Table of Contents
Diet Inspiration
Lose Weight With Grain Free Recipes and Green Juices
Chaya Kennett and Alyce Dowdell
Copyright 2013 Chaya Kennett and Alyce Dowdell
All rights reserved.
You purchased this book because you desire to go on a diet to be healthier and maintain a good weight level. The first thing you need to consider is the fact that a diet is not a temporary thing. While the green juice diet is temporary, you will want to maintain a change in dieting lifestyle simply because if you go back to the way you ate before you went on the diet you will gain back every bit of the weight you loss. If you approach dieting with the thought you will make this a permanent change in your life, then you can maintain the weight loss.
Excessive weight on the body can make a person sick eventually. Overweight people have higher instances of hypertension, bone, and joint issues, cardio vascular issues, diabetes and blood sugar issues. Many health concerns can be alleviated by losing the excessive weight. If a person is diagnosed with hypertension and or high cholesterol the first line of action prescribed by the physician may be to lose weight and adopt a nutritious diet. More people are able to treat and prevent these health issues by losing weight and keeping the weight off with a good diet plan.
If you want to make the diet work better you need to do more than just change your eating habits. By making sure you take care of your body as a whole you will help the diet to be a better success faster. A few things you can do to help make the dieting work better are: breaking bad habits, exercise, getting enough rest, drinking plenty of water, having a good attitude, and sticking with it.
If you have bad habits, they may hinder your dieting success. After all, you are dieting so you will be healthier right? Why stop at weight loss, go for the whole process and adopt a healthy lifestyle as a whole, not just dieting. The worse bad habits you can have are smoking, drinking alcohol, taking recreation drugs, and eating junk food. While caffeine is a semi-bad habit, it is easier to lick than these others are.
First, let's discuss the caffeine habit. Unless a physician has told you to avoid it, it is okay to have one or two caffeinated drinks a day. If you need to cut back or stop the caffeine, wean from it slowly to prevent caffeine withdrawals. Ideally, you want to bring it down to zero to two drinks a day at the most. Count up how many caffeinated drinks you drink in a day. Take a week and cut back one drink. Cut back each week until you reach the desired amount of caffeine you want to drink.
If you are breaking the smoking habit, there are several ways to go about it. If the smoking habit is too difficult for you to break, you may need to seek professional help. If you work to stop smoking on your own, try cutting back in half. Smoke half the amount you normally smoke for a week. Then cut back in half again for the second week, then half again for the third week. If you cannot stop completely at that point, try knocking it down by cigarettes, eliminating one cigarette each week until you are down to smoking one a day. You can always try the patch and gum as well, though not at the same time.
If you drink more than two alcoholic drinks a day, you should consider cutting back or stopping. Alcohol is tough on the liver and kidneys. Alcohol also turns to sugar in the body, which turns to fat. Ever heard of having a "beer gut"? There is a reason, because drinking too much beer will cause fat to build over the abdomen. Cut back to one or two alcoholic drinks a day, or stop altogether to make your dieting a success.
If you take recreational drugs, you need to stop, plain and simple. If you wish to diet to bring about a healthier lifestyle then you should get rid of this bad habit once and for all. If you need professional help to stop this habit, do not hesitate to get it.
Junk food can be as addictive as smoking and drinking alcohol. The body can go through withdrawals if you suddenly stop eating junk food. The withdrawals may show up as an intense craving or a bad mood or even depression. Ironically, the junk food causes this. But just like you wean from cigarettes, you can ease into weaning off of the junk foods. Cut the consumption of junk food in half the first week, and then cut it in half again the second week. The third week, eat maybe one snack of junk, then by the next week you should be weaned. Replace the junk food with healthy nutritious foods found in the recipes in this book.
Exercise is another thing you can do to help the diet be a better success. The body needs physical activity in order to be at its healthiest. An exercise routine does not need to be difficult. If you can take a half an hour a day every other day and stick with it, you will do your body a lot of good. Start out simple, walk or ride a bike for half an hour. Work up to swimming or jogging. If you feel up to it try low impact aerobics or take a yoga class. Join a gym and work out on the equipment. The point is to be consistent. As you exercise, you will feel like doing it more because it increases your metabolism too.
Disclaimer: Always seek the advice of your health care provider before starting any new diet or exercise routine. If you need help breaking bad habits, your physician will be able to help. Show them the recipes within this book and explain to them why you want to diet. Find out if your body is able to handle the diet first.
Section 1: Grain Free Cookbook
Normally, when people talk about going grain free they mean particularly wheat free. Wheat is found in so many food products today, especially in processed foods. However, the there is a rise in the number of people who experience health issues if they consume wheat, and in particular, the gluten part of the wheat. With the rise of wheat or gluten intolerances and allergies, the need for more alternatives for food has surfaced. First, let's talk about the health issues consuming wheat may cause.
Health Issues From Consuming Wheat
Wheat has a high glycemic index level. This means it converts to "sugar" easily in the body, which in turns converts to excessive weight gain and fat. People wanting to lose weight may find if they avoid wheat, they lose the weight easier.
Allergies to wheat can cause symptoms of IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. Other issues that may show up are migraine headaches, asthma irritations, fatigue, skin issues, and yeast infections. Sometimes people will have one or more of these symptoms and after going off the wheat will find relief. If you have any of these symptoms, you may ask your healthcare provider about having an allergy test done to see if it is caused by wheat. Or try the diet and see if you have relief.
Autism patients may show improvement if they go on a gluten free diet. For parents of autistic children, this is good news, as it may provide some help in treatment. Again, ask the healthcare provider about this possibility.
Some people may have difficulties in the absorption of minerals if they consume wheat. This may be why they show the above symptoms. Certainly, it is best for the body if it is able to absorb all the nutrients from the foods we eat. Going on a grain free diet allows the body to have a chance to absorb all the nutrients from nutritious foods.
Tips for a Grain Free Diet
If you have studied the grain free diet you may have run across a diet called the Paleo Diet. This is a diet believed eaten by our Stone Age ancestors. The main component of the diet is the absence of grains. This grain free cookbook is not the Paleo Diet, because the recipes here do include foods on the "avoid" list for the Paleo Diet, but it is interesting that it is also a popular diet that works that does not include grains. Our Stone Age ancestors were a healthy bunch, living to ripe old ages (older than we do) and without many of the health ailments we suffer.