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2013 by Beata Molnar. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 03/14/2013
ISBN: 978-1-4817-8662-1 (sc)
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Dedicated to Rhonda Byrne
Who uncovered the Secret and shared it with the World,
Who inspires and motivates,
Who helped me to the take the first step!
Thank You Rhonda!
The Author was inspired by the following books:
The Secret and The Magic by Rhonda Byrne
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
You were Born Rich by Bob Proctor
The Key to Happiness, Success and Abundance is inside every single persons mind. Your job is to want it, to find it and to use it, as it will open all the Doors to Complete Fulfilment! The Author
You may be the poorest man on the continent, and be deeply in debt; you may have neither friends, influence or resources; but if you begin to do things in this certain way, you must infallibly begin to get rich, for like causes must produce like effects.
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
It happens very often, and I am sure its the same with most people, that you come to a point in your life when you realize you need to change direction as you are heading the wrong way. If you feel unhappy, worried, anxious, sad, lonely or worthless, you are surly on the wrong path. It is not easy to change, to give up things you are used to, things that are so familiar, and although they do not make you happy, still, they feel safe because they are all that you know. Change is never easy, but if you are willing to follow your dreams, change is necessary.
You, as most people, need motivation and inspiration, and you need to believe in something so you can change. It is important that you have people around you who believe in you whatever you wish to achieve, but it is more important to believe in yourself and your ability to do so.
The Laws of the Universe are there to serve you, if you know how to apply them and follow them. The Law of Attraction Experiment is based on two Universal Laws: The Law of Vibration and The Law of Attraction. The Experiment is based on true events and experiences. You can sense the tone and the mood it was written in, in each and every chapter. When you start learning more about these Laws and you begin to apply them to your life, it will be very exciting first and the Experiment completely confirms this. After a while it becomes natural to use these Laws and you will calm down, be more relaxed, and in the end, if you are doing it long enough, it will become a habit of yours.
The Law of Attraction says that like attracts like, which means that if you are focusing on positive thoughts over and over again, you will attract positive people, events and experiences. It does sound simple, but sometimes it is very challenging to think only good and happy thoughts. When you are feeling down or lonely, it is extremely hard to shift your mood and your thoughts, but it can be done!
The Experiment confirms that the Law of Attraction is operational. Too many coincidences happened to me in a very short time and some of them I still cannot explain.
You can achieve anything you want, you can be whatever you want to be and most importantly, you can be a very happy and positive person if you choose to be that way! You are the creator of your life!
Dear Diary
First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Millie and I decided to share my feelings, thoughts and experiences with You from today. I would like to focus on the present and the future, but I will tell You a bit of myself so You have a better understanding of my life.
My parents divorced before my mother gave birth to me, so she raised me on her own for years. She was very young and sometimes being a single parent was a struggle for her. When I was about six, my mother married again. My brother was born shortly after, and six years later my sister arrived too. I love them both so much! My sister is the image of my mum, she is a very pretty and smart girl, full of life. My brother is extremely handsome and looks exactly like my granddad in his younger years. He is very confident and excellent in dealing with money. This I believe will serve him throughout his life.
Growing up I had good times and bad times. I was a rebellious teen causing much trouble at home, and a lot of heartache for my mother. I felt I was misunderstood by her and everybody else, and I was craving freedom. I am sure youre not surprised if I tell You, I moved out before my 18 th birthday. I was struggling with self-confidence in many areas of my life. I had many relationships throughout the years but nearly all of them ended badly. I felt lost and lonely many times. My life brought me here, where I am now. It is also important to mention that I am not alone any more. I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy four years ago. His name is Wyatt and he is my life!
So here I was, unemployed single mum, not too happy with life at all. I was mostly focusing on the negative, the lack of jobs, lack of money, lack of confidence, lack of opportunities, not having the car I want, having to rent a house, not being able to get a mortgage, and so on But this all changed dear Diary! And you are going to witness all the changes I am making and everything that is happening in my life from here forth.
You are probably wondering what the change is and what exactly caused it. Well, while looking for a way out of unhappiness and depression, I stumbled upon a book, which completely changed the way I think. I researched the idea further and found another inspiring book. Both books are talking about the Law of Attraction, the Law of Vibration and the power of the human mind. The idea states that every single person is the creator of his/her own life, and that we attract what we think about most, regardless if its something positive or negative. As per the Law of Attraction like attracts like, so if you are a very positive person, you will attract positive people and positive events. It is also important to be grateful for everything you have presently, even if its not great, you need to find the good in every single aspect of your life. I have been practising these ideas since a few weeks, and started to see the changes after a while. From today, I will put everything in writing, to prove that the Law of Attraction works and the power of the mind is much bigger than I have ever imagined.
Dear Diary, I will take you with me on the journey, which I am so excited to take. Today, the 1 st of January 2013 is the beginning of my new life, which opens doors and creates opportunities for me wherever I go. I believe that this is true and I will prove it. This new life is filled with only happiness, love, joy, fun, gratitude, success, self-expression, confidence, and complete fulfilment in all areas of life. You will see
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