TheResistant Starch Diet
"Diet Carbs"
by Christopher Kate
Copyright 2011 ChristopherKate
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Glory be to God.
Consult with a health carepractitioner before doing anything in this book. All theinformation contained herein is for informational purposes only.The author and publisher expressly disclaim responsibility for anyadverse effects that may result from the use or application of anymaterial contained within this book.
Table ofContents:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Another Diet Study WhyShould We Care?
It's exhausting before you ever get off the couch. Anyone looking toshed a few pounds these days feels this way and probably notbecause they've engaged in any type of strenuous exercise. Americandieters are tired of having to follow new instructions. How many hundreds oftimes does the consensus on how to approach nutrition, weight loss,and working out meander? It seems there is an invariable annualrevolution. New studies create a buzz, and we have witnessed overand over the mantra on "how to lose weight" amend itself. Why onearth would you be looking to adjust your eating behaviors yetagain? What sets this diet apart from the 50 other so-called "breakthroughs" of thelast century? And isn't it hypocritical that these questions areposed in (yes it is) another diet book based on the science of theday?
I asked myself theseprecise questions before undertaking this project. At first, Irecoiled from writing this book. When I began researching the"resistant starch" study conducted at the University of Colorado Ihad NO intention of compiling the findings, assembling more dataand shoving one more diet book into the alreadyovercrowded "Health and Nutrition" section at the bookstores. Yet,one-by-one, my aforementioned inquiries were answered, and alas,this material had withstood the last of my skepticism. In fact, thesubstance of this diet became exceptionally significant; so much sothat I was compelled to share with you its contents which aredisclosed in the following pages. I hope that you find here thetools to lose weight, tone muscles and grow healthier and happier.If these are among your goals, I believe that this is the book foryou, and here's why-
Rest assured first and foremost, youwon't be asked to change your strategies entirely. My soleobjective here is to share with you the weapons to seize theresults you want without the overwhelming and unnecessarysacrifices you are likely making now. As we pursue weight loss,health maintenance and contentment with our bodies, the toolsintegrated in this book will absolutely reduce the stresses andhunger that the majority of us have been trying to cope with forfar too long.
The first and perhaps mostimportant discovery as this research was being compiled is thatthis is NOT a diet proposing that we stop what we are alreadydoing, (assuming that is, we are utilizing a conscientious andphysiologically sound meal plan currently). This is a diet thatasks you to incorporate foods you may already be eating indifferent ways and leave out a few others. Nothing drastic,seriously. Resistant starches or 'LGI carbs' should not bethe only foods weeat. You will find no requests in this book that you abandon allyour other consumables and partake only in the eating of thesestarches. On the contrary, due to the way in which these carbs areprocessed in the body, I dont suggest you do this at all.Resistant starches serve instead as a way to satisfy our desire forfood without acquiring the unwanted glucose, fat or calories wework so hard to burn away.
What the "Resistant starchDiet" pledges to do, is alleviate the extreme cravings and durationof time throughout the day in which we experience hunger. This isdifferent from most every diet out there! It's one you can stickwith! This is the key to making our diet and exercise routines moretolerable habits in our lives. I know you are fatigued by theclaims that a "miracle" has been introduced onto the market everytime the new "fad diet" emerges, so take note- there will be nosuch proclamations present here. This will be a realistic portraitof dieting, including the difficulties. (Let's touch on the firstnow.) One drawback to this diet is the way in which we prepareparticular carbohydrates. It can get confusing as we are learning about thesestarches. It is the purpose of this book to present you with asimplistic plan- weaving traditionally balanced and healthyselections with an increased quantity of 'resistant starches'. Thisprogram will deliver REAL results in a rational manner, allowingyou to achieve and sustain the goals you have set. We will also beeducating ourselves about the composition of these unique carbs tobetter understand how and why resistant starches work, and what todo to get the most out of our meals.
Resistant Starches- TheStudy That Makes Us Happy
We want toeradicate hunger, shrink fat cells, lose weight, look better, andhave more energy. We want to eat what we want and to increasemuscle mass. We want it all! Due to our relentless demand forresults, over the years, science has sought to supply us withnumerous insights as to how to approach nutrition, weight-loss, andhealthy living. From counting fat grams, carbohydrates, andprotein, to incorporating additional supplements, the Americandieter is an ever evolving entity. We have witnessed the dawning ofa conscientious society regarding nutrition. Average citizens havea growing awareness of the importance of diet and health. As wecontinue to seek viable weight management solutions, scientists aretaking even more refined approaches to the investigation ofnutrition.
A recent research studyobserving well over 4,000 individuals from the University ofColorado addressed these resistant starches (a type of carbohydrateas well as fiber), and measured quantitatively their impact onweight when they are eaten in greater proportions in our diet.Contrary to our generalized perception of carbs in the past, thisstudy calls attention to the fact that there is a more dynamicnature to carbohydrates than popular consensus had presumed. Thosewho ate the most of these carbs actually lost more weight. In fact, this is notthe first study done on resistant starches. There have been over160 studies in the past on this very topic proving the efficacy ofthis dieting technique.
I know what you arethinking..."So now they're telling us carbs are GOOD, this is an OUTRAGE!" Wellto be frank, some carbs are good. Still, for the most part it remains that themajority of carbohydrates are not weight loss friendly. You have to eat the right carbs and eat themin the right way.The purpose of focusing on resistant starches has very little to dowith the fact that they are the exception to a prevailing standardregarding carb intake. Instead, it is the profound impact thatresistant starches will have on your diet when you do begin to eat more ofthem. Again, this is no proposition that you forego all you everknew about nutrition and the principles of weight loss. TheResistant Starch Diet merely attests that if you replace part ofyour current healthy meal components with these uniquecarbohydrates, you will reduce the extremity of your food cravings.Also, due to the density of resistant starches as well as theirfunction in the body, routine consumption will diminish thefrequency and duration of time one experiences hunger throughoutthe day. But that's only the beginning!
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