The Guide ToA Minimalist Lifestyle: How Minimalism Can Also Positively ChangeYour Life!
The guide to a minimalist lifestyle
Our world today is marked by consumption and we are confrontedevery day with advertising that suggests to us that material goodsbring us happiness and satisfaction. It is about earning as muchmoney as possible to live a life of material abundance. But thislifestyle is associated with a lot of stress, work and little timefor the important things in life like friends and family. Thisraises the inevitable question: is it all worth it?
I want to bring you closer to a lifestyle that is the opposite ofexcessive consumption: minimalism. Minimalism will bring serenity,peace but also joy back into your life. Through this book, you willunderstand why it is time to turn your back on the consumer societyand cultivate a minimalist lifestyle. Here I give you a detailedstep-by-step guide for your very own individual way into aminimalist life. I will explain what minimalism is and what itbrings you personally, how to start a minimalist life and whatmethods and tips will help you lead a long-term minimalist life.
Don't waste any more time and finally make time for the importantthings in life through a minimalist lifestyle!
Minimalism - Why less is more!
Minimalism is a lifestyle that is very critical of all superfluousconsumption. It is about leading a simple life that is limited tothe important things in life. The consumption of unnecessary thingsis completely stopped. The purchase consists of the most necessarygoods, which one needs to the life, completely without packingunimportant small things also into the basket. The renunciation ofexcessive consumption also reduces the social pressure to alwayshave to keep up with the others when it comes to the latesttechnology or the best car, for example.
In this way, people can escape the pressures of everyday life andexperience a completely new feeling of freedom. The goal is aself-determined life that triggers a feeling of fulfillment throughrenunciation. Minimalist people detach themselves from allsuperfluous possessions and goods they possess and limit theirconsumption as far as possible to the most necessary things inorder to reflect more on themselves again.
There are minimalists who have only 100 things. An even moreextreme form of minimalists are the so-called dropouts. They livealmost entirely without consumption and return to nature in theirdaily lives. They start growing fruit and vegetables and live ontheir own products. Only the most essential things are purchased ifthere is no other way, such as exchanging or borrowing. But even ifyou don't choose one of the more extreme forms of minimalistlifestyle, minimalism can completely change your life.
Is the minimalist lifestyle a suitable life form for you?
This question is easy to answer, because minimalism is suitable foralmost everyone. What could also argue against discardingsuperfluous things that are actually only ballast? You have morespace, more money and more time. That makes you happier in the longrun and that is a promising goal! You just have to want it and bemotivated and ready for a few major changes.
In the following chapters I will explain the advantages ofminimalism and give you a guide for your start in a minimalist lifethat you can sustain permanently.
The advantages of a minimalist lifestyle
There are many advantages to a minimalist life. In the followingsections I will explain the most important advantages.
Saving of time
Since you no longer spend your time shopping or shopping, younaturally have more free time. You may even live sominimalistically that you can and will afford to reduce yourworking hours. Then you have even more free time. You can nowdevote more time to your family and friends and maybe even go backto a beloved hobby that hasn't been around for a while.
Saving of money
It is obvious that you have more money at your disposal if you liveminimalist. If you do without unnecessary consumer goods, you willhave more money left in the end. Perhaps you will also choose asmaller apartment or an alternative type of living, such as ashared flat, and can thus also save considerably on rental costs.The financial benefits can be felt in all areas of life if you livein a minimalist way.
Healthier life
Through a minimalistic life, you have significantly less pressureand thus also significantly less stress. This is not only good foryour well-being but also for your health. After all, it is nosecret that stress burdens the heart and triggers too high a bloodpressure. In addition, you move more if you decide, for example, todo without your car. Getting around by bike or public transport notonly makes you fitter, it also makes you feel different about yoursurroundings. This promotes your well-being and therefore yourphysical health.
More flexibility in life planning
If you live minimalist, you will not find yourself in a situationwhere you accumulate debts or acquire something so big or expensivethat you will have to pay it off for years. This way you alwayshave a financial buffer with which you can also fulfill spontaneousdreams such as great experiences or are prepared for unplannedexpenses such as repairs.
Better sleep
Your minimalist life brings more movement and less pressure. Thisalso gives you a much better sleep, as you go to bed relaxed andphysically busy. Your sleep will be more relaxing and will bringyou much more energy for the following day.
Conscious enjoyment
If you refrain from excessive consumption, you will become muchmore aware of the things you still possess. You can enjoy them allover again, because they are something special and nothing ordinaryanymore. If you live a minimalist lifestyle, you will cook moreyourself and perceive the food in a completely different way. Thismakes you not only a connoisseur, but perhaps even a little morethankful for the very normal things in life.
More space in your four walls
It's quite logical: if you get rid of unnecessary possessions, yousuddenly have more space in the apartment. You can keep ordereasier again, clean everything faster and move around your fourwalls much more freely. This promotes your positive attitude tolife and your creativity. The tidy cellar will also be clearlyarranged so that you can access all items when you need them.
Who has less choice, has less agony
If your wardrobe is well-assorted and filled only with the mostimportant items of clothing, you will be able to quickly puttogether an outfit for the day. Gone are the days when you stooddesperately in front of your closet and changed your clothes adozen times until you were finally satisfied. This also takes alittle pressure off your everyday life. Besides, you can see at aglance that there's actually nothing you need when it comes toclothes.
New contacts - more social life
As a minimalist you will try to trade, buy used or share things.This way you automatically get to know other people and come intocontact with them without any effort. Social contacts make youhappy and keep you healthy. So you do something good not only forothers but also for yourself. Added to this is your newly won freetime, which you can now spend more and more with your friends andbeloved family members.
Less is more: Pay attention to quality
If you do not regularly spend money on unnecessary special offers,you can save it for a little more expensive goods or clothing. Soyou can afford high quality and have something of your new purchasefor a very long time.
You could continue the benefits of minimalist living for a verylong time, but the facts mentioned so far speak for themselves andyou will certainly quickly find out what advantages your newlifestyle will bring. Are you ready for your minimalist life? Thenyou will learn how best to start.