Praise for The Four Year Career for Women
and Kimmy Brooke
To win in this business, you have to think big and have a passion to change lives. This is who Kimmy is daily. Her book will awaken your potential and change your future.
Eric Worre, Founder of
This book will help you define success on your own terms and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams."
Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, The OolaGuys
Kimmy is a true professional and a leader to follow.
Randy Gage, New York Times bestselling author of
Risky is the New Safe and Mad Genius
Network marketing needs more tools made by and for women. I love The Four Year Career and Kimmy's story is perfect to launch this new for women version. Let Kimmy's fun personality and joyful spirit move you to take inspired action!
Dr. Josephine Gross, Editor in Chief of Networking Times
Kimmy Brooke is a shining example of the kind of heart, passion, authenticity and integrity that is essential for women to succeed in network marketing. Her story will inspire you, and her ideas will ignite your results and team growth.
Sonia Stringer, Speaker and Business Coach,
Mentor to 400,000 women in Network Marketing
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Copyright @ 2016 Bliss Business. All rights reserved.
Published by Bliss Business. For ordering information or special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact:
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ISBN: 9780997920611
This book is dedicated to the two people in my life who
move me daily.
For Hailey, the reason I said YES to my own
Four Year Career.
For Richard, who truly is the wind beneath my wings.
I met Kimmy Merrill Everett in Houston, Texas, at The Mastermind Event. In a sea of 2,000 Network Marketing leaders from hundreds of companies around the world, she stood out even amongst this elite group. She was Joy, Love, Intensity and Optimism all bundled up in Beauty.
It pays to be nice to strangers. You never know who you are going to end up marrying. I didnt know it at the time, but she would soon be featured in my book The Four Year Career, then we would date, fall in love, marry, and partner to help others build their own empires.
I wrote The Four Year Career after talking to thousands of people about building a second income in Network Marketing. It was not the products they objected to recommending, and it was certainly not a second income anyone was rejecting, but rather, the thought that its that kind of company or a pyramid scheme. Decades of deceptive recruiting, hype, and empty promises left Network Marketing with a weak and ignorant reputation. I found success by teaching people about the beauty of the model, geometric progressions, and the asset value of a truly residual income.
The Four Year Career is just a story just an example of what is possible. It actually took me seven years to build mine, three to get my head around it, and four to get it done. Most people never get their heads around it. But Kimmy did. Without even having my book to inspire her, she built a team of 20,000 distributors in 12 countries in her first four years. And more importantly, she took people with her people who built their own second incomes and discovered that freedom may not be free but it is worth it.
As much as I would love to be able to think and write from a womans perspective, I cannot. The Four Year Career is kind of a left-brain approach to understanding Network Marketing, an engineers approach. I need to understand things before I believe in them. Some people are like me, and some people are like Kimmy. She prefers stories and inspiration, fun and humor to facts and mathematical formulas. And given that 80 percent of the people building empires in Network Marketing are women, she knew her version of the book would be of value. I agree.
We expect between the two of usMrs. Ying and Mr. Yangyou will have a much better shot of getting your head, and now your heart, around you being able to do this.
Richard Bliss Brooke
Founder of Bliss Business, and author of
The Four Year Career and Mach2 With Your Hair on Fire
I wrote this book to support any woman who is adventurous enough to open it up and begin her journey to a richer, more fulfilling, and purpose-driven life. That is what a Four Year Career can offer you.
You may already be on your journey, and perhaps this read will enhance and accelerate your path. If youre anything like I was, you have no idea what THAT kind of life would look or feel like. Sound familiar? Then this book is definitely for you.
As you read my book, you may think of some friends who could benefit from the book as well. If so, please pass it on. Sharing is caring.
But first, let me rewind.
I met Richard Brooke at a conference in Houston, Texas, years ago. Out of all the people speaking, the things he shared made the most sense to me. It was from that meeting I learned about his book The Four Year Career. His book is a great resource to help educate people about the model of Network Marketing and how it all works.
Ironically, I ended up marrying him, and we began a wonderful partnership in love, marriage, and business. As a team, we brainstorm, collaborate, and continuously think of ways to help more people understand what we do. It is from that place of inspiration that The Four Year Career for Women was born. I had an idea to share Richards work in a more visual, feminine, hands-on experience. As a woman who created her own Four Year Career, who better to write the book than me?
The book is meant to be a quick, fun read that allows you to explore your life in a self-narrative, journaling type of way. You will have the opportunity to explore ideas, answer questions, and better understand the concept of this model we call Network Marketing. It will lead you to answer one simple question: Is this for me?
One last thing. While I call it a Four Year Career, results vary. Some build it in two years, others in 10, and others dont build anything at all. As you read, you will see the choice is yours. I look forward to your experience.
Go ahead pick up your pen, participate to your fullest, and enjoy the journey.
My Story
Once a Hawaii girl, always a Hawaii girl. Try as I might, I always ended up back on the island.
At age 40, I found myself living in paradise, newly divorced, financially strapped, and considering moving in with my mom. Working 60 plus hours a week did not allow for much more than getting my daughter, Hailey, to school on time, getting myself to the office, work, work, work, home to bed, and up the next day to do it all over again. I was grouchy, stressed out, and not much fun to be around. While I had a great job, it did not cover the Hawaii high cost of living.
Defining moments are meant to be just that. A moment in time where a realization hits you so hard you wonder how you never saw it before.