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Copyright 2022 by Daniela Pierre-Bravo
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Pierre-Bravo, Daniela, author.
Title: The other : how to own your power at work as a woman of color / Daniela Pierre-Bravo.
Description: First edition. | New York : Legacy Lit, 2022.
Identifiers: LCCN 2022004458 | ISBN 9780306925443 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780306925450 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Minority womenEmploymentUnited States. | Minority women in the professionsUnited States. | Minority womenUnited StatesPsychology. | BusinesswomenJob satisfactionUnited States.
Classification: LCC HD6057.5.U5 P55 2022 | DDC 331.4/08900973dc23/eng/20220504
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2022004458
ISBNS: 9780306925443 (hardcover) 9780306925450 (ebook)
A question that readers often ask me is, What can women of color do to combat the unique challenges we face in the workplace? Here at last, Daniela Pierre-Bravo provides some real answers. Generously sharing her own extraordinary journey from undocumented intern to world-class television journalist, Pierre-Bravo reminds us that, despite the outside forces working against us, there are always elements in our stories that we can and must dictate for ourselves. Eye-opening and infectiously enthusiastic, Pierre-Bravo deserves praise for her honesty and desire to help others succeed.
Ruby Hamad, author of White Tears/Brown Scars
Equal parts head and heart, THE OTHER not only welcomes women of color to the table but tells us how to confidently take ownership of that all-important seat. Compelling and full of advice that works, this book should be a staple in workplaces across the nation for women of color.
Bola Sokunbi, author of Clever Girl Finance
THE OTHER expands the view and dialogue on the realities of women of color in the workplace. Daniela Pierre-Bravo takes the experiences of women who feel othered out of the margins and places them squarely in the center to be underscored, understood, and unhidden.
Tammy Lewis Wilborn, PhD, author of Playing a New Game
THE OTHER so beautifully encapsulates the challenges and opportunities for those with marginalized identities in the workplace. Daniela provides a triumphant path forward for success.
Stefanie K. Johnson, bestselling author of Inclusify
Reading THE OTHER by Daniela Pierre-Bravo was like turning the camera on and watching my own life experiences be reflected back at me. A poignant manifesto on how to close the door on impostor syndrome and advocate for yourself and your successes. At times harrowing, but hopeful, THE OTHER is a book that should be gifted to anyone who wants to work in a corporate space and should be required reading for people managers, especially those who manage BIPOC people.
Saraciea J. Fennell, editor of Wild Tongues Cant Be Tamed
I could not put this book down! Daniela Pierre-Bravo has written an energizing, eye-opening manifesto for women of color to own our power, urging us to recognize how our hurdles can be channeled to become our superpower. Pierre-Bravos story of her incredible rise from an undocumented immigrant to one of the most recognizable faces on television is riveting. Even more so, how this book creates a playbook and community for everyone who has felt like the other to embrace, not shun, what sets us apart. Read it again and buy copies for all the aspiring leaders in your life!
Ruchika Tulshyan, author of Inclusion on Purpose
Para mi mama y la Mary
I have to be honest with you: I had a hard time with the title of this book. The idea of being the other alludes to being different. At work it can feel like you stick out and dont fit in, which can be alienating and disempowering. But for the same reason you probably decided to pick up this book, I chose to keep the title. Ive both felt like the other and been identified as one, whether consciously or not, due to being an undocumented, first-generation-immigrant Latina. Being othered suggests that you dont belong. You dont fit in. Its a duality that many women of color, immigrants, and children of immigrants have to navigate our entire lives. And many of us have spent a long time and lots of unnecessary energy going along with implicit rules about identity to fit into a white world, hiding our differences in order to be accepted in both our personal lives and our careers. These rules are tied to the differences in our cultures, races, ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and so on, and they suggest that achieving conventional success would be easier if we hid, repressed, and shielded parts of ourselves so that we could belong.
This feeling of not belonging is magnified when we enter a workforce where many of the other employees and higher-ups dont look like us. While representation of women has improved in the overall corporate landscape, a McKinsey Women in the Workplace 2021 study highlights that women of color navigating their careers from entry level to the C-suite drop off by more than 75 percent and account for only 4 percent of C-suite leaders. Its no wonder many of us feel the gaps our duality creates between us and the people around us on a daily basis. We feel forced to shape-shift and conform at work to try to achieve success, because weve worked our butts off to get there. And Ive written this book to help you develop the right mindset and know-how to come to work with the fullness of who you are and get what you deserve.
I was born in Chile and permanently migrated to the United States with my parents at age eleven. I grew up in the shadows in a small town surrounded by messages that said people like me did not belong. As an immigrant and the oldest of five siblings, with parents who struggled despite working two to three jobs each, I saw assimilation and blending in as my best shot of achieving the bright and shiny American Dream. The rules I created for myself in order to be included took on different forms throughout my life and followed me into the workplace. And my strategy proved successful. Im an on-air reporter for MSNBCs Morning Joe; I coauthored my first book,
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