Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About
Spirit Boards
But Were Afraid To Ask
Jezebel Jorge
Spirit Guide Odessa
Copyright 2013 Jezebel Jorge
Published by Jezebel Jorgeat Smashwords
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Cover art by Jezebel Jorge
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The opinions expressed inthis book are the beliefs of the author and her spirit guide. Theinformation provided in this book should not be used as asubstitute for advice from a spiritual advisor, doctor, or otherprofessional. In other words, believe as thy shall.
Many moonsago I lived. Again I come. Patience Worth my name. Wait, I wouldspeak with thee. If thou shalt live, then so shall I.
~ Patience Worth, aschanneled on a spirit board to Pearl Curran in 1913
Table ofContents
Whatis a Spirit Board
Howdoes a Spirit Board Work
History of the Spirit Board
Spirit Boards in Literature
Spirit Boards in PopularCulture
Finding a Spirit Board
Planning a Session with a SpiritBoard
Location Securing Your Space
Your Guest List
Opening a Session
Communicating Through TheBoard
Uninvited Guests
Ending a Session
About the Author
A Message From Jezebel
Excerpt from Vexed
If you are one of thosepeople who believe a spirit board is a tool of the devil or aportal to unleash evil, this book isnt for you.
Being a practicing witch,I dont believe in the devil, much less worship something thatdoesnt exist.
A spirit board is simplya tool to use to connect with spirit. Nothing more. Nothing less.Its not a portal to hell or a way to unleash demons. A board couldpossibly contain negative energy from a previous user, but theboard in and of itself is no more evil than a stick offirewood.
Why would a ghost want tohaunt a piece of cardboard or wood? There are much more interestingand entertaining things to do on the other side.
My spirit guide Odessaand I decided to write this book to dispel a lot of nonsense andhopefully help others find an effective way to connect withspirit.
So, open your mind, castyour doubts aside, and come along for what we hope will be a funride.
What is a Spirit Board?
The spirit board is alsoknown in popular culture as a Ouija Board, or sometimes a talkingboard. It is a tool for connecting with spirits on the other side.Thats all it is, a tool. It shouldnt be considered it any moredangerous or threatening than Tarot cards, a pendulum, automaticwriting or any other form of divination.
It is a flat board withthe letters of the alphabet and the numbers 0-9, along with thewords yes, no, and sometimes, hello, or goodbye. A boardcan also include other symbols that resonate with the user of theboard. We have a pentacle carved onto our favorite board along witha snake.
A planchette, a smalloften heart-shaped piece of wood, or another moveable indicator, isused to indicate the spirits message by moving across theboard.
Participants place theirfingers on the planchette and it is then moved across the board tospell out words.
Spirit comes through bythe movement of the planchette to spell out messages.
How does a Spirit Board Work?
Opinions vary on how aspirit board actually works. Is it controlled by the userssubconscious? Is it controlled by actual spirits? Is it theinfluence of demonic spirits?
Like the above questions,there are three main theories as to how a spirit boardworks.
The Spiritualist Theory Messages are coming entirely from spirit. The board is just aconduit with the other side. There are those like us who believe itis okay to use this form of communication. Then there are otherswho believe that no one should use a spirit board because theboards open a gateway that cant be closed. They believe thatmalevolent forces can masquerade as good and cause emotionaldamage, even death to the user of the board.
I find this hard tobelieve mainly because each time I do a session with my spiritboard I cast a protective circle and state aloud that contact willbe made only by those who dwell in love and light. Odessa is anextremely powerful guide. I have absolute faith that she will notlet anything demonic come through.
The Automatism Theory The user doesnt realize they are moving the planchette, when inactuality they are. Its like the board opens a shortcut from theconscious to the subconscious mind. This is similar to automaticwriting. The message comes from spirit by their manipulation ofyour hand. It can be thought of as a form of possession as whendoing automatic writing you allow the spirit to use your hand totake control of presenting their message.
Ive experienced manyinstances where Odessa takes control of my writing. I have nomemory of some of the things that she has written until I go backlater and read her messages.
The Ideomotor Theory This refers to involuntary and unconscious motor behavior broughtabout by suggestion or expectation. William B. Carpenter came upwith the term ideomotor action in 1852 as an explanation for themovement of rods and pendulums by dowsers. The muscular movement isinitiated by the mind independent of volition andemotion.
Our Take
A connection with Spiritis made by the person on this side of the veil raising their energyvibration and the one who has crossed lowering their energy.Communication between the realms happens when both of sides arevibrating on the same frequency. A spirit always becomes strongerwhen you acknowledge their existence. The same also works inreverse. If there is an entity coming through that you dont wantto deal with, then simply ignore them. Dont speak or even think ofthem and chances are the entity will go away to find someone morewilling to play with them.
Making contact withspirit is a rather simple process when you think about it. We raiseour energy vibration and those we wish to make contact with lowertheirs. Contact is made when both sides are on the samefrequency.
History of the Spirit Board
The Spirit Board as weknow it today started in its earliest origins as what is know asTable Tipping. This is when a group of people gather around awooded table and ask a spirit to show their presence by making thetable move or by perhaps knocking on the table. Not quite asintriguing as a spirit who can spell, but still an interestingconcept.
Ive been to modern dayTable Tippings with not much action. On one instance I did see agroup of coven sisters get a table to dance quiteimpressively.
Spirit always feeds onenergy, so the combined energies of a coven of witches would mostdefinitely strengthen a spirit to where they could perform suchfeats.
In some instances onemember of the coven will call out the letters of the alphabet andthe spirit will respond with knocks on the table at the appropriateletters.
This advanced to the useof the planchette. This device started out as a three leggedwriting tool with a hole at the top to insert a pencil. One personwould place their fingers on the edge of the tool and allow it toglide across a piece of paper to spell out a word or message.Planchette is French for little plank and it is estimated to haveoriginated in Europe in the early 1850s. Planchettes werecommercially marketed in the United States by the 1860s.
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