The Rocket Spanish Quick-StartGuide to Spanish Language Learning Success: 20 Great Spanish Lessons Plus Hints, Tips, & Advice toKick-Start your Spanish Learning Journey!
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.What youll find inside and why you should keepreading.
Whats gone wrong so far.
What you can do right now.
Hello& Goodbye in Spanish
What Kindof Spanish Learner Are You?
Meetingand Days of the Week in Spanish
Seasonsand Months in Spanish
Weatherin Spanish
The 5-StepLearn Spanish Plan
Describing people in Spanish
Feelings in Spanish
Romantic phrases in Spanish
BasicSpanish phrases
How DoYou Eat An Elephant?
Spanish Medical Words
Hobbies in Spanish
Clothing in Spanish
Groceries in Spanish
Shopping in Spanish
Bargain in Spanish
At therestaurant in Spanish
Signsin Spanish
LearnSmarter Not Harder
What comes next?
What success looks like.
Take the next step with Rocket SpanishPremium
1. What youllfind inside and why you should keep reading.
Hola, Im Mauricio. Im a native Spanishspeaker from Chile, and the creator of RocketSpanish . I know just how hard it can be to learn a newlanguage, because Ive been there myself. When I was first learningto speak English I really struggled to find any decent resources;and classes were just too hard to commit to, and tooexpensive!
Thats why I created RocketSpanish , and thats why Ive put together The RocketSpanish Quick-Start Guide to Spanish Language Learning Success,a beginners guide to my beautiful Spanish Language...
So, you want to learn Spanish. You must do,because youve just bought this eBook. And I bet youve wanted tolearn for quite some time. Perhaps you learned some Spanish inschool, maybe youve even taken classes or bought Spanish learningproducts before. But still you feel like a beginner and yourestill looking for that system thatll transform you into theSpanish speaker you always wanted to be.
Well let me tell you one thing right now,theres no easy way to learn any language.
Language learning takes time and effort. Youhave to find ways to get the information you need, and you need topractice. The best thing you can do is to set yourself up tosucceed right from the start by selecting ways to learn that suityour learning style, and understand that fluency doesnt happenovernight.
Most learners can share a story or two about aless than successful attempt to learn Spanish in school. Some willhave been made to take a Spanish class, others may have chosen to.Either way, horror stories abound about having to repeat obscurephrases in unison until you reach a state of near hypnosis, beingdrilled to death with grammar rules, or learning an entireconjugation table for a verb before you learned how to sayHelp!
In fact statistics show that in the U.S. lessthan 5 percent of students who study a foreign language inclassroom environments continue studying the language for more thantwo years. There are many reasons for these dismal numbers, amongthem the fact that the United States is relatively resistant whenit comes to developing a multilingual mindset.
But Spanish is so much more than a schoolsubject. Its a process and its a practice. Its a new way ofseeing the world and a new way of participating in it. If it soundslike Im overstating the case, just ask any bilingual Spanishspeaker.
Thats why its not about learning Spanish soyou can use it - its about using Spanish so you can learn it. Therest will happen naturally...
Thats where my The Rocket SpanishQuick-Start Guide to Spanish Language Learning Success eBookcomes in.
Right here youll find a whole bunch of greatSpanish lessons, hints, and tips designed to give your learning aboost and get you on the right track to being able to communicateeffectively in Spanish.
If youre truly committed to the task, youllbe an avid student of Spanish in no time. But not before you beginusing it to communicate with real people in realsituations.
There are many reasons for learning any newlanguage.
Many people want to learn Spanish because theywant to get more enjoyment out of their experiences in places likeMexico, so that practical daily communication becomes easier forthem. The fact is that you gain a richer appreciation for LatinAmerican food and culture when you have a bit of Spanish languageup your sleeve.
Others decide to learn Spanish out of a desireto talk to and relate to friends and family. For some, learningSpanish increases their earning potential in the business world.Others are fascinated by Spanish just for the sake of the language,and take great pleasure in learning any new language
Regardless of your reasons for starting, theresult of learning Spanish is the same. In a word, its rewarding;its genuinely a fulfilling experience. Its also a bonus for allof the people youre now able to reach with your new-found languageability. Remember, speaking someone elses native language, intheir home country, or in their home, is a mark of enormousrespect. And this sort of respect goes a long way.
Walk with me for a moment and imagine what itwould be like to actually be able to speak and understand Spanish,like you always wished you could...
Imagine the freedom of being able to rock upconfidently to any group, or into any situation, and know that youcan hold your own in your new favorite language. Order a meal inSpanish, ask directions, book a hotel, attend a meeting; thepossibilities are endless.
Well, the good news is that you dont need acertain genetic makeup or, for that matter, a second childhood inorder to excel at Spanish learning; just the RIGHT ATTITUDE. Itstrue. It may take some work to get there, but your success willdepend on whether or not you have adopted the right attitude tolearning. Well talk in plenty of detail about how to get there,but if you had to break it down in a simple equation, the messagemight go something like this
Take the language learning processvery seriously.
Dont take yourself too seriously inthe process.
2. Whats gonewrong so far
Ok, weve established that you want to learnsome Spanish, and some reasons why thats a great idea. So how comeyou havent managed to learn more already? Lets talk about thehidden reason that people like you and me have tried and failed atlanguage learning for years.