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This book w as made with F ore st S teward ship Council certied paperone small step in DK s commitment to a sustainable fut ure. For more information, go to www .d -green-pledge. THIRD EDITION Seri es Edito r Eli se Bra dbury Senior Edito r Amelia Pe tersen Senior A rt E ditor Ja ne Ewa rt Managing Edito rs Chr istine Stroy an, C arine Tr acanelli Managing A rt Ed itor Anna Hall Production E ditor Ro bert Dunn Senior Pro duction Con troller Saman tha Cross Jacket Pro ject A rt E ditor Surabhi Wad hwa-Gandhi Jacket Design Development Manager Soph ia MTT Art D irect or Kar en Self Associate P ublishing D irect or Liz W heeler Publishing D irect or Jo nathan M etcalf DK INDIA Project Ar t E ditor Anjal i Sachar Senior DTP Designer Shan ker P rasad Managing Edito r Ro han Sinha Managing A rt Ed itor Suda kshina Ba su This American E dition, 2 First American E dition, 1 Published i n the United S tates by DK Pu blishing 145 0 Broadwa y, Suite 8 , New Y o rk, NY First pu blished i n Great Britai n by Hugo s Langua ge Bo oks Lim ited Copyright , , 3, 2022 Dorling Kindersl ey L imited DK, a Division of P en guin Ra ndom House LLC 22 9 8 001 326927Jan/2022 Writ ten by Isabel Cisner os Form erly Head of Spanish a t Th e Henley College, Oxo n All rig hts r eserved. Without limitin g the rights under the copy right r eserved a bove, no part of thi s publication m ay b e repr oduced, s tored i n or i ntroduced i nto a retriev al s ystem, or transmitted, i n any fo rm, or by any means (electr onic, m echanical, p hotocopying, recording, o r otherwise), w ithout t he pri or wri tten p ermission of the copy right owner . Published i n Grea t Brit ain by Dorli ng Kin dersley L imited. A catal og rec ord fo r this book is a vaila ble fr om the Libra ry of C ongress. ISBN 978-0-74 40-516 4-3 DK books are av ailable a t speci al disc ounts w hen pur chased i n bulk fo r sales promotions, p remiums, f und-raising, o r educational u se. Fo r deta ils co ntact: DK Pu blishing Special M arkets, 1 0 Broadwa y, Suite 8 , New Y o rk, NY Special Printed a nd boun d in Latvia www.

This edition of Hugo Spanish in 3 Months was written by Isabel Cisneros, who has considerable experience in teaching her native tongue to secondary school students, adult beginners, and more advanced learners. The course is designed for people learning at home who want to acquire a good working knowledge of Spanish in a short time. The grammar is presented concisely and clearly, maintaining the Hugo principle of teaching only what is really essential and yet providing a complete introduction to written and conversational Spanish. We strongly encourage you to download the free DK Hugo in 3 Months app (see p.4) and to listen to the accompanying audio. This will enable you to learn the distinctive sounds of the Spanish language. Ideally, you should spend about an hour a day on the course, although there is no hard-and-fast rule on this. Do as much as you feel capable of doing; it is much better to learn a little at a time and to learn that thoroughly. Before beginning a new section, always spend ten minutes reviewing what you learned the day before. Then, read each new sec tion care ful ly, ensuring that you have fully un der stood the grammar, before listening to the audio to learn the pronunciation of sample sentences and new vocabulary. Finally, complete the exercises that accompany each section. Repeat them until the answers come easily. Repetition is vital to language learning. The more often you listen to a conversation or repeat an oral exercise, the faster your listening skills and fluency in speaking the language will improve. After youve completed all the exercises in a week, move on to the drills at the end and read both the stimulus and response out loud. Work through them line by line and use them as a test to see whether youre ready to move on to the next chapter. In a ddition to the valuable pronunciation practice and general fluency provided by these drills, they can also be treated as written exercises. The answers are at the back of the book. Preface PREF A CE

Each week of the course finishes with a conversation in everyday Spanish, along with an English translation. We suggest that you listen to the conversations first and then read them aloud and see how closely you can imitate the voices on the recording. Take careful note of the use of idioms and new vocabulary as well as relating the constructions you hear to those youve just learned. The course finishes with a piece of text for reading practice, along with the English translation. When youve completed the course, you should have a very good understanding of the languagemore than sufficient for vacation or business purposes and enough to support you in language validation tests if that is your aim. Re mem ber that it is important to continue ex pand ing your vo cab u lary by reading in Spanish or watching Spanish films or visiting a Spanishspeaking country! We hope you enjoy Hugo Spanish in 3 Months , and we wish you success with your studies! SPA NISH IN 3 MON THS About the audio app The audio app that accompanies this Spanish course contains audio recordings for all numbered sections, vocabulary boxes, conversations, drills, and some of the exercises. There is no audio for the Reading practice section. When you see this symbol, it indicates that there is no audio for that section. To start using the audio with this book, go to and download the DK Hugo in 3 Months app on your smartphone or tablet from the App Store or Google Play. Then, select Spanish from the list of titles. Please note that this app is not a stand-alone course. It is designed to be used together with the book to familiarize you with Spanish speech and to provide examples for you to repeat aloud.

CONTENTS Week 5 The v erb ir (to go) The p ast pa rticiple ( -ed fo rm) The p resent p erfe ct (I hav e d one ) Hay (ther e is, there a re ) Per sonal a Direct a nd ind irect object pro nouns: m e, him, to me, to him, etc. Order of p ronouns ( he gi ves i t to me ) Redundant u se of object pro nouns The i mperative: p olite comm ands Exercises, d rills & conv ersation Week 6 Some useful question wor ds Exclamations Stem-changing ve rbs Reexi ve v erbs ( e.g., I wa sh my self ) Reciprocal f orm ( e ach other) Per sonal pro nouns wit h pre positions Irregular ve rbs in the p resent tense Idiomatic u ses of hacer Impersonal ve rbs The v erbs gustar (to l ike) a nd querer (to wa nt) Exercises, d rills & conv ersation Week 7 The i mperfe ct tense (wa s doi ng, used t o do ) The v erb soler The p ast per fec t (e.g ., had done ) Some negative wo rds: nev er, no thing, neith er , etc. Adverb s (e.g ., e asily , frequ ently) Comparison of a djectives, a dverbs and nouns (mor e ... than, etc.) Exercises, d rills & conv ersation Review exe rcises Pronunciation Week 1 Articles: t he, a, an, some Gender & plural of noun s Subject p ronouns: I , y ou, h e, etc. Form s of a ddress: M r. , Mrs., etc. The v erb tener (to hav e) Form ing the negative & q uestions Idiomatic u ses of tener Exercises, d rills & conv ersations Week 2 Contraction of t he art icle Pos session ( e.g., J ohn s fa ther) Adjectiv es: d escribing t hings The v erbs ser & estar (to be) Exercises & conv ersations Week 3 Demonstratives: t his, t hat, t hese, tho se Regular v erbs The p resent p articiple ( -ing fo rm) Question wo rds: what ?, who?, who se?, wh ich?, etc. Relative pro n ouns: wh o, which , th at, etc. Exercises, d rills & conv ersation Week 4 Pos sessive a djectives: m y, y our , etc. Pos sessive p ro n ouns: min e, y ours, etc. Num bers The t ime Days, m onths, sea sons, date s Exercises & con ver s a t ion Review exer cises Contents