Table of Contents
![Your Complete Forecast 2019 Horoscope BEJAN DARUWALLA With NASTUR DARUWALLA - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/350320/9789353023386.jpg)
Your Complete Forecast
![Contents A ries is the sign of the Pioneer the Explorer You Arians are - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/350320/images/title1.jpg)
![Picture 3](/uploads/posts/book/350320/images/common.jpg)
A ries is the sign of the Pioneer, the Explorer. You Arians are spontaneous, enterprising, pioneering, impetuous and impatient, sexy, turbulent, active, sometimes even violent.
Ganesha says one picture is equal to a thousand words. Therefore, you Arians must imagine that you are the original Zulu warrior 10 feet tall sinewy and strong. You are standing in a circle. You are hurling a big sphere right in the eye of the Sun. That is how daring and powerful you really are.
This means you are ambitious, have an enormous drive and the ability to forge ahead of all the others in business or profession. Your planet is Mars. Mars is the commandant of the army. Yes, sometimes you are hasty, eager, impetuous, wild, and therefore not logical. But each sign is made differently. Therefore, you can only be you, so to say. You are a fiery sign and the hands of the fire reach out to the sky. Nothing in life is final as you know, but your speciality is in physical exertion, affairs demanding audacity and courage, over structural iron or steelworkers, carpenters, timbermen, machinists, pharmacists, barbers, police, soldiers, hardware merchants. Mars governs the external sex organs, bladder, muscular system, head, face, sense of taste. Its metals are iron and steel; its colours, dark red and magenta; its flower, narcissus; its day, Tuesday. Shakespeare the greatest dramatist ever was an Arian but a shameless borrower, and I have the integrity to at least inform you about my sources.
This time I am following it up with your digital plan for the year so that you can focus very well on it in advance and thus prepare yourself by making a blueprint of the entire year. The digital plan for the year will be short and to the point, and though it is a general reading, it should apply quite a bit to you.
January: Parents, in-laws, work, rewards, family, the effort you put in.
February: Contacts and group activities, gains and joys.
March: Expenses, health issues, but Gods grace and success in ventures, fine connections and collaborations.
April: Confidence, success, charm.
May: Finances, family, food, fortune, the four Fs.
June: Communications and contacts at all levels.
July: House, home, family.
August: Romance, children, creativity.
September: Work, health improvement measures.
October: Marriage, relationships, contacts, trips, ties and opposition.
November: Loans, funds, health, taxes, accidents, legal matters.
December: Publicity, publishing, fame, religious rites, matters to do with parents and in-laws in short, being in the public eye.
Aries stands for enthusiasm, power and adventure. Ganesha says this is certainly the old monthly round-up but specially for 2019 this monthly round-up becomes very necessary and precise and proper because of the planets Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto helping you in every possible way. Therefore, though it is the old monthly round-up, it still has a very special, new, different, accurate guideline specially for 2019. Ganesha says Bejan is now eighty-seven. It is his voice of experience which says it specially for the year 2019. Let me explain to you that astrology is mainly about the right person being at the right place and at the right time and therefore this blueprint of the year will be of special importance and meaning to you.
We shall repeat it once, but because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac we are informing you that the following relationship will apply to each sign.
Mercury Vision
Venus Touch
Jupiter Smell
Saturn Hearing
Mars Taste
Ganesha asks for a look at the decans. Ganesha says each of the sun signs encompasses 30 degrees of the zodiac. These can be further subdivided into three decans of 10 degrees each. Therefore, although all those born between 21 March and 19 April are classified under the Aries sign, the traits will vary. So lets see what the decans say about you: if you were born between 21 and 31 March (the first decan), your ruling planet is Mars. This is an explosive decan. Excess of energy leads to quarrels and clashes. Control your temper and tongue. Sudden illness may befall you if you are between forty-two and fifty-six. Your twenty-eighth year (the year of Mars in Indian astrology) should be outstanding.
If you were born between 1 and 10 April (the second decan), the planetary ruler is the Sun, making you ambitious yet idealistic and kind-hearted, with qualities of leadership, as well as constructive creativity.
If you were born between 11 and 19 April (the third decan), whose ruler is Jupiter, you like the good things of life and dont mind paying for them. You revere learning, are generous and intuitive and would do well in any position of responsibility and trust.
You Arians will be lucky in 2019. Jupiter will be in your ninth angle from 9 March 2018 to 2 December 2019. Jupiter favours music of the plants, herbs, space, black holes and so on. Your sign Aries, strictly speaking, shows the last frontier in research, TV, Internet, Facebook, WhatsApp, industry, cars, aeroplanes, mining, website, iron and steel, forging, blasting of rocks and mountains for minerals such as copper, tin, gold, iron and so on. I am emphasizing this in different ways, so that you get the message loud and clear that 2019 is for research, discovery, expanding the boundaries of your heart, mind, body, spirit. Astrology is all about timing. And the timing for you to evolve, to develop, to grow will be just right in 2019 and 2020. Let me be as precise as possible. The period could well be a period of tremendous expansion, research, growth, maturity and capability with more potential power, journey, immigration and pilgrimage than you will experience in your entire life.
Now that you know how exciting and powerful the period is, you should get ready to take your best shot by letting your arrows of desire fly from your bow of burnished gold. Surprisingly enough, your range is from industry to the fine arts. In the fine arts I mention Bismillah Khan, the shehnai king, Ravi Shankar, the sitar maestro and Charlie Chaplin, one of the greatest comedians of all times, besides, of course, our own first-ever Field Marshal S.H.F.J. Manekshaw, who defeated Pakistan though not in fine arts but another different artthe art of warfare.
Ganesha says, in simple terms Saturn means responsibility and duty. For you Arians, Saturn will be in your tenth house from 21 December 2017 to 23 March 2020. Therefore, like it or lump it, you will have to carry huge responsibilities. Luckily, you have Herculean or powerful shoulders. Therefore, you will succeed in your plans, wishes and ambition.
But I have a word of advice for you. Do not force others into your beliefs and ideals and dogmas. You are a born leader and Saturn certainly helps you in methods, organization, execution, management, law, order and religion. You should not force your opinions down the throats of your colleagues, servants, collaborators, marriage partner or friends. If you strike a balance between command and persuasion, power and flexibility, I guarantee you in the name of Ganesha that 2019 will be a strikingly good year for you. You will have power, perks, prestige, promotion and, most certainly, a mighty improvement in status and prestige. In fact, I see a big jump in all these matters. The only condition is keep your cool. You are welcome to command others. But please do not push them so hard that they lose their self-respect and dignity. Here comes why.