BEADERY Craft Products/Green Plastics Corporation (; 401-539-2432
Bellarosa Paper Arts (; 218-879-1134
Bemiss-Jason Corp.(
Bond Adhesives Co.(; 800-879-0529
Books by Hand 505-255-3534
Bostik (
Cache Junction/Seitec 800-999-1989
Clearsnap, Inc.(; 800-448-4862
Clotilde (; 800-545-4002
Clover Needlecraft, Inc. (; 800-233-1703
Collins/Prym-Dritz (
Colozzle (; 801-373-6838 or 800-563-8679 (orders only)
ColArt Americas, Inc.(
Come Quilt With Me, Inc. 718-377-3652
CPE, Inc.(; 864-429-7900 or 800-327-0059
Crafters Pick/API (; 510-526-7616
Craf-T Products, Inc.(
Createx Colors (; 860-653-5505 or 800-243-2712
Daige Rollataq (; 516-621-2100 or 800-645-3323
Darice (
DecoArt (; 606-365-3193
Delta/Delta Technical Coatings, Inc. (; 800-423-4135
Design Innovations, Inc. (; 415-922-6366
Dr. Ph. Martins (; 954-921-6971
Dritz/Prym-Dritz (
Duncan/Duncan Enterprises (; 559-291-4444 or 800-237-2647
Eclectic Products. Inc.
Elmers Products, Inc.(
EK Success LTD ( etchall (; 888-382-4255
FPC/Surebonder (; 847-487-4583
Fiskars, Inc.(
Frametek (; 541-431-4365 or 800-229-9934
Frances Meyer, Inc.(
Franklin International (; 614-445-1493 or 800-877-4583 (technical support)
Gane Brothers and Lane (; 800-323-0596
General Pencil Company (; 650-369-4889
Genesis Artist Colors (; 317-244-6871 or 800-374-1600
Germanow-Simon Corporation (; 716-232-1440 or 800-252-5335
Green Sneakers (
Grafix (
Great Planes (; 217-398-3636 or 800-637-6050
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