Reviews of Under Cover of Darkness
Anyone who has cancer or who has relatives or friends with cancer must read this book. It is insightful, compassionate and funny - and packed with useful information and practical ways to handle everything that comes up from the side effects of treatment to the staff in hospital. I cant recommend it highly enough.
JUDY HALL, Crystal Bible 1, 2 & 3
Margaret Cahill offers the reader the opportunity to walk with her hand-in-hand on her journey returning to health and well-being, where she offers the simple yet profound advice to become your own expert. From blog to book, here is proof that we are all editors of our own stories.
ANITA MOORJANI, New York Times bestselling author, Dying to be Me
This is a book of Hope, Strength of Will and Spirit. A book that defied fear and refused to accept defeat. When faced with months of chemotherapy the author turned for support to her family and to the friends who knew her well. Through the medium of a regular blog she shared her good and bad days, the highs and lows, the dark and light moments as she slowly turned the tide against the internal foe. Every woman should read this saga of courage, humour, and love of life. If it has happened to you, let it give you hope; if you have never had to face this enemy, give thanks and bless those women of courage who, like Margaret, fought and won and those who are still fighting.
Cancer happens in the dark. Beneath our awareness, deep within, it builds its citadel, and we only discern its presence as it reaches its zenith. Margaret perfectly articulates what it means to make a struggle in the dark against this unseen, but keenly felt enemy. With wise insights and heart-wrenching humour she leads us along a struggle where life was always her first choice.
SWAMI AMBIKANANDA, Founder, Traditional Yoga Association
As a cancer sufferer myself for more than a quarter of a century (two terminal diagnoses and counting) I recognise the real thing when I read it. Margaret Cahill has the courage to tell it how it is (and how it may be if one confronts the illness proactively, and without damaging preconceptions). Her book will horrify some and comfort others. It will guide those with the wit to listen, and reassure those embarking on their own dark night of the soul that they are not alone. Through all the many vicisstudes of her treatment Margarets true nature shines through. The cancer did not change her - it simply reinforced her already existing essential self. May her experiences, and the grace, elegance and humour with which she confronted them, serve as lessons to us all.
MARIO READING, bestselling author of the Antichrist Trilogy, and acknowledged expert on the prophecies of Nostradamus.
The feedback and suggestions from the many blog contributors on nutrition and alternative therapies make this book an invaluable source of information for cancer patients and their caretakers. Since the author is a Mind-Body-Spirit publisher, her authors and blog followers (many of whom are experts in their fields) offered myriads of suggestions ranging from diet and crystal therapies to positive thinking and visualisation techniques. Not only is this book an inspiring survival manual for cancer patients, but its humor and objectivity make it a choice read for anyone who enjoys real-life drama and pathos. Highly recommended.
BOB MAKRANSKY, author of What is Magic?, Magical Living, Thought Forms and The Great Wheel
Not many people journey to hell and live to tell the story. Those who do rarely give us insights on how to avoid hell or deal with it. This is the strength of this book. A must-read for anyone dealing with cancer or anyone who has loved ones dealing with it. It will save lives.
JOE POLANSKY, Diamond Fire Magazine
The joy that runs through this book may well give hope and indicate, possibly, a path that others may take, if facing similar challenges. Margaret shows how meaningful illness can be, and the psychic depths that could never otherwise be explored with such intensity. Her story shows illness to be a gift, though it takes some courage to think of it that way.
WANDA SELLAR, author of Directory of Essential Oils, Introduction to Medical Astrology
An amusing and poignant book that will touch your heart whilst also making you laugh out loud. Margaret writes from the soul, allowing you to fully experience a journey that most would keep to themselves. She approaches it with dignity, strength and humour. Brilliant!
JENI POWELL, Director, Crystal Healing Academy
First published by O-Books, 2015
O-Books is an imprint of John Hunt Publishing Ltd., Laurel House, Station Approach,
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Text copyright: Margaret Cahill 2014
ISBN: 978 1 78279 930 6
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014959594
All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publishers.
The rights of Margaret Cahill as author have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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I have been dreading writing this. How can I possibly thank everyone who has helped and supported me through this cancer journey without missing someone out? However, I do want to try as there are some public acknowledgements in no particular order that I think are very necessary:
Swami Ambikananda: Thank you for your constant and sometimes harsh love, which has always been there for me. You have the magical knack of always being at the end of the phone when I really need you. Thank you for always speaking the truth to me, however much I might not want to hear it.
Manisha: For solid and profound dietary advice back when all this started, and ever since. You are the reason for mystified doctors and why my mouth never, ever got sore from the chemo.
Cathy: The heroes (and heroines!) who work behind the scenes often dont get the recognition they deserve when in fact they are the people who keep it all together when a crisis hits. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for dealing with all the words when you really wanted to be safely back in figures-land, and for single-handedly keeping The Wessex Astrologer going in my absence. Thank you also for my lovely pink wineglass. Richard, you probably dont think you played any part in this at all, but actually you did, and it was massive. Trust me.
Lyn and John: Thank you for being the quiet strength that kept Stephen and me going through the darkest times. For driving us to the hospital at a moments notice, for getting Stephen back on the road, for lovely sunny coffee mornings in your garden, and for providing much needed hilarity along the way. You are both precious beyond belief.
Judy Hall: For providing endless love, crystals and healing, and for never failing to accompany me on journeys into the darkest recesses of my mind. Thank you for taking us around Egypt in photo form and for presenting us to the ever-powerful Egyptian gods and goddesses in order to facilitate my healing; for encouraging me to undertake the Weighing of the Heart ritual despite my fear, then rejoicing with me at its lovely outcome; for being constantly strong, and resolutely convinced I would survive this.