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Natalie James - Delicious Lemon Recipes: A Complete Lemon Cookbook

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Natalie James Delicious Lemon Recipes: A Complete Lemon Cookbook
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Delicious Lemon Recipes: A Complete Lemon Cookbook

Natalie James

Published by Natalie James, 2015.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


First edition. August 9, 2015.

Copyright 2015 Natalie James.

ISBN: 978-1516333523

Written by Natalie James.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


I n this eBook, we will talk about a small fruit packed with innumerable health benefits and medicinal uses. It also majorly serves the culinary uses and most dishes are sort of incomplete without a dash of it.

Did you all guess what this all purpose fruit? Yes, we are talking about lemon. Lemon has a sour tangy taste. This sour taste of lemon is the main ingredient in food and drinks.

Lemon can be used in various forms. Lemon juice is used to make soft drinks, lemonade and also cocktails. Lemon mixed with water and honey is an effective method to lose weight. It serves as a perfect good morning drink. Lemon zest, the outer rind of lemon is used as a flavour for puddings, baked cuisines, rice etc.

In this eBook we introduce you to the Lemon recipes. We have entailed some of the best lemon recipes, wherein lemon will be the key ingredient of each recipe and it will soothe your taste buds amazingly. Usually, people are unknown of a varied range of recipes with lemon as the main ingredient, people have this hitch to experiment with food, but we will surely surprise you. There are sweet dishes as well as savouries included in this book. Isnt it a treat for all of you there?

Thank you for downloading this eBook and we expect the content of this eBook proves to be helpful.

Lemon and Its Benefits

T here are countless health facts and benefits of lemons that have been known for ages. Lemons are vital for boosting immunity. Lemon juice aids the digestive system and acts as a cleanser for liver, hence, it is helps in losing weight.

Lemon contains many prominent substances like vitamin C, citric acid, calcium, magnesium that help in fighting infections.

It works wonders for people suffering from fever, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney stones, burns etc.

It has a tremendous positive effect on hair, skin and teeth, also the most desired effect for each person.

There is so much more to this little package. We have listed a few benefits that I bet you didnt know about. Our main aim is to take advantage of lemons natural healing powers

Health Benefits of Lemon

Rheumatism: Lemon helps in the cure of rheumatism and arthritis since the intake of it helps in eliminating toxins from the body.

Dental Care: Lemon juice helps in getting rid of the toothache, gum bleeding and bad odour. Massaging lemon on the gums can stop bleeding of gums and helps eliminating the bad breathe. Fresh lemon juice if applied on the area of a toothache, it can help in reducing the pain.

Skin Care: Lemon juice can be applied on the skin for acne treatment. It is also considered an anti-aging remedy. It helps removing blackheads and wrinkles as well. Lemon is a cooling agent hence it reduces any kind of burning sensation on the skin. It also fades the old burn marks if applied on the scars.

Respiratory Disorders: Since lemon is a rich source of vitamin C, it helps deal with respiratory problems. It also helps a person suffering from asthma.

Fever and Throat Infection: Lemon juices cure a person suffering from fever by increasing perspiration. It is also an excellent remedy for throat infection because of its antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Indigestion and Constipation: Since lemon acts as a blood purifier, it helps in curing indigestion and constipation. Fresh lemon soda if taken after heavy lunch or dinner aids in digestion.

High Blood Pressure: Lemon contains potassium, hence it provides a calming and relaxing sensation to the body and mind, so in turn it is helpful for people suffering from high blood pressure, heart problems, nausea and depression.

In the latter part of the book we have listed various lemon recipes. We have dived it into two sections of sweet dishes and savoury dishes, you can find and experience both.

Dessert Recipes Made from Lemon

A s the famous quote goes When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

Here we not only let you enjoy lemonade, but also plenty other recipes that you will enjoy making and relish each morsel of it.



  • 2 tsp lemon rind, grated finely
  • 250g fresh ricotta (whey cheese)
  • 1 egg
  • cup caster sugar1 cup almond meal (made from ground sweet almonds)
  • cup almonds, sliced and toasted lightly
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 50g butter, unsalted and softened
  • 1 tsp baking powder

For Lemon Icing

  • 2 tbsp. lemon, juiced
  • 18g softened butter
  • 1 cup sieved icing sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 250C
  2. Using a beater, beat the mixture of butter, ricotta, lemon rind and sugar until very soft and smooth.
  3. Add eggs and continue beating until combined thoroughly
  4. Now, sieve baking powder and flour over the ricotta and lemon mixture
  5. Add almond meal to it, stir with a wooden spatula until combined
  6. Take 2 large baking tin and line it with baking paper
  7. Using moist hands, roll the mixture in balls, flatten it slightly.
  8. Now place them at a distance of 4cm on the tray prepared.
  1. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden.
  2. Cool on trays for 10 minutes.
  3. Now make the lemon icing by combining and stirring lemon juice, butter and sugar in a bowl.
  4. Dust the icing over the biscuits.
  5. Top it with sliced almonds.
  6. Keep it aside to set for 20minutes
  7. Serve the crunchy biscuits.


For the lemon curd

  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 6 tsp lemon zest, finely grated
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 1 stick butter, unsalted and softened
  • cup sugar

For the Pistachios

  • 1 cup toasted pistachios
  • 3 tbsp. water
  • tsp salt
  • cup sugar
  • For serving
  • 1 cup whipped cream
  • Vanilla ice cream (ready pack)


  1. Take a medium saucepan, add lemon juice, lemon zest, egg yolk and sugar and cook it over a medium flame.
  2. Whisk it constantly until bubbles appear in the centre.
  3. Remove from the heat, add few tablespoons butter at a time and keep whisking.
  4. Strain the contents into a bowl and place a plastic over the curds to prevent forming skin.
  5. Refrigerate for 2 hours
  6. To make pistachio, roughly chop nuts
  7. Coat a baking tray with cooking spray.
  8. In a bowl, bring sugar and water to boil over a medium flame
  9. Add nuts and salt and keep cooking until sugar crystallizes. , for about 15 minutes
  10. Pour the mixture on the baking tray and let it cool for 25 minutes.
  11. Now, scoop vanilla ice cream in to the dish, top it with whipped cream and curds and garnish with nuts.
  12. Get ready for the sinful delight.


  • 1 cup lemon, fresh and juiced
  • 4 lemon zest
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • cup butter, unsalted and melted


  1. Whisk eggs and sugar until smooth in a large microwave bowl.
  2. Add in lemon zest, butter and lemon juice to it.
  3. Cook in the microwave, after each minute keep stirring it to check whether the mixture is thick enough.
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